Showing posts with label neighbors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neighbors. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Location, Location, Location

Driveway en femme
Our first house was a crossdresser’s nightmare!

It was less than 50 feet away from our neighbor’s house. Our driveway ran along the property line between houses and our garage was under our house, so when leaving the house, I would have to back out of the garage and then proceed forward on the driveway for about 100 feet to the street, all in full view of the neighbors if they happened to be out on their deck, which faced our house, or out roaming the yard between houses.

As a result, coming and going en femme was an adventure. Before leaving en femme, I would have to check to see if all was clear before opening the garage door and making a quick getaway. Coming home was less problematical because I usually returned home after dark.

One time, I checked and all was clear, but by the time I got into my car and backed out of the garage, my neighbor had come outside and was standing on the deck. I avoided looking at her, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see that she was watching me. I was so flustered that I pulled out onto the street without checking for traffic. Imagine if I had a car accident in front of my house while en femme!

My neighbor never mentioned the incident.

Our second house is a crossdresser’s dream!

The property across the street is reservoir property and as a result, it is undeveloped woodland and will probably remain so forever. My nearest neighbor’s house is over 200 feet away and my property is so treed in that there is no worry about my comings and goings en femme. In fact, I have walked down our 120-foot driveway en femme on a number of occasions to fetch the mail and newspaper without a care.

And so I go.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Bernardo Letro
Femulator Bernardo Letro

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Catching Up

Alice Kravitz Dept.

Mikki commented on Thursday's "Neighbors" post, "You didn't address the 'consequences' of your neighbors seeing Stana. Would there be any at all? Would there be some sort of 'cost' if this happened?

I did not mention any consequences because there are none. 

We don't socialize much with our neighbors. A wave hello is about the extent of it. If something is wrong, we know who to call (like when one neighbor was away and his burglar alarm sounded, I called his brother who lives down the road). I assume they would do the same for me. 

Hamming It Up Dept.

The video of my presentation at this year's Hamvention is now on YouTube here.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus.

Les Lee
Les Lee, 1950's professional femulator