Saturday, August 10, 2013

Queen of the Nile

Source: Starla

Jay Black (above) impressed her classmates at Denver’s Lincoln High School back in 1987 when she showed them how to walk like an Egyptian. Jay’s photo is just one of over 100 new femulations handpicked by Starla from online high school yearbooks.

As usual, I uploaded the new photos to the Yearbooks collection on flickr and you may view the photos in two ways:

Method 1: Open one of the Yearbooks sets (A through Z) and you will find the newest uploads at the end/bottom of the set. (The oldest uploads appear at the beginning/top of the set.)

Method 2: Open this photostream and you will find the newest uploads at the top of page 1. The uploads get older as the page numbers get higher with the oldest uploads on the last page.

By the way, the contents of the Yearbook A through Z sets are organized according to school name, for example, the photos from Sacred Heart High School would be in the Yearbooks S set.



Source: Marlena

Actors Aaron Holland, Laura Korn, Peter Mavrik and Ed Jones (femulating Lana Turner) in 2013 stage production L'mitations of Life.



Source: DailyLook

Wearing DailyLook.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Feel like a man. Wear a bra!

Source: YouTube

Folks are raving about this advertisement featuring a male model named Itisak Wuttanawat modeling a Wacoal Mood Boost-Up bra. Wuttanawat femulates through the first third of the ad, then in the remainder of the ad, he defemulates to reveal that - surprise  - he is really a guy.

What's the point?

Andrej Pejic femulated to model a new Hema push-up bras for print advertisements back in 2011. The point of those ads seemed to be that if the bras worked so well for a guy, just think how well they would work for a gal.

That may be the point of the Wacoal ads, too. But considering what I wrote on Tuesday in my Follow the Money post, wouldn't it make the accountants at Wacoal happy if in addition to gals, guys bought their bras to wear, too?

By the way, the new Hema bras sold out in all sizes four days after the Pejic ad campaign began!




A faction of fellows femulating 100 years ago.





Source: ideeli

Wearing Gabby Skye (Stana loves this dress!).

Thursday, August 8, 2013

It’s the law

Source: “That’s the way it is and you will just have to get used to it,” she explained.

“But I prefer to wear girl’s clothes,” I pleaded.

“I know, sweetheart, but now it’s against the law for boys to dress like girls.”

“But I don’t know how to wear boy’s clothes,” I responded.

“Well, I’ll help you,” she said.

Most boys were already wearing boys’ clothes, but I was a stubborn little boy and would turn on the tears whenever she suggested I begin dressing like a boy. Until now, my tears had been successful, but they would not help me anymore because today the anti-female impersonation law went into effect, which ruled that boys had to dress like boys, not girls.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it,” she insisted.

Boys I knew who were already dressing like boys did get used to it after awhile, and many of them even liked it.

“Now take off your clothes and I will help you get dressed,” she said.

“And that's an order,” she added.

I quickly removed all my clothes and put them in a pile in the middle of the bedroom.

Next she handed me the first item of boy’s clothing to put on.

“Tell me if you need any help,” she proffered.

One-by-one, she handed me another item of boy’s clothing to put on and surprisingly, I needed very little help.

She insisted on showing me how to put on the pantyhose because, “You don’t want to run your very first pair.”

Other than that, I only asked for her assistance twice: to help me close the hooks on my bra and to zip up the back of my dress.




Contestants femulating in a recent Miss Relay for Life womanless beauty pageant.



Source: Brahmin

Wearing Brahmin (purse).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Like Father; Like Daughter

Call me "Jamie."

That is not my real name; it’s the name I go by when I dress up like a boy.

I dress like a boy because I am a crossdresser. I prefer male clothing to female clothing. In addition to the wearing male clothing, I try to act like a boy, too. I want to be masculine, not feminine.

I want to be able to go out in society and pass as a male, but my female characteristics are difficult to disguise, so passing is a tough goal to achieve. However, I will keep on trying to improve my presentation because I know it can be done.

Lots of crossdressers have Internet websites where they display photos of themselves crossdressed and many of the photos are very convincing. These females look just like boys, so I know passing is possible. I may not be able to fool all of the people all of the time, but it would be nice if I could fool some of the people some of the time.

Also, there are websites that provide information on how to pass as a male. These websites describe how to walk, talk, and act like a boy; how to style your hair to look like a boy; what undergarments to wear to achieve a male form; etc., etc. There are also online stores that cater to crossdressers where you can buy everything you need to "express your masculine side."

My crossdressing started around the age of puberty. I don't know where the idea came from; it just popped in my head while I was in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower and there was one of Dad's suits hanging on the shower curtain rod. I don't know why it was there; I assume it had been washed and was hanging there to dry.

Whatever the reason that suit called my name and I could not resist trying it on. Dad’s suit fit me like a glove. I felt so masculine wearing it and I could not take my eyes off myself preening in the full-length mirror mounted on the bathroom door.

Suddenly, I felt very guilty and was worried that I might be caught, so I slipped out of the suit as quickly as possible, hung it back on its hangar, and proceeded to take a cold shower.

After that, I often dressed in my Dad's and brother's clothes whenever I was home alone.

I prefer my brother's clothes because he is only two years older than I, so he dresses like a boy my age dresses, whereas my Dad's clothes are more adult, i.e., clothing that an adult male wears.

But Dad's wardrobe includes items that my brother's wardrobe does not, so when I crossdress, I borrow items from both my Dad and my brother. For example, my brother has no suits, whereas Dad has six suits and I guess after that first crossdressing experience in the bathroom, I have a thing for suits.

My favorite suit is one Dad wears when he and Mom go out to a fancy restaurant or to a dinner party. I like it because it has a more youthful look than his other suits, which are more conservative, i.e., the kinds of suits you wear to the office or to church.

Dad claims that that suit is a "shun nell knock-off," whatever that means? The fabric of the suit is a rosy pink boucle with blue undertones. It has a cropped jacket with four buttons and four pockets and a pencil skirt that’s 20 inches long.

Dad also has a matching pair of pink pumps with a 4-inch stiletto heel. Dad looks so masculine in that outfit! And, wow, my Dad has great legs; he sure shows them off in that suit with its skirt about four inches above his knees, wearing off-white pantyhose perched on those 4-inch pumps.

Dad is a beautiful male. He is a platinum blonde and always looks great no matter what hairdo he wears. His makeup skills are excellent, too, with huge eyes and full pouty lips.

I emulate Dad when I crossdress. Sometimes when I apply my makeup just so, I even look a little bit like him.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Follow the Money

Source: The New Male Fashions for the Alternative Man On almost a weekly basis, Juan reveals yet another male womenswear model at his The New Male Fashions for the Alternative Man blog.

Reader Bill recently asked my opinion about this trend and I was happy to give him two cents' worth.

The oft repeated reason for using males to model female fashions is that the fashion houses want models who are tall, thin, and do not have much of a girlish figure, i.e., models who resemble boys. So why bother searching for girl models who resemble boys when you can hire pretty boy models to do the job at lower wages.

I suspect that there is more to it than that.

In addition to males modeling womenswear, the fashion houses have been showing menswear that borrows heavily from milady's closet.

This two-pronged attack on menswear is an attempt by the fashion houses to acclimate the general public to the notion that it is acceptable for boys to dress like girls. (Yay! Good for us!)

The peacock-phobic argue that there have always been designers who tried to feminize men's clothing. That they are an aberration and the feminized clothing never catches on.

I argue that it is no longer an aberration. It is no longer just one or two designers --- Juan's blog documents countless designers showing feminized styles for males.

And it is catching on. Celebrity and civilian males are wearing feminized menswear and in some cases, womenswear. (My visits to New York and Boston and college campuses in Connecticut confirm this; there are boys who are dressing feminine in public.)

Meanwhile, women are dressing less feminine. I cannot recall the last time my wife wore a skirt or a dress, much less buy one. My daughter is not far behind my wife in that regard. Same goes for the women I work with; they very seldom wear skirted garments. When I do outreach, the female college students often comment when they see me all dolled up that they don't own a single dress or a single pair of heels!

Since the sales of feminine items to females is weakening, the sellers are more than happy to sell feminine items to males to take up the slack in sales to women. So it is in their economic interest to encourage boys to dress like girls.

A dollar is a dollar is a dollar, whether it comes from a male wallet or purse.



Source: The New Male Fashions for the Alternative Man

Male model Vd Dolgolevets modeling menswear and/or womenswear.



Source: Tibi

Wearing Tibi.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Thank You

Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers concerning my daughter’s car accident injuries. The hospital plans to release her Tuesday morning, so she is making progress in her recovery.

Friday, August 2, 2013

One Thousand and More


Today the blog passed another milestone when Fernanda del Mar became its 1,000th Member nee Follower.

Like I said, "Wow!"

By the way, I femulated Laura Petrie and did some housecleaning. Among other things, I added a Stage set to the Femulator Archive, which features femulators appearing on stage.

The Blog

Source: Stana The last of the Ask Me Anything questions concern the blog.

Linda asked, "From your blog, it's clear that your wife knows about Stana, but does she know that you have such a well read and respected blog? If so, how does she feel about that?"

My wife is not on the Internet, so when I tell her I am a world famous skirt, she thinks I am joking.

Lisa wondered, "Where do you find the girls pictures you use for the 'Femulator' section? Do the girls send you pictures and then give their permission for it to be used? And the ones of the actors used?"

Google is my best friend for finding images of femulators. Girls do send me photos to use with their blessing, but the majority of the femulator photos I use were found in various nooks and crannies around the Internet.

If I happen upon an image of an actor femulating for a role, I will beat Google to death trying to find other images of that femulation in order to find the best of the bunch.

And if someone complains about a photo I use, I will delete it without a fuss. In all my years of blogging, that happened only once. And in that case, it was a complaint from a cisgender woman, who I mistook as a femulator. Oops!

Finally, Rhonda asked, "What do you enjoy the least about doing your blog? The most?"

Dealing with writer's block is what I hate the most about blogging. Once I find a topic to write about, the actual writing is what I like the most.



Source: Stana

Pretty April, spring 2013.



Source: ShopBop

Wearing Crosby Derek Lam.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Uncle Sam Wants You... To Wear A Dress

Years ago, when I began collecting images of femulators, I was surprised to discover that there was lots of femulating in the military, both in the military of the USA and other nations.

The military femulations fell into three categories:

- Prisoners of war femulating to entertain their fellow prisoners

- Sailors femulating during crossing-the-Equator ceremonies

- Personnel attached to military theatrical productions who femulated to entertain the troops

Which reminds me of an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show in which Rob Petrie (Van Dyke's character) recalls being attached to Special Services in the Army. During that stint, he was the Special Services boxing champion. To attain that status, one of the soldiers he boxed against was a female impersonator.

But none of those categories explains the snapshots I have of one of my relatives in an Army camp in the Hawaiian Island during World War II wearing a grass skirt and a bra top.

During a recent Internet interrogation, I found an enlightening article, "Cross-Dressing in Military Theater" by Stephan Likosky, which provides a history of military femulating. The article is the last one on this page - scroll down past three-quarters of the page to find it.

By the way, according to the article, "Today, drag performances are no longer permitted by the United State Armed Services."


 German prisoners of war performing in an American prisoner camp during World War II.

American and British sailors femulating during crossing-the-Equator parties.

A British military troupe who performed en femme during World War II.



Source: DailyLook

Wearing DailyLook.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What I Did on My Summer Girlcation – Part 2

By Paula Gaikowski

Ok-so-typically-after-a-day-out-as-Paula Typically, after a day out as Paula, I’m good for a while. Work got real busy on Tuesday and Wednesday and then all of a sudden the place is empty --- the boss and all the others are out on vacation. So when I woke up to a cool day with a weather forecast predicted to not go above 65 degrees, I debated briefly, but knew that I couldn’t let an opportunity like that slip by.

What to wear and where to go?

I tried on everything in my closet and settled on my favorite Jones New York suit. I love this suit and have worn it all over the country. Although, I do like to try new outfits and looks, I feel so pretty and womanly in this suit and that was just what I needed that day.

As I made my way down the driveway, I decided to visit my favorite thrift shop about 30 miles from home. I debated about whether to make my daily stop for coffee at the Dunkin’ Donuts drive through. The ladies there know me well.

I was leaning toward not doing it when I received a phone call from work and pulled into an Extra Mart parking lot. After finishing the call, that morning cup of coffee called and I was curious to see what reaction I would get.

The Dunkin’ Donuts is about 15 miles from home and I felt confident no one there knew me because I would be outing myself to the crew there. What was my motivation I don’t know, but before I knew it, I was embedded in the drive through line with only one way out. I ordered in my best female voice, and when I drove up, there was Stacy handing me my coffee as she has done every day for the last three years. She handed me the coffee instinctively, no sense of recognition or things being amiss. It may have been my body language or combination of cues, the car, the “coffee-just milk,” but when I turned back and handed her a dollar tip, it clicked

“Oh….Wow!” her mouth a gasp

I wanted to keep the banter light and fun, so I volunteered, “How do you like my new look?”

She leaned forward perplexed and spoke softly, “You look awesome. Who did your makeup? It’s beautiful.”

Perhaps I should have come right out told her I was transgender, but I concluded this was not the time or place, so I decided to tie it up with a little tale.

“It’s our annual sales meeting, our group has to put on a sketch and I volunteered to play this part.”

Putting a hand on her chest she said, “I never would have known.”

With the sound of anxious customers behind me, I blurted out, “Thanks, I better go” and off I went.

When I went back on Monday, she exclaimed, “You looked stunning. I couldn’t believe it!”

It was gratifying to hear her kind words. It made me realize that since I’ve started going out en femme, I have always received a positive response from the people I meet. Fear of other people’s reactions kept me wallowing in fear and self-loathing for years, but now I find just the opposite where ever I go.

My next stop was my favorite thrift store. I stop here once a week and have found beautiful designer suits and skirts for a fraction of their original cost. It was pleasing to walk the two blocks from the municipal lot over to Main Street passing other businesswomen and men and fitting in as one of them. With my heels taping on the sidewalk my heart soared a bit when I remembered how I would daydream about being able to do this and never believed that I ever really could, yet here I was!

My friend Elaine wasn’t at the store; it was her day off and I didn’t find anything good. It’s the summer time and donations are off. However, I did find a beautiful gold bracelet for $2. I savored the cool air as I walked back to my car --- a welcome respite from 105 degrees the week before.

Next onto another thrift store, Savers in Framingham where all the clothes are arranged by size making it a quick stop. You never know what you may find, but this time, I struck out.

My next stop is a must on any transgender girls list: Nordstrom Rack and their shoe department. “Girlfriend” (and I say that in my brassiest voice), I have never seem such a wide selection of large size shoes and if you like high heels, then even more so. They have a huge selection of 11s, almost as many 12s, and a whole rack of 13s and 14s. Yes, I said 14s! There were plenty of shoes that I liked, but none I could really justify buying. I did have fun trying on all types of pretty and sexy shoes, though.

Next it was off to the Natick Mall and another visit to M·A·C. Going into a M·A·C store can be damaging to the purse. I love to go in, meet the girls, chat and try new makeup, but I wind up often buying too much makeup for a part time girl to use. So I decided to ask for help with lip liner as it is one of the cheaper items they carry.

It was early, the shop had just opened, so I walked into an empty store and was greeted warmly and pleasantly by young woman named Erin. As with most M·A·C sales associates, she was cute and her makeup was flawless. She had one of those vivacious personalities that made you feel welcomed and at ease. I told her that I wanted to match my lipstick with a liner and then said that I was a bit nervous because this was my first time out in few months.

“Oh,” she said, “You look so at ease and confident. I can’t believe that.” She swore that she had met me at the Burlington Mall M·A·C store where she previously worked. Well, I must have a transgender twin because I don’t remember meeting her.

She sat me down and worked on my Cupid’s bow with the liner. She did a fantastic job in extending my upper lip, an essential feminine facial feature. You can see the great job she did with my makeup in the accompanying photo.

I wandered around the mall checking on dresses in Nordstrom, ladies suits in Lord & Taylor and then I made my way out to my car and headed over to the Glamour Boutique in Auburn. Located in a strip mall off Route 20, the Glamour Boutique is run by John Warrener and has been an oasis to the transgender community for years.

I have been going there for over ten years and it was a key part of my journey. The siren in me wanted to try one of their Sexy Club Dresses . That was a big mistake! I was embarrassed by my photo and will not show it here.

The lesson learned is dress age-appropriate, girls. My club dress days are behind me. It was fun to visit John en femme as I always go there in drab. I tried on a bunch of wigs and bought a pair of opaque tights.

It was three o’clock and time to head back to the ranch. This was my second day that week en femme and was sad to have to go home. The more time I spend as a woman, the more time I want to spend as a woman!



Source: unknown

American prisoners of war femulate in a German prison camp during World War II.



Source: ShopBop

Wearing Lisa Perry.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What I Did on My Summer Girlcation - Part 1

By Paula Gaikowski

Paula_2013-07-30 Working from home gives me the opportunity to dress as a woman once a week. However, it makes me feel like a bird in a cage and now I know why they named that famous drag movie The Birdcage. Writing reports and doing household chores in heels and a dress does fill that need for feminine expression to a certain degree. However, nothing chases away the gender dysphoria blues quicker than a day out en femme.

I had been looking for that opportunity for months. My corporate travel schedule had slowed down to almost nothing and there always seemed to be someone home or close by. When both my wife and daughter took off for vacation, I saw an opportunity and unpacked my clothes. That day in Boston was humid and in the 90s. So I decided to wear my light pantsuit that I bought in Houston last year. This was my first time out in my new wig so I was a bit nervous.

I decided that my first stop would be Illusion Wigs to meet with Dotty and get a lesson styling my new tresses. Dotty is transgender-friendly and not only welcomes, but enjoys working with our community. I buy my wigs at the Paula Young factory store in West Bridgewater, but come to Dotty to get personal lessons on how to style my wig. Best thing I ever did concerning my hair.

The summer time is slow for Dotty and her eyes lit up when I came into the salon. She sat me down and styled my wig and trimmed my bangs. Dotty specializes in getting wigs to not look like wigs. She has a lifetime of experience and she loves her art and knows her stuff. I stayed about an hour chatting about hair, fashion, beauty and life as a woman.

On a pink cloud, I turned onto the interstate and found myself trapped in a traffic jam. An accident ahead had closed the road; as I approached the next exit there were blue lights and state troopers everywhere. I was in the left lane, when they started detouring cars off the highway. A trooper walked up the shoulder toward my car. I rolled down my window not really concerned and the trooper shouts, “Go to right Ma’am, exit right Ma’am.” What a beautiful sound “Ma’am!”

I changed direction and was off the long way to the Burlington Mall. I made two stops: the first one was the NARS makeup counter to match an eyeshadow. The sales associate was polite and helpful, although I could see this look in her eye trying to confirm her suspicions. Some days this amuses me and other days it melts away all my self-assurance and makes me feel like a man in a dress. Today it just lifted my spirits. “Yes, honey, I am a transgender woman --- don’t I look fabulous!”

Off to the MAC store, I walked in and was greeted with warm smiles --- I felt at home. The cutest sales associate named Amber came to help. I told her that I was in the process of switching from NARS to MAC and needed to match the eyeshadow that I had on. She brought me over to the eyeshadows and we began going through the different colors.

We decided on two and Amber recommended a third to add more depth. I sat down in a chair and she did my eyes. Taking off all my old makeup, she applied a base, then three colors and liner. What an artist --- they looked so pretty and so professional!

While she worked, I introduced myself as a transgender woman. When a makeup artist gets this close, there is no doubt that I am transgender. So I like to get out there in the open.

I shared with her my problems covering my beard and male features. She gave excellent advice and complemented me. I asked Amber if they had a many transgender clients. Without thinking she responded quickly “Oh, yeah all the time!” So if you’re a newbie and have apprehension about going into a MAC store, rest assure, we are welcomed warmly whether en femme or in drab.

It was out to the car and into the traffic to commute home, my heels killing me, my bra and Spanx tight and sweltering. Nevertheless, there was smile on my face and I knew deep down that I wouldn’t dare complain if given the chance to be women every day.



Source: unknown

Polish prisoners of war femulate while putting on a show in a World War II prison camp.



Source: DailyLook

Wearing DailyLook.

Monday, July 29, 2013


Please excuse my absence. I am still on vacation, but promise to be back in the saddle shoes real soon now.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

She's Got Legs

Stephanie found this image on flickr and sent me the link as an example of an interesting ad parody. Turns out that I actually created the parody years ago (I'm guessing about 2005). Stephanie suggested that I post it again, so here it is!