Showing posts with label stonewall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stonewall. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2013

Stonewall was Our Wall

I try to avoid politics here because my very liberal political beliefs piss people off and as you knows, "girls just want to have fun!" But the end of DOMA has brought up an issue that has been stuck in my craw for years, that is, the marginalization of our participation in Stonewall.

Reading some gay histories, you would never know that transwomen were at Stonewall, when in fact, if it wasn't for transwomen, Stonewall may never have happened.

Transwomen fought the cops at Stonewall, transwomen were arrested at Stonewall and as a result, transwomen shined a light on the years of abuse that the TLGB community had suffered at the hands of “the Man.”

My good friend, Diana, who writes a lot about trans politics over on her blog, covered this topic yesterday. I urge you to read what she wrote.