Showing posts with label sty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sty. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2019

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Searching for Mad

Search Me Dept.

About once a week, I get an e-mail suggesting that I write about a particular topic.

Having written 4600 posts, there is a chance that I have already written on that topic at least once.

For example, a reader recently informed me about the existence of Grayson Perry and that I should write about that crossdressing English artist.

Truth is that over the years, I have mentioned Grayson in over 20 posts.

How do I know?

I used the Search Femulate device below my photo in the sidebar of this blog. It is very effective and finds every mention of whatever topic I am looking for.

So if you are looking for posts on a particular topic, you can use Search Femulate, too.

Gone Mad Dept.

Mad magazine is going to stop publishing new content.

Good news is that now my collection of Mad magazines is complete!

Bad news is that I will miss Mad. It was a big influence on my life. Growing up, I probably learned more about society from Mad than any other source. Their satires and parodies were always right-on and revealed what was really going on behind the scenes.

Mad was also influential in my career as a writer. As a kid, I wrote and drew my own version of Mad called Crazy. I have been writing and drawing madly ever since. (The Dept. headings I use in this blog are a swipe directly from the pages of Mad.)

The header of my radio blog reads, "My subscription to Life expired, but I still have a subscription to Mad."

Sadly, not anymore!

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Maggie Marilyn (Source: ShopBop)

Old school womanless wedding femulators
Old school womanless wedding femulators

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Bad News, Good News

July was the hottest month ever in this neck of the woods. It also was one of my most miserable months health-wise.

I mentioned my Fourth of July sty in an earlier post. Worse was the backache that developed about the same time. It was so bad that there was no way I could comfortably squeeze into a dress and high heels and enjoy my womanhood.

Some days were better than others, but I felt poorly for weeks. One month later, I think I am finally seeing the light and my back is almost back too normal.

There was some good news on my health front. I had my annual checkup and received a clean bill of health. Also, I lost more weight and I am down to an all-time low as an adult.

Bad news, more of my clothes are too big now as a result of the weight loss. Good news is that I had credit at JustFab and purchased the plain skirt and slouchy dolman sweater for only $7.62!

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Ross Martin
Actor Ross Martin femulating 

Saturday, July 20, 2019


Sitting around at the family Independence Day picnic, my daughter asks, "What's wrong with your eye?"

"Huh?" was my comeback as I had not noticed anything wrong with my eye.

My wife looked at my left eye and proclaimed that I had a sty.

Upon arriving home, I checked out my eye in the mirror and confirmed my wife's diagnosis.

Googling sty, I found that "styes will usually heal on their own over the course of a few days to a couple weeks. The best way to treat a stye is to apply warm compresses (a washcloth soaked in warm water) to the affected eyelid for 10-15 minutes three times a day. This will help the pus trapped in the stye to come to the surface of the skin."

Avoid using makeup was also highly recommended.

I nursed the sty with warm compresses and after a week or so, I noticed some improvement, but I must have irritated the sty a few days ago and I am back where I started from.

I found some home remedies on line and am going the coconut oil route. If things don't improve, I have my annual check-up on Tuesday, so I'll bring it up with my doctor then.

Meanwhile, I am avoiding using makeup, eye cream and moisturizer, which has stymied all femulating!

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Christer Lindarw
Christer Lindarw femulates Sweden's Queen Silvia