Showing posts with label vote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vote. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

I Voted Tuesday

I voted on Tuesday and most of the candidates I voted for won. One exception was my local state representative who was running for the state senate. I wrote about him two weeks ago. He is an advocate of anti-LGBT and anti-women legislation.

I had high hopes that he would lose this time around because there were letters to the editor in the local newspaper decrying his legislative agenda. Never saw that before, but he handily beat the candidate who ran against him.

On the positive side, he probably won’t be able to do much damage because the opposition party won big this year and they will keep him in check.

Source: Pinterest
I love houndstooth and I love this outfit. (Source: Pinterest)

Source: Starla
Young men wait their turn to strut their stuff in a beauty pageant. (Source: Starla)

Monday, November 5, 2018

Monday Meanderings

Shoe Horse Dept.

Some may call me a "clothes horse" and I won't deny it, but when it comes to shoes, I plead guilty to being a "shoe horse." I stopped counting, but I own well over a hundred pairs of women's shoes. On the other hand (or should I say "other foot"), I own about a half-dozen pairs of men's shoes.

Anyway, I absolutely fell in love with this pair of pumps that I saw in the daily email ad from Nine West. And it comes in my size! And with the online discount, I can save 30% off the list price. But I need another pair of shoes like I need another hole in my head and I am trying to resist buying them.

Be strong, Stana, be strong.

Promises Made, Promises Broken Dept.

In last Wednesday's post, I promised to catch up with answering my mail. Stuff kept happening and I broke my promise, but I hope to catch up before this post appears. 

Tooting My Own Horn Dept.

Actually, Joey tooted about me and the blog yesterday and I am just passing it along to you in case you missed it. (Thank you for the kind words, Joey!)

Vote Early and Often Dept.

Voting en femme is on my bucket list. Can't do tomorrow, but someday...

Anyway, be sure to vote tomorrow!

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor (Source: Ann Taylor)

Tina, not out but dressed for Halloween 2017
(Send me a photo of your all-time favorite Halloween femulation and I will post it here, too.)