Showing posts with label transwoman. mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transwoman. mother. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How could she not know?

Today is my deceased mother's birthday and I have been thinking about our relationship over the years. And it embarrasses me to think that I thought I successfully hid being transgender from her.

How could she not know?

She saw me crossdressed for Halloween not once, but on three or four occasions.

She saw me act like a girl rather than a boy on many occasions.

Crossdressing with her wardrobe, I tore some things and stretched out other things. I borrowed a few items that she would have discovered were missing for weeks.

There were other clues, but she never said a word to me about it.

Maybe she was confused as much as I was. After all, it was not the "Call Me Caitlyn" era. Rather, it was the mid-20th Century, when crossdressing was still a big unknown. 

One time in her later years, she slipped and said something that indicated that she knew about my stash of female finery that I kept hidden (or so I thought) when I still lived at home. 

Also in her later years, she would often ask, "Is there anything you want to tell me?" which I assume was her attempt to give me an opportunity to talk about it.

Maybe she became more informed in her later years and was open to accepting me as transgender as long as I was comfortable coming out to her. But to tell you the truth, I did not realize that was what she was trying to do until years after she had died.  

Sometimes, I can be so obtuse!

Coming out to her might have made it easier to come out to everyone else. And sooner rather than later.

Too late for that. But it's never too late to say, "I love you, Mom!"

Source: HauteLook
Wearing Go Couture.