Showing posts with label jacqueline kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jacqueline kennedy. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Happy Birthday, Jacqueline Kennedy

Today is Jacqueline Kennedy's birthday. She died young  64 years old (my current age  yikes!)

All the girls and boys like me wanted to be Jackie when we grew up. She was my first female idol.

I remember that she caused a sensation wearing miniskirts. Before her, only teenagers and 20-somethings wore miniskirts; she was one of the first prominent mature women to wear mini's. That made it OK for all mature women to wear above-the-knee hemlines and I thank her for that!

Call for Cover Girls

Monica asked that I post this here, so here it is:
Hi All,
This is a call out for photos (a montage of photos to go on the cover of my new book  Me! The gift of being Transgender). I want to cover the front of the book with photos of T's and TG allies. Unless you specifically ask for your name to be on there, it will all be anonymous. 
The idea of the book is that all people should be treated equally TGs and non-TGs. We do not need the kind of artificial division which has arisen. We are all people an entitled to our own journey. These photos need to be 300 dpi so that I can size them correctly. 
Please send to my e-mail: monica.mulholland @

You may have noticed that things have been a little erratic here lately.

I do not want to go into details... suffice to say that a family member is very ill and that has consumed a lot of our time lately ("our" as in family and I).

So if I am late publishing blog posts, publishing short blog posts, publishing rerun blog posts, publishing no blog posts, or slow and/or short when answering your e-mails, please understand.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing 3.1 Phillip Lim top and Blaque Label culottes.

Pete Burns
Rocker Pete Burns circa 2010

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination is coming up and the media is commemorating the event in many various ways.

I was just 12-years-old at the time, but I was very political even then and JFK was my hero. I campaigned for him as best as a kid could and I was thrilled to see him in person both times he visited my hometown of Waterbury.

JFK was my hero, but Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy was my idol.

During that time, girls and boys with girlish inclinations were fascinated by the Jackie's beauty, style and grace. We all wanted to be just like her. I never wanted to grow up to be President, I wanted to grow up to be First Lady and I femulated her for Halloween one year.

Jackie was not only a fashion plate, she was also a style-setter.

I recall in 1967 that people were scandalized by a news photo of Jackie wearing a skirt that revealed about six inches of leg above the knee. How could a woman of her stature and a certain age (she was 38) dress like that? What a floozy! But next thing you know, everywhere you looked, fashionable women of a certain age were wearing skirts with hems hovering well above the knees.

She was classy and elegant until the very end. What an inspiration!




Professional femulator Steven Brinberg as Barbra Streisand.



Source: Belle & Clive

Wearing Yoanna Baraschi.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Stana Has a Random Moment

If you are stuck in a wardrobe rut, Ginger Burr has a solution on her Nurturing Beauty Style Secrets Blog today: 3 Key Steps to Creating Visual Interest in an Outfit.

I don't have a middle name, but I kind of like the name Jacqueline. I came up with that after a woman at the True Colors Conference last Saturday said that the dress I wore looked like something Jacqueline Kennedy would have worn. I like that.

Over on The Huffington Post, Greg Voakes writes that a "Study Finds Increasing Support for Transgender Rights in the U.S.," which is good news indeed.

Looking forward to a big night out next Saturday when I will get dressed to the nines to attend the annual banquet of the Connecticut Outreach Society. Did I mention that I will be performing during the Follies portion of the banquet? I have lip-synched to tunes in past banquet Follies, but this year I plan to do something completely different. Stay tuned for a full report after the fact.

That was Tina Fey gracing my Wednesday post, Passes with Glasses. I like her glasses so much that I may order a pair like hers from By the way, they have a sweet deal for first time buyers: free frames.

Last night I dreamed that I wanted big breasts. Awake, I never desired big breasts, so go figure.