Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2020

Interview with Me

Interview with Stana

Monika has posted an interview with me on her blog The Heroines of My Life. I had fun participating in the interview and I hope you enjoy reading it. And I want to thank Monika for choosing me and conducting the interview.

Click here to read the interview.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Casa Susanna Interview

Source: today posted an interesting interview with Katherine Cummings (photo right), a former guest at Casa Susanna and a consultant on the stage production Casa Valentina.

You can read the interview here.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Today is Monday

Over the weekend, I finished Christmas shopping. I created, printed, addressed, postaged and mailed the Christmas cards. I wrapped all the Christmas gifts. I put up the Christmas decorations. I am late accomplishing these tasks because nursing my wife back to health ate into the time to get those things done. In fact, I was considering not doing the cards and not putting up the decorations, but my wife is much better this week and did not require as much attention, so it freed up time to do it all.

Helen’s Interview

I want to draw your attention to an excellent interview of Helen Boyd, my friend and author of My Husband Betty and She’s Not the Man I Married. The interview appears in Bluestocking Blue, a blog I was not aware of until Helen mentioned the interview in her own blog, En | Gender.

Vivienne’s Bluestocking Blue

Bluestocking Blue is written by Vivienne, a New Zealand girl, who bills herself as “a forty-something a married heterosexual male crossdresser.” The blog is well-written and very interesting; I recommend taking a look at it.

Monika’s Back

Back in August, I mentioned Monika Kowalska’s blog My Transgender Heroines, in which Monika interviewed well-known and lesser-known transgender women and girls from around the world.

Shortly after I wrote about Monika’s blog, it disappeared from the face of the Internet. Well, the good news is that Monika’s blog is back with a new name (The Heroines of My Life) and new URL.

Source: Celebuzz!

The 2013 Christmas card of Howard Stern (left) and his wife, Beth Otrosky (right).  

Wearing French Connection.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


2012-07-03_interview The Transgender Education Collaboration interviewed me last week and that interview was posted (here) on their website this morning.

I greatly enjoyed being interviewed and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Both Sides Now

2012-01-11_crocker People can't understand that someone can have both sides of themselves and switch back and forth. And a lot of transsexual people have gotten really mad at me and said, "You're really misrepresenting us as a community because you're not sticking with the 'girl look.'" I'm representing myself. I never claimed to be the spokesperson for anything other than myself. I just so happen to be gay or trans or gay and trans or whatever. I don't know. I'm just content with myself and I think that makes people discontented.

I thought the whole point of being transgender was being what you feel on the inside. For me, I wonder why do you have to just feel like a woman trapped in a man's body? Or vice versa? Why can't you identify with both genders and tap into those without being accused of dressing up as a girl for attention? I'm fulfilling whatever vibe I want to go with at that time. I try to block out people's voices in my head and just go with how I feel.

---from the Chris Crocker interview on The Huffington Post, which in my humble opinion, is must reading. Here is the link.