Showing posts with label paper doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paper doll. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Trans E-Mail

life's-a-drag-2013-01-10-0 Trans is becoming such an integral part of our culture that it shows up everywhere these days. So much so that it even shows up in the in-box of my boy mode e-mail account. In fact, two trans-related e-mails arrived in my boy mode in-box within the last 12 hours.

New York magazine’s daily e-mail, “The Cut,” had a slideshow of the Fifty Most Iconic Gender Benders of All Time. It included all the usual suspects and a few “icons” that were new to me.

In my opinion, some of their choices were in error and did not belong in the slideshow. And I was disappointed that they missed some icons that I thought deserved to be there. For example, how did they miss me?

Amazon’s daily e-mail included an ad for a book of drag paper dolls titled Life’s a Drag! by Tom Tierney. I have had an interest in paper dolls ever since I was a young girly boy cutting out the paper dolls from Katy Keene comic books, so a drag paper doll book definitely is of interest.

Life’s a Drag! is not the first drag paper doll book, but I think it is the most recent of the genre. The dolls include Milton Berle, Tim Curry, Cary Grant, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Nathan Lane, Jude Law, Jerry Lewis, Eddie Murphy, Ru Paul, Tyler Perry, Peter Scolari, John Travolta, Robin Williams, as well as three female-to-male drag presentations: Julie Andrews, Katherine Hepburn, and Barbra Streisand.

Some of the presentations in Life’s a Drag! are very good, but perhaps it is time for a paper doll book of real femulators!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Are you a Peggy or a Joan?

Today's installment of Salon's Broadsheet asks "Are you a Peggy or a Joan?"

After reading Broadsheet, I had to find out for myself and generated my own Mad Men paper doll here.

On the right, are the results, i.e., the way I would have looked circa 1960 working for a Madison Avenue advertising agency. To tell you the truth, except for the hem line, it is very similar to the way I look today en femme.