Showing posts with label speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label speech. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2015


Ms. Stana,

Should I take some voice lessons or should I just speak softly or as little as possible when I femulate in public?

Thank you for your time and patience, Love ya and you go gurl!!!

Ms.Stacey Anne Smith, Ms.Trixie and Ms. Brooke

Hi Stana,

The issue I would most like to improve is my feminine voice. I think I follow the basics, e.g., speaking less harshly, raising the pitch (without overdoing it) and speaking more slowly. Is there a good tutorial (or alternative) that is not too expensive and to which I could get access? Or even some exercises that would improve this part of my presentation.

I’ve heard the name Melanie Phillips being mentioned, but all enquiries have met with a dead end.

Hoping you can help,

Michelle x

Hi Ladies,

If you are going to present as a woman, you should speak like a woman. Your femulation may look like Angelina, but if you sound like Brad, it’s not going to work.

Speaking as little as possible or not at all will work, but it will make it very difficult to interact with other people.

Depending on your natural voice, speaking softly and raising your pitch ever so slightly might work.
Voice lessons will work, but they can be expensive.

I looked for inexpensive voice lessons and discovered Melanie Ann Phillips course.

When I purchased the course, it was only available in VHS format, so I dubbed the audio to a cassette tape and played it every day on my commute to and from work.

At first, I was disappointed ― my voice still sounded the same and nothing like Melanie Ann Phillips perfect femme voice.

But one day after about three weeks in, this fabulous femme voice came from my lips. I was shocked and could not believe that voice was coming from me!

In addition to perfecting the sound of your voice, Melanie’s course also covers how to use that sound, that is, she not only teaches you how to make your voice sound like a lady, but how to enunciate like a lady and what words and phrases to use and avoid to sound ladylike.

Her course has been updated since the VHS version and is now available as MP3 files that you can download to your MP3 player or smart phone. The course only cost $19.95 US... here is the link.

I highly recommend it.

Source: Travel & Liesure
Wearing Dior dress and shoes

Source: Pinterest
A happy couple

Monday, December 9, 2013

Avon Reps and Valley Girly Boys

Tuesday evening is the holiday party for the local Avon representatives. I have attended the party in the past and on those occasions, I was the only male Avon rep en femme. Yet, the female Avon reps treated me just like one of the girls and I always had a wonderful time.

This year the party venue is nearby and very convenient, but the weather forecast is not good. The latest from the National Weather Service calls for snow between noon and 7 PM; the party starts at 6:30 PM. Nuts!

I don’t like driving in a snowstorm especially at night. I hope the forecast is wrong.

In case you missed it, I just wanted to let you know that the feminization of males continues. A report released last week by the Acoustical Society of America revealed that "more young men in California rise in pitch at the end of their sentences when talking."

According to BBC, "This process is known as 'uptalk' or 'valleygirl speak' and has in the past been associated with young females, typically from California or Australia. But now a team says that this way of speaking is becoming more frequent among men."  

Thank you, Gwen and Jaye Anne for alerting me to this news.

Source: flickr

Japanese femulator Mimo-Momo. 

Wearing Madeleine.