Monday, July 20, 2020

Young Is As Young Does

By Carollyn Olson

Carollyn Olson, the author of today's post
Ooooooooooooh, I wish I knew then what I know now. But, then again, would I have put everything I have learned in near 40 years of crossdressing to practice.

I was a late bloomer when it came to crossdressing, starting at age 32. When I started, the Internet was non-existent and Payless Shoe Source didn’t carry women’s shoes over size 10.

Now, at age 72, so many things have changed and there are so many opportunities for younger crossdressers to develop in to “the woman they want to be” at an earlier age. And, for the older crossdressers, we now have to change to continue refining ourselves.

A friend of mine once told me, “When you go to sleep at night and if you haven’t learned something during the day, the day was not worth living.”

That’s why I take advantage every day to learn something to enhance my ability to age slowly and continue to enjoy being out and about as an accepted crossdresser.

Even though I have always tried to dress appropriately for my age, when I was younger I desired to be more “sexy” and show more “cleavage” than I do now. The biggest plus from my early crossdressing days was that I have always been accepted when out in public. I don’t know if I can give credit to my mother, who always looked younger than she was, or to my genes. Either way, I have never received negative comments or treated meanly for dressing as a woman when out and about.

For me, there are good physical signs that make me feel even more natural when dressing.

Gravity and old age have helped with creating more natural breasts. For years I have worn 38C breast forms, but now I have enough sagging male tissue to fill a 38B. And if I want to go larger, I can wear a padded bra or add a little extra.

Another friend of mine has become so natural, she has developed perfectly formed 38C breasts and is often asked if her breasts are real or if she have implants.

When younger, I had to shave the blonde hair on my legs about once a month. Now, due to aging, the hair on my legs has virtually disappeared. What a pleasure to not have to “lather-up” when showering.

What to wear has never been a problem for me. I have always tried to dress appropriately and more conservatively.

I love dresses, so it is easy to find lovely outfits, many from my friends. I can’t keep track of the dresses I have received over the years and I have always been complimented on my appearance. My favorite may be the high-low dress,I purchased last year and have worn so many times when visiting my hair salon or going out with friends.

Dress hemlines and low-cut sweaters and blouses are still in vogue, but I don’t wear short skirts or expose my breasts as often as I did in the past. Both are still fun, but should be worn discreetly.

There are definitely a number of negatives from getting older, but I try not to worry and try to compensate the best I can.

The biggest drawbacks are “wrinkles” and “turkey neck.” One always wants to look their best and as young as possible, so I use aging creams, taping on my forehead to lift my eyebrows and taping under my jaw line to get rid of the “turkey.”

Makeup and dressing seem to take longer than in the past. I once could apply my makeup and get dressed in less than an hour, but now it has stretched out an additional 30 minutes or so. However, the older I get, the more of a perfectionist I have become. I will always want to look my best.

Mostly gone are the days of wearing 4-inch heels on almost every occasion, but that doesn’t bother me. What's an inch less anyway when it comes to keeping your balance and still looking stylish in one overall appearance? I have to remember I’m not 35-40 any longer.

Confidence remains the key to crossdressing no matter what age you are. Being older I have found an even greater desire to be out in public even though I never was “closeted” or afraid to get out and do things when I was younger. I always felt that “if I worked so hard to get dressed, why wouldn’t I go out and enjoy myself.”

Being an older crossdresser, I have also developed a number of relationships with other “girls” who have become confidants and dear friends from around the world.

When I was younger, I felt so alone and prayed to find crossdressing friends. As the Internet developed, it played a big part in opening the world to crossdressers and thank God it did.

I recall the first Internet website I discovered was Vicki Rene’s “Prettiest of the Pretty.” I could not believe the beautiful men-turned-women on the site. It definitely helped me with my desire to look “the best I can be.”

What does the future hold? I know I will never give up my desire to crossdress. It is imbedded in me. I figure if a friend of mine who is in her 90s can continue to enjoy being a woman, why can’t I.

Source: Rue La La
Source: Rue La La

Casa Valentina
The ladies of the 2015 Boston stage production of Casa Valentina

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Memories and Dreams

By Marie Anne Greene

In her (my) Teen-Years, high school, that is particularly from sophomore and on, Marie (I) knew-suspected that part or all of her wanted to be or was a girl although society, family and public would not permit it. Knowing this was the world she was in and would have to survive and excel in purposefully suppressed, in the physical sense any feminine inclinations however this was not so in the imaginary world of the stage, movies and the best of all her inner theater of the mind.

Just recently, this morning in fact, after a comfortable night’s sleep ala fem, in a delicately smooth red floor length, bare armed shift (a girl gift from Tanya) which just floated down after, over raised arms, dropping it over her head and shoulders finally gently settling, no just hoovered a millimeter or less over her tanned skin providing a most delightful feeling of femininity. No tucking, pulling, squeezing as it settled and fell perfectly highlighting her Feminine silhouette, soft bare shoulders, pleasantly rounded breasts, natural slimming of the waist with a polite proportioned flaring of the hips.

After sweeping the skirt to the side and swinging her tanned legs in tandem to the carpeted floor casually sliding her manicured silver pearled toes into her most (only) pair if soft, pink pearled slippers (more than four years old) and still going strong, she rose and stretched from toes to finger tips with a little butt wiggled included. Oh! How wonderfully female. A joyous thrill.

As she did the morning routine, night light off, tea pot on, window blinds up, same for door blinds, a quick step on to the porch to check the temperature and get a taste of the cool but warming air, felling the breeze tug at the skirt and play with her shoulder length honey blonde tresses. All pleasant little perks and reminders of the joys of being a girl. Wonderful, just wonderful.

Somewhere in this brief period of glorious natural reverie several memories from those high school years surfaced in vivid full technicolor detail along with their companying melodies. One was a stage production performed at an outside oceanside amphitheater at a place called Jones Beach on Long Island outside of New York City. The title was as best I can recall—Bells, Bangles and Beads – The setting was Middle Eastern Harem with many dancing Girls all with the most graceful movements and obviously delicious costumes. I just envisioned what it would like to be one of the dancers, of course there was no way or person I could express these thoughts, wishes, dreams. That was just the times.

Another was a similar experience although this time it was another Colorful singing dancing extravaganza, a fantasy movie, its title was: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. As the titled suggested there were at least seven pretty young vivacious actresses, all wearing colorful somewhat stylized western costumes with full skirts, trim waists and appropriate breasts. There was a lot of dance numbers where the girls were swept into air with skirts and legs flying. I was envious of how pretty they looked and much fun they were apparently having (in the story that is) I knew all that dancing and singing was work but it still could be fun.

Well I do not know what brought these long-ago memories and dreams to light this morning but they did prompt me to remember a skirt I had purchased about two months back which I had not worn, except to try it on. It was a colorful, full sweep skirt which swished as a reminder of femininity as one walked. I did not quite race to closet to find it but it was in a deliberate search mode. My homing instinct must have been on high as my eyes quickly zeroed in on it and my left hand quickly grabbed the hangar, swirled the skirt like it was a Matador’s cape and stepped into it. Immediately, noticed it zippered up smoothly a nice feeling as I recalled when I tried it on there was a little tugging and pulling and sucking in of the waist at the time. None of that this time. It was a wonderful feeling and warranted a Girlish spin in front of the mirror. The image passed muster and felt I just had to capture this entire story immediately, SO dear reader propped my derriere clad skirt and red top at my PC, limbered up my pink pearl tipped fingers and created this little piece as they say “As a stream of consciousness”. Hope you have enjoyed it. Capture your own special memories and have fun.

Source: Paige
Wearing Paige

Two youths femulating on Halloween. Don’t know when, but my guess is in the 1960s or 1970s. How I wished I could have gone trick or treating en femme at their age. And I so regret not accepting my friend’s invitation to do so back then. (You can read all about that here.)

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thor’s Day

Bill sent me this photo of happy Men in Dresses
Men in Dresses Dept.

I agree with MikkiB’s comment to the Men in Dresses post,  “For me, forget about those "femme-ish" fashions -- where's my dress??”

I am not a fashionista when it comes to men’s fashions. Jeans, t-shirts and sneakers are my usual menswear, but when it comes to womenswear... well, you know.

No Posts Dept.

I have three big projects to finish by Monday. So please excuse me – new posts will be scarce for a few days.

Don't you love this outfit?

Mr. Niki Gordon
Mr. Niki Gordon, professional femulator, circa 1955

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Men in Dresses

Mr. Billy Porter
We are accustomed to seeing fashion designers putting male models in skirts, dresses, heels, makeup, etc. and parading them down the runway often daintily carrying a purse or handbag. Despite their efforts, fashion designers have not had much luck getting their femme menswear off the runways and onto the streets.

But the times they are a-changin’ as male celebrities are now wearing femme menswear on the red carpet.

For example, Broadway star Billy Porter at the forefront of the trend showing up at various award shows and galas wearing femme menswear. But Mr. Porter took the trend to a new level with his appearance at the Peabody Awards wearing a fuchsia-colored, sheer tulle gown!

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Antoni Porowski femulated for 2020 Pride

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Throwback Thursday: Ms. Engineering 2011

The following comment to a post from December 2011 came across the Mojo Wire yesterday. It came from the winner of the 2011 installment of the spectacular Miss Eng’g womanless beauty pageant, which I wrote about here on a number of occasions. I decided to use the comment as a new post because you would have likely missed it at the bottom of a 9-yar-old post.

Hi, it's Ms. IE Club 2011.

I stumbled upon this page again because a friend was trying to search for our Ms. Engineering photos haha. Sadly, this blog and other YouTube videos are the only remaining memories of our Ms. Engineering batch because our Facebook page got deleted :/

I thought I could share with you my personal experience in joining and winning the crown. Our batch was probably the most famous one because we had one candidate that went viral because she looked like one of the famous actresses at that time (i.e., M.s GPs looking like Melissa Ricks).

I'd just like to echo Shukun, pretty much what Shukun thought about me was spot on. (See Shukum’s comments after this post.)

Preparation for the pageant was fun and challenging; practicing my catwalk in heels (I watch VS fashion shows as reference. Hello Candice!), learning how to dance and soften my hips (how do you even shake it like Beyonce), as well as braving the dreaded waxing day (yep, from shoulder to toe).

I was never the prettiest/hottest/cutest candidate out there. My pre-pageant pics were so-so (see photo above). Ms. GPs and Ms. KEM were really the famous ones there in terms of the pre-pageant photos. So coming into the pageant night, I knew I had my back against the wall.

Personality-wise, what I opted for is a bubbly and sassy lady on-stage. I knew I can pull that off since I'm somewhat like that in real life so it seems natural plus I just didn't have that sexy look as well as looking fierce so no point in trying to push for that. With my looks, I would say I was really pretty haha

During the pageant night, I just made sure that everyone notices me no matter where I am in the stage. I made cute perky waves to the crowds and the judges. Even if I was behind a line, I would point and wave to anyone I saw looking at me (of course not excessively to the point that your an attention grabber).

During my catwalk, I guess watching hours of VS really helped and I was able too pull off those twirls and sassy poses. My talent was just right... as I said I wasn't a dancer and add to that the contestant before was so famous and had a great number. Hard to follow on that.

Announcement of the Top 5 was nerve-wracking. Ms. GPs and I were the only ones left vying for the 5th spot. As expected almost everyone (except for my org) were cheering for Ms. GPs to get in. Also, did not help that I came from the most hated engineering org, so everyone was really against me. I was thinking “please make this a Top 6.” There was not a Top 6, but I was the one selected to be part of the Top 5.

QA time. I didn't think I would win as well because Ms. ARISE just gave the best ever answer in the entire history of Ms. Engg. Her question was “How would you like to be saved by your Prince Charming?” She said, “It does not matter how as long as I know he's there I know I'll always be safe” (something like that). The crowd totally lost it after hearing that.

True enough, the Top 2 was down to Ms. Arise and me. Again, everyone was just cheering for Ms. Arise. but fortunately, they announced that the winner was me (no Steve Harvey moment here).

I saw the score breakdown for the Top 5, which confirmed my guess that among the 5, I was the lowest during the pre-pageant, but pageant night, I had high scores. My QA was high as well.

That night was just surreal. Pretty long night, lots of preparation physically and mentally and just the electric vibe of the whole audience. It was an honor to represent my org and give it all my best, whether I won or not. I was just so happy to see the all-out support of my org and other fans I've gained. The crown was just the cherry on top.

Thanks Shukun for your wonderful comments! (BTW, are you from KEM?)

Hope you all liked my experience. Ask me anything you want! I'll drop by this blog from time-to-time.


Ms. Engineering 2011

Source: Collette
Wearing Collette

Paula, a British professional femulator in the 1930’s

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Worn Office Wear

I gave my daughter a ride to her doctor in downtown Waterbury. I sat in my car in an underground garage with my mask on while she went to her appointment in an office above me. The doctor’s office recommended that I not wait in their waiting room, which I agreed with wholeheartedly especially since it is a ears, nose and throat doctor

Due to the Trump Virus, it has been months since I was downtown, so it was nice to be there even with a mask on in an underground parking garage. It was particularly nice people-watching the folks entering and exiting the elevator next to where I parked.

The offices above me are a mix of doctor, lawyer and state government offices. So I saw a mix of people use the elevator including women who were dressed for office work. Women in skirts, dresses and heels are not extinct after all!

Source: New York and Company
Wearing New York and Company

Nigel Pegram
Nigel Pegram femulates Mrs. Westinghouse in the 1986 film Riders of the Storm also known as The American Way. In the film, Mrs Westinghouse is running for the U.S. Senate and a group of Vietnam vets attempt to sabotoge her political campaign by exposing a big secret – that she is a man!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Aging Well

Girls like us and cisgender women have at least one thing in common. We worry about how we will look as we age.

They say that as men age, they look distinguished. But how does a distinguished man look after he piles on the makeup to femulate? Does a distinguished gentleman make a grand old dame?

I’m 69 and am concerned about how I will look in my 70’s and beyond. Like cisgender women my age, I do what I can to slow down the aging process.

Moisturizers and eye creams are my best friend. I have been using both for about 20 years and it makes a difference. The lines and creases around my eyes moved me to do something. After I began using the products, the lines and creases were less noticeable and have remained so two decades later. So I know the product works. But that’s me.

I have friends who are older than me. Some have become grand old dames and some are distinguished men in dresses. Don’t know what their daily regimen, if any, may be, but I imagine that the grand old dames did not let nature take its course.

For example, Lena, a young lady who became a grand old dame, a long time reader of this blog from Australia, was a beauty in her youth and is even more so in her senior years.

I hope I have the same fate.

Lena, circa 1975 and 2015

Source: WhoWhatWear
Source: WhoWhatWear

Italian poster for the 1965 James Bond film Thunderball. The top half of the poster depicts the opening scenes of the film in which 007 unmasks Colonel Jacques Bouvar, who was femulating his dead wife for nefarious reasons. Those scenes were not used in posters in the USA because femulating was still illegal in many states back then.