Showing posts with label rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rights. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2021

Male Woman

70 years old today and counting

Today is International Women's Day

As we prepare to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, our resolve to keep pushing for gender equality is stronger than ever. And we won’t stop until girls and women are equal everywhere.

That’s because equality is her birthright, enshrined in the UN Charter, but it isn’t her reality. Despite some progress, there is no place or part of life where a girl or woman has the equal rights or opportunities as a boy or man.

As a male woman, I am very sympathetic to these goals. Though some would say that I have “male privilege,” I would argue that male women are treated worse than cisgender women and I yearn to achieve the same equality sought by women.

Even living much of my life disguised as a man, my natural femininity marked me as less than a man and I was treated accordingly by both males and females. 

Living as a male woman was an improvement. I was living as my true self and females seemed to embrace me as someone who had joined their team. On the other hand, males treated me even more poorly than they did when I was in my man disguise.

I am sure that all male women have had similar experiences and also long for gender equality.

Wearing New York & Company

Wearing New York & Company



Friday, March 5, 2021

Bad News and Good News

By Paula Gaikowski

Last week, there was bad news for transgender persons and there was good news. 

First the good news, the House passed the Equality Act, a bill that would extend basic rights to the LGBTQ community. It just needs to get past the Senate with 60 votes where I am sure it’s in for a fight. Ironically the overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of the law (many assume that LGBTQ already have these protections).

If you walk down the hallway in the Capitol, you will see the transgender flag proudly displayed in front of the office of Congresswoman Marie Newman. The congresswoman put it there in support of her 20-year-old transgender daughter.

Now for the bad news, Congresswoman Marjorie Greene reacted to the flag by posting a transphobic sign meant to appeal to people’s fears and prejudices in the culture war that the GOP stokes daily in their only hope of gaining the electorate.

The sign she posted reads, “There are only two genders, Trust the science.”

There are so many things wrong with that statement besides just being hurtful and hateful.

1. Gender is a social construct, not biological. Ironically, after denigrating science when it comes to climate change and the pandemic, Greene uses science as a tool, although incorrectly.

2. Greene probably was referring to biological sex. However, it is scientifically evident that intersex persons exist. A common argument amongst transphobic people is that you are either XX or XY chromosomed and that defines your sex and gender absolutely. Intersex persons are much more common than one would think. Here’s a list of famous intersexed persons.

3. Her statement that there are only two genders is also incorrect. Let us not forgot the non-binary members of our community. Our culture has predominately recognized two genders, male and female and that Ms. Greene, is where most of us transgender persons struggle. We struggle with being the wrong biological sex and along with our biology, we are assigned a social gender. Gender and sex are two different things and transgender persons struggle with both.

All of this illustrates how far we have come in the battle for transgender rights, but also how far we must go. When I think back to my 20’s, the idea that a congressperson would plant the transgender flag on Capitol Hill and be advocating for her transgender daughter was a distant dream. Add to it the fact that being transgender is no longer a tabloid curiosity, but common in all our communities. 

Wherever you are in your journey, whether closeted or transitioned, remember not to be afraid to advocate for our community. It’s time to speak up and defend transgender people by showing our support. We can object to rude jokes and stereotypes, correct persons misconceptions and support gay and transgender colleagues. We need to take a stand and show acceptance and support for transgender persons and make transphobic behavior socially unacceptable.

Wearing London Times
Wearing London Times

Mateusz Jakubiec femulated Lene Nystrøm Rasted (Aqua) on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.
You can view this femulation on YouTube.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Wednesday

My Fair Lady Dept.

Quarantined, I am watching the first season of The Sopranos on HBO. Being a late adopter, I missed the first year and a half of the series when it was originally broadcast back in 1999, so these episodes are new to me.

I also watched “NYC Subway Front Window View - The Manhattan-Bound 7 Express Line” on YouTube. Basically, this subway line travels between Flushing, Queens and Manhattan passing by the site of the 1964-65 World’s Fair.

It is very nostalgic trip for me because we took this line the first time my family visited the Fair in 1964. It is also a reminder that I wanted to revisit the site en femme for a photoshoot at the Unisphere and other remnants of the Fair. Maybe I will be able to pull that off in the fall or next spring after things return to normal.


I received an email that opened with “WHY...are you biased against the President?”

Besides being intellectually and psychologically unfit for the job, IMPOTUS has waged a nonstop onslaught against the rights of trans people since the day he took office.

There are too many battles and skirmishes in Trump’s War on Transgenders to enumerate here. The National Center for Transgender Equality keeps track of such things and you can view the complete list here.

Anyway, for the life of me, I cannot understand how any trans person can support someone who is working hard to limit and/or eliminate their human rights.

My response to “WHY...are you biased against the President?” is “WHY ...are you not biased against the President?”

Source: Karen Kane
Wearing Karen Kane

I love this photo. Looks like a classroom, so I assume it is some kind of gender switch event that middle and high schools sponsor on occasion. Typically, the boys and girls crossdress to emulate middle and high school girls and boys, but in this case, the femulators look like they are emulating adult  women, perhaps their teachers!
I love this photo. Looks like a classroom, so I assume it is a gender switch event that middle and high schools sponsor on occasion. Typically, the boys and girls crossdress to emulate middle and high school girls and boys, but in this case, the femulators look like they are emulating adult  women, perhaps their teachers!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

New pentagon transgender policy limits service members to birth gender

Trump's War on Transgenders Marches On

With all legal hurdles cleared, the pentagon has instituted a new transgender policy that largely limits the military service of transgender persons currently in uniform to their birth gender. If they are unwilling to do so, they could be discharged.

Transgender service members currently serving in the military will only be allowed to continue to serve if they adhere to the dress and grooming standards of their biological gender. Waivers will be allowed on a case-by-case basis but only from the secretaries in charge of the military services.

Read the rest of the story here at ABC News.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

War on Us

Nearly two years ago, Dallas Denny wrote "The Rise and Fall of the Weimar Transvestites and the Threat to Our Own Trans Community." 

In the article, Dallas wrote how the "flourishing and innovative Weimar transvestite community came to a crashing end with Adolph Hitler’s rise to power." And how "Our trans community and many other American communities face the same grave threat."

Since the publication of Dallas' article, we have seen how emboldened by our fake president's "War on Transgenders," there has been a rise in violent crime against our community and an increase by so-called Christian groups to pass legislation that will remove the rights and protections we have won under more progressive leaders.

I pray that we will be able to turn the tide in the upcoming mid-term elections, but I fear that our president will again ask his keepers in the Kremlin to fix the election results in his favor. 

Source: Metrostyle
Wearing Metrostyle (Source: Metrostyle)

BiancaXBoom also know as Daniel femulating in a Dollie Dress (Source: Deviantart)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

War on Transgenders Marches On

Sadly, Trump's War on Transgenders continues...

Education Dept. Officially Says It Will Reject Transgender Student Bathroom Complaints

The Education Department says it won't investigate or take action on any complaints filed by transgender students who are banned from restrooms that match their gender identity, charting new ground in the Trump administration's year-long broadside against LGBT rights.

Read the rest of the story here.

Read the Los Angeles LGBT Center's excellent response to the Education Department here.

Trump Not Done Trying To Ban Transgender People from of Military

President Donald Trump‘s attempts to ban transgender people from the military have failed at every turn, but he isn’t done yet. The Trump administration will unveil and defend a new anti-trans policy on February 21.

Read the rest of the story here.

GOP Defines Being Transgender As 'A Disqualifying Psychological and Physical Condition'

The Republican National Committee voted to support Trump's August order that defines being transgender as “a disqualifying psychological and physical” condition.

Read the rest of the story here.

Transgender Rights Targeted by Multiple Ballot Measures Across the United States

Emboldened by Trump's War on Transgenders, discrimination is on the ballot in Massachusetts and Anchorage, Alaska, with signatures currently being collected for a third anti-transgender ballot measure in Montana.

Read the rest of the story here.

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Rebecca de Ravenel (Source: Moda Operandi)

Kamil Bijos femulating on Your Face Sounds Familiar on Polish television.