Showing posts with label quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quiz. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm a Tammy Lynn Michaels

I took the quiz twice. First time, I selected "female" as my gender; second time, I selected "male." Both times, the results were Tammy Lynn Michaels!

Next, I had to Google Ms. Michaels because I had no idea who she is. I guess I need to get out more!

I always suspected that when en femme I was a "lipstick lesbian" and this quiz confirms it!

What famous lesbian do you most closely resemble?
Your Result: Tammy Lynn Michaels

You asked Melissa Ethridge out on a dare and now you're married! You are pretty much known as the wife of Melissa Ethridge, although you've had some pretty cool roles on TV and the movies.

Portia Di Rossi
Ellen Degeneres
Katherine Moennig
Rosie O'Donnell
Jackie Warner
K D Lang
Melissa Ethridge
What famous lesbian do you most closely resemble?
Make a Quiz

Thursday, June 14, 2007

my accent

This quiz was dead-on as far as I am concerned since I was born, raised, and lived most of my life in Western New England.

What American accent do you have?


You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

Personality Test Results

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