There was a silent auction during Fantasia Fair and one of the items up for bid was the November 1980 issue of Playboy magazine. That issue contained the infamous article that exposed Fantasia Fair to the world.
Titled "It's No Fun Being A Girl" and written by D. Keith Mano, I read that article back in 1980 and did not recall much of it. However, I do remember that the article impressed me that Fantasia Fair existed and provided an outlet for crossdressers to do their thing in public without fear. I hoped I would be able to attend some day.
Twenty-eight years later I finally made it, but that's another story.
Since the only thing I recalled about the article was the tampon "controversy," I wanted to revisit the article and see what impressed me 34 years ago. Searching online, I only found a few references to the article. However, I did notice that back issues of Playboy were available from a variety of sources, so I visited eBay and found a copy of the pertinent issue for $2.
When the magazine arrived, I began reading the article immediately. But, about half way through, I stopped reading it and skimmed the rest.
The writer was not trans in any way (at least, he did not admit to being trans). Rather, he was a civilian writing about his first person experience getting dressed as a woman and attending Fantasia Fair. He wrote a humorous piece, often at the expense of the trans folks attending the Fair.
The average Playboy reader would probably enjoy the humor, but I did not and that is why I stopped reading the article at the half-way point.
I did read the whole article back in 1980, but then there was next to nothing to read about being trans, so I relished every word (good or bad) on the topic. I don't recall if I found the article amusing back then – probably not because it hit too close to home – but the article did inform me about the existence of Fantasia Fair, which was something a confused 20-something transgirl could grasp onto.

Wearing Victoria’s Secret.

The “winner” of a recent womanless beauty contest.