Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

Men is a Three-Lettered Word

dating I received questions about men, sex, and mixing the two.

Emily asked, “As Stana are you attracted to guys? Are you asexual?”

Pat inquired, “Do you ever feel like having sex with a real man when dressed?”

I am not asexual and I am not attracted to men, but I am attracted to women. (Does that make me a lesbian?)

I have never had the desire to have sex with a man, however, I often think about having sex with a woman with me playing the submissive role in that encounter.

That being said, I am happily married and I have no plans of breaking my marriage vows.

Beth wondered, “What you think about men, being with them when you are dressed, etc?”

I have thought about going on a date with a man using a man as a beard to see how it feels to be treated as a lady. It would be very interesting to dance backwards in heels. 

Paula queried, “Why does sex not appear or exist in any of your postings?”

I strive to keep the blog as family-oriented as possible.




Doing the tango, circa 1925.




Wearing Daily Look.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Opposite Sex

i-love-tall-gals When I do outreach, one question that often comes up is which sex is attractive to me.

Since I look, walk, talk, and behave exactly like a woman, the expected answer is "men," so when I say I prefer women, the audience is thrown for a loop .

Your mileage may vary, but most of the transfolks I do outreach with are attracted to their same gender, that is, the male-to-female transfolks prefer women and the female-to-male transfolks prefer men. When they changed genders, their sexuality did not change; they were still attracted to the sex they preferred before transition (which affirms the proposition that sex and gender are separate issues).

On the other hand, I know transfolks who not only change genders, but also change teams after they transition, that is, transwomen who preferred men and transmen who preferred women.

But most of the transfolks I know personally do not change teams (again, your mileage may vary). I admit that I know more crossdressers than transsexuals, still, most of the transsexuals I know personally did not change teams either.

Getting back to me (isn't it always about "me"): I prefer women... always did. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but sex with a man never interested me.

However, I have never had sex when en femme. My spouse will have nothing to do with me when I am en femme and since I am committed to my marriage, I have never sought sex outside of it.

But don't think it has not crossed my mind.

Sex en femme with a woman is very attractive, but that is a moot point because I have never encountered a woman who seemed "that" interested in my femulated self.

On the other hand, sex en femme with a man would be a piece of cake. I have encountered numerous men interested in my femulated self. Some were "tran admirers," some were not. In either case, I rejected their advances because I was a good girl, faithful to my spouse to the end.

But since my spouse will have nothing to do with my femulated self, does that give me license to seek sex outside the marriage when I am en femme? Should I give into the advances of those guys who desire me? And if I did give in, should I have sex like other woman (if you know what I mean)?