Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2019

I'm So Tired

Sorry, there were no Sunday Funnies yesterday! The past five days have been very hectic and the blog suffered as a result.

Wednesday evening, I went out for my free dinner and when I returned home, I chronicled the evening for the blog before I went to bed because Thursday was Day One of my daughter's move.

Thursday, we rented a box truck from U-Haul, brought it home and loaded it with my daughter's belongings. I never drove anything bigger than a passenger van before, so I was a little nervous getting behind the wheel of the truck, but I got used to it very quickly. The truck had a rear view camera to facilitate backing up and that was a godsend.

Friday morning, Day Two of the move, we drove the truck to my daughter's apartment in Hartford. The building (formerly a factory) had a loading dock and a freight elevator, so we were able to move everything up to her fourth floor apartment by loading the freight elevator twice. Our cousin showed up to help us move and we managed to get everything into the apartment in two hours. Then, we assembled her bed and quit for the day. My daughter rewarded us with dinner at Outback Steakhouse.

We returned to her apartment Saturday to assemble some other furniture and unpack the essentials. We quit after four hours, went home, ate dinner and crashed.

I spent Sunday morning removing the ice covered snow from the driveway and sidewalks. The snow overnight turned to rain this morning, which froze on contact making power outages a possibility. I am crossing my fingers that that does not happen. So far, so good, but I am trying to finish and post this as soon as possible, just in case.

And I'm so tired!

Source: Veronica Beard
Wearing Veronica Beard (Source: Veronica Beard)

Oslo Grace
Oslo Grace, model

Friday, March 9, 2018

Fridays are from Venus

Cabin Fever No More Dept.

After months of winter weather and weeks of the flu, I have a bad case of cabin fever. Just in the nick of time, Diana of Diana's Little Corner in the Nutmeg State fame asked me to join her and another friend, Maryann, for lunch today.

It was touch and go when 15 inches of snow fell here Wednesday night, but the snow melted quickly and the roads are clear and ready to transport me on a day out en femme.  

Very Good News Dept.

Religion does not justify firing a transgender employee, appeals court rules. Click here to read all about it.

Same Day Dept.

Coincidentally, yesterday was International Women's Day and my birthday.

Source: Ramy Brook
Wearing Ramy Brook (Source: Ramy Brook)

Australian television film Carlotta
I may be in error, but I believe that all the showgirls in this photo are femulators except for the girl sitting on the knee of the boy presenting as a boy (from the Australian television film Carlotta).

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Outfitting Friday

Too chilly for these pants?
Twenty inches of snow piled up in my yard yesterday and it isn’t going anywhere fast as the temperature hovers in the mid-20’s today.

Conditions will not improve much for the next few days according to the National Weather Service and as a result, when I go to UConn on Friday to attend the True Colors Conference, I might be forced to do something I almost never do: wear pants . (The “high” temperature forecasted for Storrs on Friday is 34 degrees!)

I do own dress pants, leggings, jeans and even a pair of skinny jeans. I could pair a pull-over sweater or a long tunic sweater with my pants. Or I might tough it out and wear a green sweater dress in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

Storrs is notoriously windy this time of year, so I definitely will wear my long fake fur coat over whatever outfit I put together.

And so it goes!

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Theory blouse and pants and Zero+Maria Cornejo pumps.

Adam Fidusiewicz
Adam Fidusiewicz femulates Samantha Fox on Polish television's version of Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Monday, March 13, 2017

UConn Show in the Snow

These boots aren't made for slogging!
After a mild January and February, winter has decided to go out with a bang a few days before the first day of spring. Weather people are predicting 16 to 26 inches of snow to fall here by Wednesday!

I hope they are wrong because Friday, I will be at UConn and I don't look forward to dealing with snowy and icy sidewalks. I do own a half dozen pairs of women's boots, but they are more fashionable than practical, so I may have to resort to wearing boy boots to slog around campus.

The reason I will be at UConn is to attend the True Colors Conference where I will be presenting a workshop titled "Makeup Basics for Trans Females." The Conference guide describes my workshop thusly, "Putting on your face can be a cosmetic calamity if you don't have a roadmap. This workshop provides guidance and tips for the transgender female on how to successfully navigate the world of cosmetics so that she can start looking like the female she really is."

Last year, I had over 40 people in attendance for that workshop, so I am looking forward to the Conference, but not the weather.

Source: ShopBazaar
Wearing Otte bag and Sacai earrings.

Vitalij S
Vitalij S, male womenswear model

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Snow Day

There will be no new content here today because I have been preoccupied dealing with the snow.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snowed Out

IMG_3664_web I was disappointed that the weather ruined my plans to attend the local Avon representatives holiday party last night.

The snow stopped falling at 4 PM. I finished removing the snow from my driveway and sidewalks at 5:30 PM. The town removed the snow off the street at 7 PM; black ice was scheduled to begin forming soon at 7:30 PM. The party started at 6:30 PM.

I was surprised that the party was not postponed considering the weather and road conditions, but at 4:30 PM, an e-mail arrived informing me that the party was still on. I imagine that the headcount at the party was lower than usual… at least by one.

I had a cute outfit picked out and ready to wear. I hope I will have another opportunity to wear it out real soon now.

By the way, the photo above was taken exactly one year ago when I was getting ready to go to last year’s Avon rep holiday party.





Source: Femulate Archives

Obi-Wan Kenobi femulating in the 1949 British film Kind Hearts and Coronets.





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Single Plus.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

33 inches

Between mid-morning Friday and early morning Saturday, 33 inches of snow fell in my neck of the woods. The ground was actually bare here before the storm and we were having an easy winter, but not anymore!