Showing posts with label thrush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrush. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Femulations

Presenting at Hamvention, May 2019
My thrush has cleared up to the point that I was able to resume my morning beauty routine which I had abandoned when thrush sores appeared around my mouth (in addition to in my mouth and on my tongue).

I am still on meds and will finish the prescription on Sunday. They did the job, but I will be glad when I am done with them because they occasionally upset my stomach.

At the peak of the thrush, I lost 11 pounds. I assumed that once I was able to eat and drink normally again that I would regain some of that weight. I was correct and regained 4 pounds, but have managed to keep off 7 pounds. Needless to say, I am happy with that weight loss.

I’m waiting on the delivery of another new outfit I ordered from JustFab and as soon as it is delivered, I will be ready to do a photoshoot of all the new attire I acquired recently.

As I mentioned previously, a number of events I planned to attend were cancelled or postponed due to the Trump Virus. However, one of the postponed events, Transgender Lives: The Intersection of Health and Law Conference, started weekly Zoom teleconferences featuring some of the folks who were scheduled to speak at the conference. And they asked me to present “Crossdressing Successfully in the Real World” – time and date is to be determined. It will probably be in early June; I will let you know as soon as I know.

The conference is Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition’s (CTAC) biggest fundraising event of the year and having to postpone means a significant decrease in funding to support CTAC's mission. So please consider donating to help CTAC continue their work making sure that Connecticut is a safe and affirming place for trans and gender non-conforming individuals through education and social advocacy! Please consider making a donation; click here to do so.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Jan Cina
Jan Cina femulates Nada Urbankova on Czech television’s Tvoje tvář má známý hlas.
You can view the femulation on YouTube.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Meds are working and the thrush is going away slowly.

Started eating “normally” again. Last night I had tuna on rye with some potato chips on the side, but I could not eat the chips because they are too “hard” and irritated the thrush lesions. Had a slice of homemade Easter babka that my sister baked using my Mom’s recipe – it was delicious. Washed it all down with a glass of milk.

Had my first cup of coffee in over a week this morning with a stack of pancakes and maple syrup. Until now, hot drink was an irritant, too. Missed my coffee, so I am glad to be able to drink it again.

Lost another pound on the scale this morning. I am now at my lowest weight as an adult. Probably have not weighed this little since grade school. I am now at the “ideal” weight for a woman my height (not to mention a male), so I would like to maintain this weight after this all blows over.

Yesterday, I tried on a couple of recent purchases without any foundation garments and they looked very nice on me. I can’t wait to get dressed full femme and photoshoot all my new outfits, but that will have to wait until the lesions on my face circling my mouth heal.

And so it goes.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Toma Ikuta
Toma Ikuta femulating the 2011 Japanese stage production of Madame de Sade

Monday, April 13, 2020

Thrush Diet – Lose 10 Pounds in a Week!

Needless to say, I was relieved to learn the result of the coronavirus test was negative. I want to again thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and support.

Last week was miserable. It all started Monday. In the afternoon, I noticed two small lesions on my tongue. Monday evening, my body temperature was warmer than usual.

By Tuesday, my body temperature was hovering around 100℉ with occasional jumps up as high as 102.7℉. My temperature remained high for two days. Meanwhile, the lesions in my mouth multiplied and it was painful to eat or drink as almost anything I ingested irritated the lesions.

Thursday morning, my body temperature was back down to normal and has remained that way ever since, however, the lesion problem grew worse.

With no improvements overnight, I called my doctor Friday morning. He insisted that due to my age and my recent bout with high body temperature that I get tested for coronavirus.

That was depressing!

I drove to his office and a staff member brought the prescription out to my car. Then I drove to St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury and got in queue for their drive-through coronavirus test.

There were only six cars ahead of me and I was in and out in less than a half hour.

I went home and waited for the results and they were posted online mid-morning Sunday.

Monday morning, the doctor’s office called to repeat the good news and to get me a prescription for my mouth problem. I picked up the prescription and will be sucking down 70 clotrimazole lozenges over the next 14 days.

I have thrush, a fungal infection! I have no idea how I got it. None of the possible causes make sense. But it is nasty and prevented me from eating and drinking normally. As a result, I lost 10 pounds in 7 days!

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Harry Ritz femulates Alice Faye in the 1937 film On The Avenue. You can view the femulation on YouTube.