Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Look What I Found Dept.

Weather-permitting, I walk up to the dead end and back every day (about 1 mile roundtrip according to the pedometer). If I have the time and energy, I take a detour into the 5000 acres of woods that surround my neck of the woods. Since I have plenty of time these days (don’t we all), more often than not I take the detour instead of the boring dead end route.

I seldom encounter wildlife in the woods (a pheasant, red tail hawk and bald eagle were recent exceptions). Seems that the deer and black bears prefer my back yard to the woods!

I do encounter the remains of motor vehicles. A rusted out Hudson Hornet and the chassis of a 1959 Volkswagen Beetle were my most recent vehicle sightings. (I know it was a ’59 “Bug” because the part number on its transaxle told me so.)

“Big deal,” you say.

I would agree with that assessment except that I found these vehicles in the middle of the woods with no roads or trails in sight. It’s as if a helicopter (or UFO) dropped the Hudson and Beetle into the woods from above!

Look at the Birdie Dept.

Commenting on my previous post, some readers asked to see me in my new outfit. Your wish is my command and I promise that after the outfit is delivered, I will do a photoshoot modeling all my recent acquisitions that have yet to see the light of day.

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Glamorous Femulations
Glamorous Femulations

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Conquering High Heels

Walking gracefully in high heels is probably in the top five on the difficulty list for most femulators. A WhoWhatWear article by Kat Collings attempts to make this difficult task less difficult. If you follow Kat's advice, you can become a femme fatale in high heels.

The following summarizes Kat's advice followed by my comments

👠 The easiest way to look like an amateur in heels is to put your whole foot down at once as if you’re wearing flats. When wearing heels, put your heel down first, followed by your toe. This will make your walk look more natural. –Kat

In other words, don't walk tippy-toed. –Stana

👠 Wearing heels makes your stride shorter than normal, so you’ll have to take an increased number of small steps to go the same distance. We’re not recommending baby steps, but don’t try to take your usual long strides either. –Kat

Don't walk like a man. –Stana

👠 Trying to walk quickly in heels often ends up looking quite awkward. Between the smaller steps and the compromised balance, it’s best to take your time in heels. Besides, walking slowly gives off an air of confidence. –Kat

That is, femme fatale confidence. –Stana

👠 You may find you want to walk faster than your heels will allow, and end up craning your neck forward to compensate. This ends up looking strange, so allow yourself to lean just the slightest bit back when walking in heels, as this will counteract your inclination to lean forward. –Kat

Walk too fast in heels and you may trip yourself and get hurt (been there, done that). –Stana

👠 When you want to draw a straight line, you’ll get better results if you look at your end point as you draw, rather than looking at your pencil as it moves. Similarly, when walking in heels, you’ll walk more gracefully if you look at your goal point (maybe it’s the podium at the end of the stage), and visualize a straight line going toward your end point, rather than looking down at your heels as you walk.–Kat

Looking down at your heels also makes you look suspicious, as if you are trying to hide in plain sight. This just brings more attention to yourself  (what's she trying to hide?), may cause civilians to examine you more closely and possibly blow your femulation (another been there, done that). –Stana

👠 As you take each step, or if you feel yourself slipping, arch your foot slightly to put pressure on the inside of your shoe. This will make your shoe fit closer to your foot, making it easier to maneuver. –Kat

Until I read Kat's tip, I didn't realize that I was doing this subconsciously.–Stana

👠 If your shoes are ill-fitting, it makes the difficult task of walking naturally in heels almost impossible. If your heels are too big, use shoe pads for a better fit. If they are too small, consider having them stretched by a local cobbler, or try this hack to stretch them yourself. –Kat

If your shoes are well-constructed, a proper fit extends the length of time that wearing the heels will be comfortable. Also, it is very embarrassing to have a loose shoe slip off your foot while you are strutting your stuff (yet another been there, done that). –Stana

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus.

Alex's Theme
Femulating in a YouTube advertisement (Alex's Theme).

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How to Negotiate Stairs (and Avoid Stares)

When I put on my first pair of high heels over 50 years, I took to them like a duck takes to webbed feet. There was no break-in period; from the get-go, I walked in heels like I had been doing it all my life.

Truth be told, I had been doing it all my life. As a youngster, I walked on my tip toes and it took me years to learn to walk in a more manly manner. Since walking on my tip toes was natural to me, walking in high heels was easy. (God, I was so meant to be a girl!)

Fifty years later, I still walk in heels, but a woman's got to know her limitations, so I have given up walking in anything with a heel over 4 inches in height. (My equilibrium is not what it used to be and when standing still, I begin to sway if my heels are over the 4-inch mark.)

Although I am very adept at walking in heels, getting up and down a flight of stairs in heels is still an adventure. I prefer an elevator when I change floors, but sometimes that is not an option and I have to take the stairs. (And don't get me started on my battles with escalators! Given a choice, I will take the stairs rather than use an escalator.)

I receive weekly missives from Abby Wallker (of Vivian Lou Insolia insoles fame) and I was pleased to see that her subject this week is how to walk up and down stairs in heels. Here is the link to her informative instructions.

By the way, I swear by Insolia insoles and have a pair inserted in every pair of high heels I own.

Source: Belle & Clive
Wearing Theory.

Blue High Heels
Blue High Heels

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beauty and Styling Tips! (Part 2)

By Jamie B. 

Body and Styling

Here are some important tips regarding body and styling.
  • The walk is everything. Fact is, men walk more rigid than women. Practice walking in high heels before you go out. In fact, practice a few nights before you go out. It could take a few tries before you get the walk right. The key is to do a slight sway of your hips with every step you take. If you are walking awkward after a few tries, maybe the heel is too high. Spike heels can be a challenge, so avoid them if you are prone to being a bit clumsy like myself. 2- to 3-inch heels are comfortable to flaunt your girly self in! Don't go overboard and risk looking awkward.
  • Like the Little Black Dress, the classic black pump is always in style. Invest in a pair of real leather ones. Fake leather looks... well, fake. 
  • Buy a stretchy belt in black and one in beige/nude. These are inexpensive and really can complete your outfit. It also creates a more cinched waist, which is vital to looking and feeling girly. 
  • Invest in some bottom-enhancing underwear. They really make a difference with dresses and skirts. Those extra few millimeters really give a nice curve to the derriere. carries them online for under $11.
  • Make sure your manicure is always chip-free and shiny. Buy a clear top coat and apply as needed to prevent chips and a dull look. A fresh manicure every week is ideal. Make sure your cuticles are trimmed prior to nail polish. 
  • Avoid gaudy necklaces that look too bulky or cheaply made. A classic pearl necklace or a few layers long necklaces always look polished. Avoid bulky jewelry in general. 
  • When adjusting your cleavage, apply a matte brown eyeshadow (from your neutral eyeshadow palette) to the tops of your pecs to create the illusion of rounder, fuller breasts. Let the natural shadow if your cleavage guide you where to apply. They should look like back-to-back “C” shapes. 
I hope these tips and techniques have been educational and enlightening. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions by e-mailing me at My goal is to make every crossdresser and transgender woman feel like they intend to feel, feminine!

Source: Ann Taylor

Wearing Ann Taylor

Contestant in Colombian womanless beauty pageant