Showing posts with label ultimate outlet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ultimate outlet. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

$10 Dress Sale Today

I just bought three dresses for $10 each from Ultimate Outlet. The original prices for the three were $189, $159, and $139… $487 total. (That’s the $189 dress in the photo.)

The sale is today only. The link to the sale is here.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

2013-06-06_chevron-dress I don't like lemonade, so when life gives me lemons, I go shopping!

I received a bushel of lemons yesterday and I am still upset about it today... so upset that I have not been able to concentrate on my work and have walked around the salt mine venting to anyone who will listen.

When I finally returned to my cubicle, I perused my e-mails and noticed one from Ultimate Outlet promoting a "40% Off Summer-Ready Skirts & Dresses" sale. To get my mind off my woes, I visited their website to see what they had.

A cute red and black, chevron print, sleeveless shift dress in my size caught my eye. It was marked down from $149 to $14.75! Factor in the 40% discount and the dress cost only $8.85!

How could I resist?

I ordered the dress as fast as my mouse would let me and enjoyed the short temporary relief that my shopping spree provided.