Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

T Pride

At Trans Pride
LGBTQ Pride month is half over.

I have never attended an LGBTQ Pride event. I just don’t feel like I belong.

On the other hand, I did attend Trans Pride in Northampton, Massachusetts, and I was thrilled to participate. Those were my peeps and you could feel the love of the trans community. And I would go again if there ever is another local Trans Pride event.

Source: Paige
Wearing Paige

Lily Roberts out shopping

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

images of New England Trans Pride

On Friday, I wrote about the upcoming New England Trans United Pride March and Rally on October 3 in Northampton, MA.

Again, I urge every trans person who lives in the upper right corner of the USA to attend the event if they can.

If you never attended such an event in the past, I list some links below where you can view photos and videos from the first New England Trans Pride event of June 2008. If you are on the fence about attending, I hope that viewing these images will push you over the edge.

Friday, September 11, 2009

three weeks 'til Trans Pride

In three weeks, Saturday, October 3, the New England Trans United Pride March will kick off at noon from Lampron Park in Northampton, MA. The march will proceed down Main Street to the Armory Street lot where an afternoon-long rally will begin at 1 PM. The rally will include a variety of political speakers, transgender activists, and performers.

For more information, visit the New England Trans United Web site.

This will be New England's second trans pride march and rally. The first occurred in June 2008, also in Northampton.

I attended that first event and it was an exciting day for me and the other participants as we ran the trans flag up the flagpole to see who would salute it. The October 3 event promises to be just as exciting and I hope I can attend.

If you have never attended a pride march and rally, but are considering attending this Trans Pride event, have no fear. Northampton is a very diverse community (think of it as a landlocked Provincetown). Nobody will hassle you because you are trans and you will not be alone because there will be hundreds of your trans brothers and sisters in attendance.

Northampton is strategically located smack dab in the the center of Southern New England right off I-91, so it is only a two- or three-hour drive for most of the trans population of the six New England States.

If you can get there, I hope you will make an effort to get there. You will go away with a sense of pride and will help advance the civil rights of the trans folk throughout the USA.

Monday, July 27, 2009

New England Trans Pride On October 3

The New England Trans United Pride March & Rally has an additional community organizing meeting to help with the planning of the upcoming regional transgender rights march on October 3, 2009, in Northampton, MA.

The Community Organizing meeting, open to all trans people and our allies, will be at Tapestry Health, 365 Bay St. in Springfield, MA 01109 this Thursday, July 30 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

We need lots of volunteer hands to help with a march and rally of this size -- the hottest event of the year! We are looking for folks to help with security, fund-raising, rally setup and cleanup, outreach to contingents, sign-making, blogging, social media networking, videography, photography, and more.

Come out with your good ideas and energy to lend a hand to build your trans rights movement! Join us ... and please spread the word to your friends and lists!


Bet Power
Steering Committee Member
New England Trans United Pride March & Rally


Yours truly attended the first Trans Pride March & Rally in June 2008. The "Big T" was an amazing day and I plan to attend this year's installment, too, but this time, I will bring comfortable shoes!

Monday, June 16, 2008

still more TransPride photos

Courtesy of Glenn Koetzner, here are 150 photos from the New England TransPride March and Rally in Northampton, MA, on June 7.

Friday, June 13, 2008

more TransPride photos

Courtesy of GLAD, here is a link to more photos from Saturday's New England TransPride March & Rally.

Also, please read GLAD Transgender Rights Project Director Jennifer Levi's thoughts on the march at her blog.

Monday, June 9, 2008

transpride photos and videos

Saturday, I took my digital camera to a TransPride and took a lot of photos, but most of them came out lousy. The problem was that some foreign substance was smeared on my lens. I assume it was suntan lotion. Until I discovered it near day's end, all the photos came out blurry.

When I viewed the photos as I took them, I did not notice the problem because the Sun was so bright that it washed out the image displayed by the camera's LCD. Only when Iwas viewing the photos late in the day in the shade did I notice the problem. After I cleaned the lens, the few remaining photos I took came out fine.

So all I have for my day of shooting photos is a couple of good ones at the beginning of the day and a couple of good ones at the end of the day. I was very disappointed.

But all is not lost because after searching the Internet, I discovered that other people have been posting their TransPride photos and videos on the net. Here are the ones I have found:
I will add more to the list if I discover them.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

an amazing day

Transpride March and Rally, Northampton, MA, June 7, 2008

I met my friend Diana at her house and she drove her high MPG hybrid to Northamption (we picked up her old friend/my new friend Trevor along the way).

We arrived about 10:45 AM and parked in the garage next to the parking lot where the rally would take place. We found our support group’s table, which was close to the stage, and set up for the day.

Soon after arriving in Northampton and walking around awhile, I discovered that my “comfortable” shoes were not comfortable enough, so I did not march.

I would have marched if I only had to march one way, but first I had to walk the length of the march route to the park where the march began and then march back. The two-mile trek was not in the cards. And meanwhile, my comfortable sneakers were in my car sitting in Diana's driveway, 60 miles away! I kicked myself the rest of the day for that strategic error.

(Although my shoes were march-deficient, two women working the pizza booth at the rally said they "loved" my shoes! I also received a couple of compliments on my whole outfit.)

The weather started out comfortably. It was warm and humid, but not bad. Then the skies cleared, the Sun went to work, the temperatures rose, and by noon, it was amazingly hot!

Most of the attendees were dressed appropriately for the weather (shorts, loose and/or skimpy tops), not too many skirts, dresses, and hosiery, but I was not alone in my wardrobe choice and did not feel out of place.

Actually, I was more comfortable then I expected. I went with minimal underwear: just panties, bra, and a lightweight waist cincher. My wig and makeup were not an issue and as a result, I did not perspire at all except when I used a portable toilet, which was an oven!

The march was impressive. Five hundred to 1,000 people marched (estimates varied) and were cheered by on-lookers along the route. The marchers arrived at the rally site around noon and the speakers began shortly thereafter.

I stayed at our table most of the afternoon, sipping water, listening to the speakers, and enjoying the shade provided by the beach umbrella that Lee Anne kindly provided.

It was an interesting crowd and not the typical crowd I have seen at expensive trans conferences where white middle class, middle-aged transpeople predominate (NTTIAWWT). Here, I saw all colors, ages, and classes of transpeople, which brought home the fact that the Trans Nation is as diverse as the general population.

The rally ended around 5 PM. Diana and I packed up and walked to a nearby lounge for the GLAD after-rally party, where we hobnobbed with some of the movers and shakers in the trans community including TransFM’s Ethan St. Pierre and IFGE’s Denise Leclair, who graciously took the photo accompanying this blog posting.

There was a familiar face at the party, but I could not place her. Today, while searching the blogs for Transpride references, I placed her face when I read her blog. The face belonged to Jess, a regular reader of this blog and the author of her own blog, Our Life In Pink. At the party, I almost asked her where I knew her from, but I am shy, did not do so and regret it so much now that we did not make a connection.

After a very long day, Diana and I left the party and travelled back our homes.

It was an amazing day. The speakers were inspiring and motivated me to come out and be proud about being trans. It is something I am seriously considering.

I Remembered A Dream!

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know I seldom remember my dreams and on those rare occasions when I do remember a dream, it is usually trans related.

In light of my day at Transpride yesterday, I find it interesting that I remembered my dream last night, but it was not trans related… or was it?

Here is last night's dream:

I am driving on the I-84 in the general direction of New York City approximately 80 miles away. Suddenly, an exploding ball appears on the horizon. Then the ball disappears and the whole sky turns bright yellow-orange.

As I realize that someone dropped the big one on The City, I am transported from my car to the house where I was raised and I run downstairs to the cellar to hide from the nuclear blast. I realize that it is probably futile because if I survive the blast, I will eventually die from the radiation. Then, I woke up.

Friday, June 6, 2008

nothing new in my closet

I went shopping last night to find some cool duds to wear to Transpride tomorrow where the weather people predict it will be 95 and humid.

I found nothing that I liked, so I plan to go with what I had originally planned to wear, which will probably suffice. (Unless I wear a skimpy bikini, I don't think anything I wear tomorrow will keep me cool anyway.)

On the other hand, the weather people have been wrong before including this week, so maybe it won't be as hot as the predict it will be.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

if you can't stand the heat...

The weather forecast for Saturday in Northampton is "partly cloudy with a high near 95."


I never dress en femme in that kind of weather unless I will be spending most of my time inside an air-conditioned building, which will not be the case this Saturday at the Transpride March and Rally.

So, I must dress for the weather, which means I will go shopping real soon now to find something cool to wear.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

hot time at Transpride

I am very psyched about attending Transpride on Saturday. I am going up to "Big T" with my friend Diana, who has an invite to a reception afterword where we will be rubbing elbows with the makers and shakers of the trans world (Diana is a local maker and shaker).

The weather forecast is "Mostly sunny, with a high near 94 84." If that forecast holds up I will be wearing hot pants and a bikini top... not.

Actually, I am undecided on what to wear. I have two outfits in mind, but I probably won't decide until Saturday morning. Regardless, I will be wearing comfortable shoes for sure, but they must be stylish comfortable shoes, afterall I have a reputation as a fashionista that I must maintain and I don't want to disappoint.


I just checked the forecast again and the predicted high temperature for Saturday in NoHo is 84, not 94. When I saw "94" this morning, I was surprised because yesterday, it was 84. I guess someone caught the error. Maybe that someone is a reader of this blog and my mention of 94 alerted them to the mistake!

Friday, May 23, 2008

going home again

A hometown visit brings back the struggles of growing up black and transgender.

Read this excellent opinion piece by Dannielle King, which appeared in today's Washington Blade.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

the "Big T"

June 7, five weeks from this Saturday, the first New England Transgender Pride March and Rally will be held in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Northampton is an hour plus drive from Femulate Central and I plan to spend June 7 there rallying with my T-sisters and brothers from the six New England states and beyond. This T-only pride event will be a first for New England, perhaps the whole East Coast, and I don't want to miss it.

Perhaps, the event should be nicknamed the "Big T" just like the annual Eastern States Exposition held 17 miles downstream from Northampton is nicknamed the "Big E." Just a thought.