Showing posts with label out at work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label out at work. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Working Sisters

I was a working stiff for almost 40 years. The companies I worked for employed thousands of people, yet I never encountered another trans sister among my fellow employees.

Admittedly, I kept a lid on my crossdressing the first 30 years, but outed myself with my Halloween femulations the last ten years. Yet, no one ever approached me to introduce themselves as a trans sister, which is understandable. 

Most people are more circumspect than me about our “hobby.” I was probably just as careful about my secret identity before I came out and don't know if I would have come out to a sister co-worker if the opportunity arose, which it never did.

After I retired from ARRIS in 2017, I did discover that one of my blog readers worked at a different ARRIS facility and we knew some of the same people. 

It’s a small world after all.

Source: Intermix
Wearing Jonathan Simkhai

Rodney Chester, Shaun Earl, Jazzmun, Red Savage
Rodney Chester, Shaun Earl, Jazzmun and Red Savage femulating in the 2000 film Punks.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Winding Down

Ten work days left, then I'm out of here! What a great feeling!

Only ten more commutes to work. Good riddance to all you tailgaters on Route 322!

It is so nice to be able to ignore e-mails and meetings at work regarding stuff that will have no import until after I exit.

I will finish my last writing project today, so then I will switch to maintenance mode and organize my files for the two writers who will replace me. Also, I can start going through the stuff in my office (20 years' worth) and decide what to take home and what to throw out.

Meanwhile, my old boss came by yesterday and invited me to go out to dinner to celebrate. She also invited my previous old boss to the celebration. Problem is that their schedules won't permit us to get together until after I leave, so we will do dinner in June.

I came out to both of my former bosses years ago and they always encouraged me to dress as a woman at work for Halloween. In fact, they were both fine with me dressing as a woman all the time at work if that is what I chose to do. Needless to say, I will be presenting as a woman when we do go out to dinner next month.

Thought for the Day

If I knew then what I know now, I would have been sitting to pee like forever.

source: Intermix
Needle & Thread jacket, Zimmermann bralette, 10 Crosby Derek Lan shorts and Vita Fede sunglasses (source: Intermix).

Lee Pace
Lee Pace femulating in the 2003 film Soldier's Girl.

Monday, April 3, 2017

To Come Out or Not

Meg of Call Me Meg fame wrote:
I know you're out a bit at work; you probably don't know how far out because you don't know who has been talking (gossiping) with whom. Also, I suspect you know more "out at work" T-people than most.
I have never read of someone coming out at work (or otherwise) and having someone else at the office or group pull them aside and say something like "I wish I had the nerve to come out here" or to compare notes or in any way say "me too."
Have you? Or is this like the elusive womanless events, where it exists only for other people?
Good question, Meg!

No one at my 9 to 5 job ever came out to me.

I am not out at work except to a handful of people. I am sure that others might suspect I am trans, but unless they heard it from me or from those who are in the know, they don't know for sure. As a result, they are likely to be hesitant to out themselves to me because they don't know if I am transgender or just a Halloween crossdresser.

On the other hand, in the ham radio world, I am very out there and present as a woman. In that world, I lost count how many civilians have come out to me as trans, both in person and by email... probably two to three dozen in all. They know I am a sister, so they are less/not hesitant to let the cat out of the bag.

And so it goes.

Source: Vogue
Wearing Diane von Furstenberg.

Source: Pinterest
Bride and groom.