Showing posts with label transformation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transformation. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Shaving Legs

Good Morning Stana, 

Hope you're well and it is finally getting warm back East. 

Question??? At what age did you start to shave your legs? Did parents catch on? Smooth skin was a big revelation for me. Stockings on smooth legs is just a wonderful look and feel. Once you shave you can't go back. I had to wait till I moved out and after the Army.

Have a great Day



Hi Bobbie,

Spring is finally springing forth in Southern New England. The daffodils and forsythia are in bloom and the snow piles have finally disappeared.

I was about 16 years old when I shaved my legs for the first time.

I had been crossdressing for about 4 years. Leg hair began sprouting about Year 2. By Year 4, I could not stand the look of matted hair under my nylon stockings, so I took a razor to my legs and removed all the hair from the hem of my miniskirt to the tips of my toes. And I continued to regularly remove my leg hair ever since.

My parents never mentioned it. My crossdressing was closeted, so they never saw my shaved legs en femme and I avoided wearing shorts en homme in the warm weather because I did not want to reveal my secret. When I first appeared among the civilians en femme for Halloween in Year 6, my shaved legs were probably the least of my parent's worries when they saw their 18-year-old son dressed like their 16-year-old daughter.

The first time anyone ever mentioned my shaved legs was when I attended a Halloween party in office girl drag in my mid-20's and the hostess was so surprised that I shaved my legs that she announced it loudly for all the party-goers to hear. I didn't care because earlier at that same party, a female party-goer asked who was the woman not wearing a costume! (She was me!)

Thank you for the great questions, Bobbie.

Source: Etienne Aigner
Wearing Etienne Aigner (Source: Etienne Aigner)

Julian Eltinge
Early 20th Century professional femulator of stage and screen, Julian Eltinge.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Becoming Sheila

Femulate reader Peter suggested this "very nice video featuring the famous Sheila Wolf." I agree it is a very nice video and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

Christian Clavier
Christian Clavier femulates in the 1982 French film Le père noël est une ordure.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Aunt Transforms Nephew into Niece

UPDATE: Thanks to some knowledgeable readers, I now know that this video clip was too good to be true. The boy, who was supposedly transformed into a girl, is really a girl. No aunt transformed her nephew into her niece. By the way, the clip was taken from a Mexican television show called An Angel in the House (1998-1999).

ORIGINAL POST: A few weeks ago, I found this short video from a Spanish language television program. I wonder if anyone knows its source and what is the plot of this particular episode of the show.

YouTube suggests the source might be Mexico. The short description accompanying the video reads, "boy comes home dressed as a girl by her aunts. His father is frightening and terrified"

My take is that the boy's aunt took her nephew shopping for a female outfit. Looks like she even took him to a beauty parlor to get his hair done and his face made up.

The short clip shows the aunt and nephew returning home after shopping to reveal the boy's new look to his family. His mother and brother seem very pleased, but his father, not so much.

My Spanish is not good enough to interpret what is said in the video. Anybody have a clue?

Don't you wish you had an aunt like this lucky boy's/girl's aunt!

(Susan King's series on determining your face shape and what to do with it resumes tomorrow.)

Source: DressBarn
Wearing DressBarn.

Source: YouTube
Aunt transforms nephew into niece in a Spanish language television show.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I wish it was me!

Femulating Taylor Swift

Back in January, I mentioned some YouTube femulation videos that impressed me. One in particular, by a tween-aged boy named Rowen, impressed me the most with his enhusiasm and reaction to his transformation; he thought he looked pretty and wanted "to stay like this." (I think we all can sympathize with those sentiments!)

The lovely Rowen is back with a new transformation video. This time his sister and cousin help turn him into (by popular demand) a near perfect likeness of singer Taylor Swift. I was impressed again and you will be too if you watch his transformation here. (I wish it was me!)

Source: Intermix
Wearing L'Agence.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joseph Gordon-Levitt on MTV's Todrick.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Girls on YouTube

Sunday some friends and relatives stopped by for dinner (deep fried turkey with all the fixings) and to watch the NFL playoff games.

After the company left and we cleaned up, I collapsed on the couch and surfed the channels looking for something entertaining and/or trans-related. I ended up watching Boat Trip figuring it had some femulating potential. There was some drag in the film, but nothing to write home about.

With my laptop lap, I began surfing the Internet looking for any womanless pageants and male-to-female transformations that I have not seen.

There was one pageant and one transformation that were worth noting (this pageant and this transformation), but the highlight of my late night surfing was this video of a tween-aged boy being transformed into a tween-aged girl at the hands of his sister. The boy's enthusiasm is addictive and his reaction to his transformation is priceless.

I don't have a clue if he is trans. He has a couple of other transformation videos online and at the conclusion of this one, he thinks he looks pretty and "wants to stay like this."

So, you go, girl!

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Dion Lee (dress), Alice & Olivia (coat) and Rachel Zoe (shoes).

Boys will be girls, girls will be boys.
Boys will be girls, girls will be boys.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

On the Internet

Halloween at work, 2012 "My job is to make men look like women" is an interesting interview with Jodie Lynn, a London makeup artist "who has dedicated her career to helping men reveal the woman within..." Written by Cassie Powney, the piece appears on the Cosmopolitan UK website.

I found the article personally interesting because I have been following some of Jodie's femulation techniques for years. For example, I thought she was channeling me when she talked about wigs and her lip-plumping procedure is exactly the same procedure I use to femulate my lips.

Wednesday morning, I did not need coffee to start me up when I perused my favorite blogs and noticed the title of Joanna's daily post, "Stana of Femulate."

Wow! Joanna was very kind in her description of me and the blog and I only hope I can live up to her kind words.

By the way, the photo Joanna used in her post was me at work on Halloween two years ago. Coincidentally, I have been mulling over whether or not to femulate for work again this Halloween.

I have femulated for work on four occasions. The first two times (in 2000 and 2003), my workplace had something going to celebrate Halloween including a costume contest. The last two times (2012 and 2013), there was nothing going on at work Halloween-wise. I just femulated and had a wonderful time.

Do I do it again? Three years in a row!

It has almost become a Halloween tradition and some of my co-workers expect it. A woman asked me a few weeks ago if I was dressing up for Halloween. I replied that I had not made any plans and her retort was, "Sure you will."

Enough said!





Source: Vogue

Street style during Paris Fashion Week for Spring 2015.





Lori Shannon, also known as Don Seymour Mclean
femulating on television’s All in the Family in 1975.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Before and After


The staff at Girls “R” Us is thrilled with the results of their latest transformation!





Femulating in the 1920s.





Source: Fashion to Figure

Wearing Fashion to Figure.

Friday, January 24, 2014


sissy When we were pregnant, I hoped our child would be female because I thought that since I was a very feminine male, I would be a poor role model if our child was male.

As it turned out, our child was female, which was a big relief. (She also turned out to be my biggest supporter. She told me that if I ever decided to transition that she would support my decision wholeheartedly.)

If our child was male, I am sure that having a feminine father would have some effect on his life. How much of an effect, I'll never know.

Would having a father who had feminine mannerisms cause the boy to have feminine mannerisms?

Are (my) feminine mannerisms natural or nurtured?

My father was not feminine, but he was not around much during my early years.  However, my mother was very present during those years and if I was going to take after anyone, it seems that I would take after the parent who was present, not absent.

My theoretical son would have a double whammy --- both his parents were feminine, so if nurturing was the source of femininity, then my son would potentially be even more feminine than I am.

Feminine mannerisms are one thing, but what would be the effect of having a father who was feminine and who also presented as a woman at the drop of a chapeau?

Goddess only knows.

And if my son turned out to be feminine --- like father, like son --- would it be the end of the world?

You girls out there who have sons are better able to answer these questions than I. So please have at it by leaving Comments to this post.




Actor Bryan Schmiderer femulating in the 2013
stage production of Southern Baptist Sissies.






Wearing Madeleine.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fall Fashion Finds

avon_printed_ruchged_waist_dress avon_exotic_edge_dress

A recent preview of Avon products included two new dresses for the fall.

I bought one of each. They arrived Wednesday and when I tried them on, I was happy with the fit.

I am traveling on company business next week and will pack a couple of new dresses in case there is an opportunity after work to express myself.




Femulating model Andrej Pejic on the cover of GQ Australia, October/November 2013.




Model Suzy Parker, circa 1958.