Showing posts with label samoa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label samoa. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fa’afafine of Samoa

sua Earlier this month, I referenced two articles regarding fa’afafine transgenders in Samoa.

Another interesting article on the subject just popped up, this time from EDGE Boston, and I am happy to refer it to you, too.

The EDGE article reiterates some of the points of the previous articles, but also includes a revealing interview with Alex K Su’a, the president of the Samoa Fa’afafine Association.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"...glorious miracles and creations of our Lord."

Being transgender in Samoa is a very good thing.

Read all about what the prime minister of Samoa describes as the "glorious miracles and creations of our Lord" here. (Thank you, Jo, for the story)

A related story, "Fa'afafine - Samoan boys brought up as girls," describes Hazy Pau Talauati (photo above), "a Samoan man who dresses and lives as a woman. She is a fa'afafine. Like most fa'afafine in Samoa - and there are a few in most villages - Hazy is an accepted member of the community, valued for the work she does."

UPDATE: Here is the website of S.O.F.I.A.S. - Sosaiete O Fa'afaine i Amerika Samoa, which translates to "Society of Fa'afaine in American Somoa."

I'm moving to Samoa!