Showing posts with label reincarnation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reincarnation. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2021

Past Lives

Do you believe in past lives and reincarnation?

I always thought that if there was something to reincarnation, then it might help explain why trans-people are trans. For example, if you were a woman in your previous life and came back as a man in this life, perhaps you might bring along womanly traits from your previous life. Maybe so many traits that you were still a woman, but in a man’s body.

Who knows?

If anyone asks about my past lives, I tell them that in my previous life, I was a female singer in a USO troupe touring with Glenn Miller’s band during World War II and that I died on December 15, 1944 when Miller’s plane was accidentally bombed by the RAF over the English Channel.

Being female in my previous life explains my trans-ness in this life and being a singer during that era explains my affinity for the music of that time period.

My death aboard a bombed airplane explains the horrific nightmares I had as a young child. In those nightmares, I was in an enclosed place that started exploding and before long, I was exploding, too. Then, I’d wake up screaming.

I had that same nightmare numerous times and cannot attribute it to anything I experienced in this life. If reincarnation is fact, then maybe the roots of my nightmares are from my previous life.

Like I wrote above, who knows?

Wearing Venus
Wearing Venus

Hans Lothar femulating in the 1961 film One, Two, Three
Hans Lothar femulating in the 1961 film One, Two, Three.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Reincarnated into the Opposite Gender


Robin referred me to a thread of messages that put forth the theory that transgender people switched genders during reincarnation and that their gender confusion is due to leftovers from their previous life.

Years ago, when I was trying to figure myself out, those same thoughts crossed my mind. They were brought on by a recurring dream in which I was a female performer in the USO during World War II and died in a plane crash during the war (like bandleader Glenn Miller).

This dream occurred many times during my youth (when I was closer in time to my previous incarnation) and I would awake screaming as the plane went down. I have not had that dream in a long time, but I will never forget it.

I am neither a believer or non-believer regarding reincarnation, but if reincarnation is real, then it makes sense that if you switched genders during a reincarnation, there might be residue from the previous gender in your current incarnation.





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Leota.





Singer Daniel Diges femulating Whitney Houston on Spanish television’s
Tu Cara Me Suena (Your Face Sounds Familiar) in 2012.

Friday, May 16, 2008

past lives

Do you believe in past lives and reincarnation?

I always thought that if there was something to reincarnation, then it might help explain why trans-people are trans.

For example, if you were a woman in your previous life and came back as a man in this life, perhaps you might bring along carry womanly traits from your previous life. Furthermore, if you were a woman in consecutive previous lives and then came back as a man, you might be trans in this life because old habits are hard to break.

Who knows?

If anyone asks about my past lives, I tell them that in my previous life I was a female singer in a USO troupe touring with Glenn Miller's band during World War II and that I died on December 15, 1944 when Miller's plane was accidentally bombed by the RAF over the English Channel.

Being female in my previous life explains my trans-ness in this life and being a singer during that era explains my affinity for the music of that time period.

My death aboard a bombed airplane explains the horrific nightmares I had as a young child. In these nightmares, I was in an enclosed place that started exploding and before long, I was exploding, too. Then, I'd wake up screaming.

I had that same nightmare numerous times and cannot attribute it to anything I experienced in this life. If reincarnation is fact, then maybe the roots of my nightmares are from my previous life.

Like I wrote before, who knows?