Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Boys Being Girls Again

Hi Stana,

Just posted - Ernest Ward Middle School has held another excellent pageant, with once again some incredibly good femulations.

Note that the last couple pages of that gallery are shots of the "real" girls hosting the pageant. Although, really, the other "girls" really hold their own in comparison!

There's something both fascinating and, frankly, mildly disturbing about a womanless pageant of such high quality at this age level. I mean, the dresses are  up-to-date, the make-up impeccable, good-quality wigs, and the boys have clearly been well-coached in deportment, posing, etc. Someone takes this annual project very seriously, and this is one of those exceptional pageants that goes well beyond the level of a silly lark or farce.

I'm guessing that whoever coordinates and organizes the event is probably heavily into "normal" teen female pageants, perhaps a professional pageant coordinator or coach. They certainly know what they are doing, as you don't get these sorts of results from leaving the contestants on their own, where they would typically be subject to the preparatory ministrations of amateur friends and family.

And it stimulates suspicion that there may be more behind the motivations involved than mere fun and games. The stereotypical "older woman/women feminizing young boys" scenario is a common staple of TG fiction, especially in the "sissy" sub-genre. Most of these stories fall into the category of unrealistic "too good to be true" set-ups. And yet, such situations DO occur in real-life, albeit much more rarely than the fantasy readers and writers would like to believe.

Is it possible, when confronted with a middle school age "pageant" of such exceptional quality, that we are dealing with a person or persons running the show who is/are actually "into" femulating young teen boys? I'm not saying that this is necessarily the case or, if it is, that it rises to the level of something immoral or questionable. But it is something to wonder about, which is why even though we enjoy seeing the results, we may well be left with mixed feelings and some level of discomfort.

Maybe I'm over-thinking the whole thing. But I'm just saying.....



I too often wonder about the perfection of such femulations.

It could just be some very competitive people behind the scenes or wearing the evening gowns. Or it could be something else.

I would love your comments on this topic.

Happy Birthday, Lady Chablis

Fernanda, a Femulate reader during her first time out en femme, Mexico City, 1970.


Wearing Theory.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Another Happy Birthday

Linda asked about my shout-out to Del Crandall.

I explained that my catcher's mitt was a Del Crandall model. It was a birthday gift from my parents, whereas my fielder's mitt was a Harvey Kuenn model that I obtained by saving S&H Green Stamps.

All my shout-outs are related to something or someone that was influential to me during my 62 years on the planet Earth. Some of the influences were minor, some major, some trans-related, some not.

For example, Mary Wilson was someone I wanted to femulate as were Lee Radziwill, Anne Jeffreys, and Tippi Hedren.

I always found Sandie Shaw's (There's) Always Something There to Remind Me haunting and I almost used it for one of my lipsynching performances.

As an amateur astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, was an important figure, not to mention that I toured his home when I visited Toruń.

Eddie Izzard is one of my heroes because he is completely out about being "a straight transvestite or a male lesbian."

Groundhog Day is one of my favorite films, as is The French Connection, thus my shout-out to Popeye Doyle as portrayed by Gene Hackman, who also happened to femulate in the film The Birdcage.

The list goes on and on. I think you get the idea, but I will be happy to explain any obscure shout-out that you don't get.



The Birthday Girl, 20 years ago.



Wearing Alexander Wang.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I’m just sayin'

paula-sayin It's back-to-back Paula Gaikowski and today, my good friend has something to get off her chest.

Coming from the New York area, “I’m just sayin'” is a colloquial way of telling someone that this is my personal opinion on a subject. So with that in mind I’d like to tackle a topic that has been stewing on my mind for some time.

During my lunch break, I like to Google “transgender” under the News section. I typically get a great selection of articles pertaining to transgender people around the country. Quite often in the comments section after an article about a transgender person, I’d see the argument that “God doesn’t make mistakes when it comes to sex” A person can’t change their sex, because sex is defined by their DNA.”
I’d like to discuss the idea that a person’s sex is defined by their DNA and that there is no variation found in nature.

First, DNA does not determine sex, but chromosomes do. Recently a judge in Oklahoma refused the name change of a transgender woman on the grounds that according to “his” research, you are born one sex and the DNA cannot be altered. He’s correct that DNA can’t be changed, but he failed to mention or comprehend that there are many variations of sex chromosomes, specifically inter-sex people.

The list of intersex conditions is so extensive it is too long to list here. One example would be Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). A fetus with 46 XY chromosomes typically develops into a male, but with AIS, the receptors on the Y chromosome fail to absorb testosterone during development. Often the child is born without a cervix or ovaries, but with testes and shortened vagina. Most AIS babies live happy fulfilled lives as women. While some identify as male. There are dozens of different conditions like this involving many different types of variations. So as far as I’m concerned, this blows the whole “God made you either binary male or female" argument out of the water!

I understand that transgender and intersex are two different conditions and I do not want to offend anyone. My point is to demonstrate that in nature there are variations of physical sex other then binary male or female. With that established, I’d like to make the point that the same is true for gender identity. A transgender person will tell you they have felt that way since birth, that is they are wired deep down as the gender opposite their physical sex. Medical science is in the process of identifying possible differences in brain structure and genetics that would explain the reasons why people are transgender.

There are physical and genetic variations of sex that occur naturally. There are also variations of gender identity that occur naturally. Because we have not conclusively traced transgenderism to a gene or a certain part of the brain doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. There is no evidence that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity. In the past, religious leaders have incorrectly labeled people with misunderstood conditions such as, bipolar disorder, Tourette syndrome, Asperger Syndrome, and clinical depression as having flaws in character. Today we know better. Research has led us to understand why these differences occur.

I don’t want this to be turned into a religious argument, but I wanted to illustrate that sex and gender are not absolute. The statement "God made only male and female without any variations" is false. There are intersex people and transgender people and they have always been part of humanity. They are part of the human experience. Instead of condemnation, it’s time to open our minds, to begin learning, to begin understanding, then accepting and finally celebrating. “But, hey, I’m just sayin.”

The day named after Thor


Gwen, Femulate reader.



Wearing Herve Leger.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Winter Girlcation


Paula Gaikowski visits Femulate again with her story about a day out en femme in February.

What’s one to do with a week by themselves? With my family away on vacation enjoying warmer climes and with me at home taking care of the dogs and cats, that wardrobe of new skirt suits began calling me. It wouldn’t be hard to guess that a girlcation day would be on the horizon.

My friend Suzanne was kind enough to schedule a lunch with dear friends Connie and Katie at the Tavern on the Square in Burlington, MA. I have to tell you, sisters, I was dying to get out in girl mode. It had been over a month since Paula had seen the light of day.

My first stop that morning out was back to Paula Young Wigs in West Bridgewater Ma. The last time I was there in November, their computer system was down and I couldn’t buy anything. The factory store is a transgender girl’s best kept secret. They have a transgender-friendly staff with a huge inventory of wigs on display at discounted prices. The sales associates assist transgender women on a regular basis and are responsive to our needs.

I made friends with two women my age who were buying wigs for the first time. I gave them tips on care and a lesson on brushing and styling their wigs. I was flattered by their suggestion that I should work at Paula Young! The three of us tried on dozens of wigs and had a great time sharing what I can only describe as a great female bonding moment. I settled on two beautiful wigs for under $100. The one I’m wearing in the above picture is called the Breeze and was on sale for $49.99.

After wig-shopping, it was into the car and off to Tavern on the Square. But first, a quick stop at Nordstrom for an emergency replacement of my tattered pantyhose. The hosiery department at Nordstrom is extensive, modern, and glamorous. The store is known for great customer service and that extends to the transgender community.

If you are a considering your first time out and you’re in doubt as to where to go, then I recommend Nordstrom. They have an official policy regarding equal treatment of transgender people. They were one of the first companies to do so. I and many other girls have always received exemplary service there (me too - Stana).

The sales associate helped me find a beautiful pair of DKNY pantyhose. She was very understanding and helpful when I told her I had an important meeting and had to change a pair of ruined hose. She smiled understandingly and showed me to a dressing room where I was able to put on my new luxurious pantyhose. It can be expensive being a girl, but it sure is worth it. I felt like a princess all dolled-up and now ready for lunch with the ladies.

Tavern on the Square was just a short ride around the mall perimeter road. I was there five minutes early at 12:55 and was a bit nervous going into a mainstream restaurant at lunch hour during a busy school vacation week. I was put at ease as soon as I entered and was greeted by Suzanne and Katie. We chatted briefly and was then asked by the hostess, “May I show you ladies to your table.”

We were treated wonderfully, Connie arrived shortly and we spent close to two hours talking about everything from First Event, fashion, and a myriad of our out and about adventures.

This was the first time I have gone out with a larger group of transgender women. I was a bit apprehensive as to how we might be received. But just like all of my other fears about going out in public, they were totally unfounded. We were treated as ladies and our waitress and her trainee gave us excellent service. Nobody in the restaurant gave us a second look. We made sure to over tip, and received a big smile and thank you from the waitress.

The rest of the girls decided on an outing to Florence Fashions in Wakefield. I was much too tired and headed back in the direction of home, stopping at my favorite thrift store along the way to surprise Elaine, the sales associate who sees me every Monday on drab. She is very complementary and enjoys seeing me wear the outfits I buy on Mondays.

I made one last stop at the Hanes Bali outlet to get three great pairs of Hanes Silk Reflection pantyhose for the price of one DKNY. When I finally made it home, my feet ached from wearing heels and hose, my bra strap was starting to dig, and I was exhausted physically. Even being drained and weary, I was reluctant to go back to drab mode, but I did, first taking off my shoes.

I massaged my feet and then wiggled my polished toes mischievously. I thought to myself “what it would be like to do this every day?” Many girls say it would get old fast, that they would miss their male sides. Was I just enamored by the clothes and fashion? Was I really cut out for a life like this? I looked over into the mirror and saw my MAC Crème de la Femme lips slowly curl into an impish smile.

Happy Birthday, Mary Wilson

Femulator-Polaroids mindy-pics-taken-with-Polaroid-2

Mindy, Femulate reader.




Wearing Sea.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My True Colors


Every March, I attend the True Colors Conference.

"True Colors is a non-profit organization that works with other social service agencies, schools, organizations, and within communities to ensure that the needs of sexual and gender minority youth are both recognized and competently met."

Busloads of LGBT students, as well as their supporters and care-givers attend the conference and I am happy to volunteer and lend a hand where I can. 

Most years, I help out at my old support group's booth. Some years, I have made presentations at the conference.

This year, my support group has no booth, but I will be presenting a workshop titled "Femulate: The Art of Becoming Womanly."

The conference is at my alma mater and it always fun to visit the halls where I used to hang out as a guy, but now present as the woman I was meant to be.

Happy Birthday, Del Crandall


Professional femulators George Logan and Patrick Fyffe portraying Dr. Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket, better known as Hinge and Bracket. (Suggested by Aunty Marlena.)



Wearing DressBarn.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Femulating Superheroine

shezow “Twelve year old, Guy Hamdon accidentally becomes a superhero, but the ring that gives him his powers was only meant to be worn by a woman. So whenever there's danger, Guy transforms into SheZow, a kick-ass female superhero with big hair, high heels and a beautility belt that houses various super weapons concealed inside feminine products like laser lipstick and vanishing cream.” (from IMDb)

Celeste alerted me about SheZow and wrote, “I find it jaw dropping that there is a cartoon program aimed at a younger audience that has the lead character crossdressed AND in subsequent episodes, learns to comfortable with it. While it does have the classic ‘guy in women's clothing’ humor and over-the-top stereotypical female gags, they ARE challenging the viewer if you can look past that. I honesty think the message is ‘it's okay to be transgender.’”

Excerpts from SheZow can be viewed on YouTube.

Happy Birthday, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth

A brolita (male goth lolita).

Wearing Spiegel.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Having a Ballet


Thirty-five new online high school yearbook images illustrating a variety of femulations now grace our collection on flickr thanks to Starla.

I uploaded the new images to flickr and they are now ready for your viewing pleasure* including the four ballerinas pictured above, who donned tutus way back in 1949.

One of my first girly moments was related to the ballet. When I was 5-years-old, my mother enrolled my younger sister and I in a dancing school. My class had about 15 girls and one other boy. Once a week, we practiced tap and ballet for an hour under the tutelage of young female instructors.

I have no memory why my mother enrolled us at dancing school. I could understand enrolling my sister, but why did she immerse me, her only son, in that world of femininity? It certainly was not going to make a man out of me. Maybe she detected the girl in me and thought that I would enjoy participating in such a girly activity.

If that was her plan, she was correct. I enjoyed every minute of it!

I loved learning dance and being treated like the other girls. The young instructors became my role models. I even recall dreaming (both day dreaming and sleep dreaming) about dancing as a ballerina, wearing a pink leotard, tutu, ballet shoes, and makeup with my long blond hair put up in a pony-tail.

Due to tight family finances, we only took dance classes for one year, but that one year immersion in femininity left a life-long impression on this girl.     

*  To view the latest additions to the collection:

Method 1: Open one of the Yearbooks sets (A through Z) and you will find the newest uploads at the end/bottom of the set. (The oldest uploads appear at the beginning/top of the set.)

Method 2: Open my photostream and you will find the newest uploads at the top of page 1. The uploads get older as the page numbers get higher with the oldest uploads on the last page.

By the way, the contents of the Yearbook A through Z sets are organized according to school name, for example, the photos from Hard Knox High School would be in the Yearbooks H set.

Femulating in March

Femulator applying makeup.


Wearing Robert Rodriguez.