Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Say Cheese

My spouse was perusing the Avon outlet catalog and when she spotted a necklace that I bought earlier in the year, she remarked, “Didn’t I see you wearing this necklace?”

I did not recall the occasion, but knowing I owned the necklace in question, I assumed she saw me wearing it.

“I guess so,” was my reply. But I wasn’t so sure.

For the past few years, I have gotten into the habit of photographing every outfit I wear or plan to wear. I do this for a couple of reasons:

- To see if the outfit makes me look fat.

- To post the photo on Femulate (so you can see if the outfit makes me look fat).

What I see in the mirror often looks different in a photograph. Photographing my fashion faux pas allows me to make adjustments (e.g., tighten my corset) so I don’t look fat.

Anyways, I have hundreds of selfies. (I just checked and I am embarrassed to tell you how many I actually have. Let’s just say that the number is four-digits long).

I checked all my photos for the past year and there was nary a one in which I am wearing the necklace.

Go figure!

Source: Pinterest
Two female femulators enjoying the last days of summer.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Alice + Olivia.

Friday, June 22, 2012


I mentioned here that I bought a new dress at DressBarn that I was attracted to when I walked into the store and saw it on display on a headless mannequin. (The "headless mannequin" also lacked legs and arms and I have since learned that such a mannequin is known as a "torso mannequin.")

Anyway, I forgot to mention that the mannequin was also wearing a beautiful necklace that perfectly accessorized the dress. On my way home after buying the dress, I regretted that I did not purchase the necklace, too.

Today, I had to go to the grocery store to replenish the food stuff that I eat for lunch at work. My favorite DressBarn is next door to the grocery store, so I stopped in to see if they had the necklace. (This was a different DressBarn than the one where I purchased the dress.)

I perused the jewelry racks three times, but could not find the necklace. I gave up looking and asked a saleswoman if they had the necklace in stock, while showing her a picture of the necklace that I had grabbed from the Internet.

She found it buried behind some other necklaces on the jewelry rack and now I have a nice new necklace to go with my nice new dress. Isn't that nice?