Showing posts with label tarot cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tarot cards. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Still in the Cards

As a young child, I had many dreams that in retrospect, indicated to me that I had at least one previous life and that I was a woman in that life. 

Being a more scientific person and not so much a spiritual person, believing that I had past lives was  a leap of faith. But it all added up considering my gender issues in my current life as a “man.”

As I wrote yesterday, I never had an opportunity to take my relative up on her kind offers to read tarot cards for me gratis. Actually, I avoided the opportunities because I thought that a reading would reveal things that might be embarrassing, specifically transgender things even though my relative was well aware of my trans issues.

My reading on Tuesday affirmed my guess about what the reading would reveal, that I was a woman in my past lives and as a result, transgender in my present life!

My wife and sister were sitting beside me during the reading and they just shook their heads in agreement with what the cards revealed.

You may or may not believe in past lives, tarot cards, etc., but I have seen how accurate my relative’s readings of other people have been and now I have seen it first hand as it relates to me. I definitely think there is something to it.

And I just want to clarify something regarding yesterday’s post. The description of what the Male-Female card signified was not the reader's interpretation the card manipulated to fit what she already knew about me. Rather, as quoted in yesterday’s post, it was the printed word right out of the book that accompanied the tarot cards!

Freakin’ spooky!

Source: Intermix
Wearing 3.1 Phillip Lim blouse.

Vickie Lynn
Professional femulator Vickie Lynn in the 1954 film Varietease.
(See Vickie perform here.)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

In the Cards

One of my relatives reads tarot cards. She is very proficient and makes a very good living at it.

I have never had an opportunity to take her up on her kind offers to read my cards gratis… until yesterday. I have never had my cards read by anyone, so it was all new to me.

My relative was using a past lives deck of tarot cards, so her reading would be related to my past lives. She knows that I have trans issues, yet she was shocked that the first card I drew out of the tarot deck was the Male-Female card.

According to the book that accompanies the deck of cards she was using, the Male-Female card “signifies that you’ve lived most of your lives as a different gender, than the one you embody in this life. For example, you may now be living as a female, while in most of your previous lifetimes, you were a male.

“In such cases, gender confusion and even health issues are often related to this change of gender over lifetimes. Because for most of your lifetimes you lived as the other sex, you may not feel comfortable in your own skin. If this is your first lifetime as a woman, you may develop gynecological issues or even experience infertility. If this is your first lifetime as a man, you may not relate to traditional masculine roles.

“This card asks you to have compassion for yourself, and trust that our soul is doing the best it can. Remember that your soul is the result of all of your past experiences.”


Source: Intermix
Wearing Intermix.

Walton Coggins
Walton Coggins femulates in television's Son of Anarchy.