Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Good News, Bad News

My wife is improving, but is not ready to come home yet.

My knee is a mess according to the MRI I had on Friday, so I will be going to an orthopedic doctor to fix it one way or another. Worst case: knee replacement surgery.

Annual check up showed a high PSA, so I went to a urologist yesterday and he scheduled me for an MRI to see what’s wrong with my prostate. Worst case: prostate cancer. After seeing the urologist, they tested my PSA again and it was in the standard normal range. Go figure.

All this is so depressing, but I guess things could be worse. To cheer myself up, I bought a drop-dead gorgeous cocktail dress from Venus that I hope I will have an occasion to wear out once this all blows over.

Source: ChickWish
Wearing ChickWish

cisgender female happily hanging out with her femulating significant other.
I love photos like this one – a cisgender female happily hanging out with her femulating significant other.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Femulations

Presenting at Hamvention, May 2019
My thrush has cleared up to the point that I was able to resume my morning beauty routine which I had abandoned when thrush sores appeared around my mouth (in addition to in my mouth and on my tongue).

I am still on meds and will finish the prescription on Sunday. They did the job, but I will be glad when I am done with them because they occasionally upset my stomach.

At the peak of the thrush, I lost 11 pounds. I assumed that once I was able to eat and drink normally again that I would regain some of that weight. I was correct and regained 4 pounds, but have managed to keep off 7 pounds. Needless to say, I am happy with that weight loss.

I’m waiting on the delivery of another new outfit I ordered from JustFab and as soon as it is delivered, I will be ready to do a photoshoot of all the new attire I acquired recently.

As I mentioned previously, a number of events I planned to attend were cancelled or postponed due to the Trump Virus. However, one of the postponed events, Transgender Lives: The Intersection of Health and Law Conference, started weekly Zoom teleconferences featuring some of the folks who were scheduled to speak at the conference. And they asked me to present “Crossdressing Successfully in the Real World” – time and date is to be determined. It will probably be in early June; I will let you know as soon as I know.

The conference is Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition’s (CTAC) biggest fundraising event of the year and having to postpone means a significant decrease in funding to support CTAC's mission. So please consider donating to help CTAC continue their work making sure that Connecticut is a safe and affirming place for trans and gender non-conforming individuals through education and social advocacy! Please consider making a donation; click here to do so.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Jan Cina
Jan Cina femulates Nada Urbankova on Czech television’s Tvoje tvář má známý hlas.
You can view the femulation on YouTube.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Back to Normal

After eight sessions of physical therapy, I feel great... a few pounds lighter and pretty much back to normal. Which reminds me of femulating at work seven years ago.

When my boss arrived that day, I made a bee-line to her cubicle, saying "Happy Halloween" as I entered.

I took about a half minute before she recognized me and she was ecstatic. She checked me out and gushed over my appearance.

"He shaved his legs."

"He even did his nails."

"I hate him --- he looks better than me."

"I want your dress when you are done with it."

She took my photo and e-mailed it to some of our colleagues in our other facility. Throughout the morning, she brought people to my cubicle to show me off.

I never saw her act like this before. She was enjoying my femulation as much as I was.

Next day, my boss saw me back in boy mode and remarked, "Thank, God, you're dressed normal today."

I responded, "What's normal?"

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Vince Gatton
Vince Gatton femulating Candy Darling in the 2006 stage production of Candy and Dorothy.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


People are asking, so here is my status health-wise. (Thank you for asking!)

My health is improving and I figure to be out and about after Labor Day unless I have a setback.

I lost more weight and I am now down to a weight I have not seen since I was in grammar school!

As a result, a lot of my clothing no longer fits. Even the items I use for my male disguise are swimming on me. (I guess that means I will have to go shopping!)

On the other hand, dresses that were too tight a few months ago, fit perfectly now. I also noticed that some of my high heels that were on the tight side are just right now.

And so it goes!

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Gary Burghoff
Gary Burghoff femulates on a 1975 episode of television's M*A*S*H.
(Thank you, Velma, for the memory.)

Monday, August 27, 2018

How I spent my summer vacation

Actually, I am on a permanent vacation, nevertheless, I set some goals for what I wanted to accomplish this summer.

Health-wise, I had a list of things to do before my former employer's health insurance coverage ended.

→ Go to my dentist for a check-up and cleaning

→ Go to my optometrist for a check-up

→ Go to my doctor for a check-up and to get referrals for a colonoscopy and for treatment of my varicose veins

Otherwise, I wanted to clean and organize our garage.

→ My dentist found one cavity. Got that fixed, so I am good to go tooth-wise.

→ My optometrist said my vision was unchanged; I did not need to change prescriptions, so I am good to go eye-wise.

→ My doctor gave me a clean bill of health and referrals for a colonoscopy and treatment of my varicose veins.

→ → My colonoscopy results were excellent (no polyps or cancer), so I am good to go when I have to go.

→ → My varicose veins were removed. One month later, my leg is still healing, but I should be good to go out in a skirt real soon now.

Cleaning and organizing the garage turned into a bigger project than I anticipated. The hot, humid weather has not helped. Although the house is air-conditioner, the garage is not and many days this summer, I only put in an hour or two out in the garage before throwing in the towel. But I am making progress and should be finished real soon now.

And so my summer vacation goes.

Source: OneHanesPlace
Wearing Hanes (Source: OneHanesPlace)

Terry, Transvestia cover girl (1961)
Terry, Transvestia cover girl (1961)

Friday, August 17, 2018

Snoop the Chute

I had a colonoscopy yesterday.

I was a little concerned going in because it was 12 years since my last one and they reccommend getting one every 5 years especially if colon cancer runs in your family like it does in mine.

I absolutely hate the prep the day before. I will not go into details, but if you have had a colonoscopy, you know what I mean.

Before the procedure, the anesthesiologist said I would be "asleep" for about 30 minutes. I dunno about you, but it did not resemble sleep to me. No consciousness, no dreams, no nothing... it is like I was dead for a half hour.

Just before I went to "sleep," I asked the doctor to show me the tube he would use to explore my nether reaches. I was expecting a tube approximately the diameter of RG-59 cable (the black cable that connects all the gizmos to your television). Boy, was I wrong! It was more like the diameter of a garden hose! Ouch!

Anyway, after I returned to the Planet Earth, my doctor informed me that I did not have colon cancer and did not have any polyps. (I assumed at a minimum that I would have polyps because I did have one the last time the doctor snooped my chute.)

He recommended that I keep on doing what I am doing because it is working.

Since what I wrote above has nothing to do with femulating, I have to add that both my nurse and my anesthesiologist made my day by remarking separately that I do not look my age... that I look much younger. So since I am so well-preserved, short skirts and high heels will continue to be part of my wardrobe!

Source: New York & Co.
Wearing New York & Co. (Source: New York & Co.)

Janek Traczy
Janek Traczy femulates Lana Del Rey on Polish television's Your Face Sounds Familiar (2018)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Well Wellness

I had two medical appointments today, one to check the condition of my leg after Monday's varicose vein removal and one with my general practitioner to check my wellness.

My leg checked out ok and all I have to do now is heal.

My wellness appointment went well, too. To tell you the truth, I was concerned about my wellness because I have not had a check-up since the last century and you never know. But I left the appointment a very happy camper. My bloodwork indicated that among other things, my cholesterol, electrolytics and prostate were good and I had no sign of diabetes.

The only thing left to do is a colonoscopy which is scheduled for next month.

And so it goes.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company (Source: New York & Company)

Grzegorz Wilk
Grzegorz Wilk femulates Amanda Lear on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmu Znajomo.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Happy Aphelion Day!

A nurse femulation, circa 1920
Tuesday, I went to the doctor for a physical ― my first in the 21st Century.

This was a brand new doctor for me. My old GP moved years ago (probably in the 20th Century) and his office is now nearly an hour away, so I have been looking for a new GP.

When I had my first bout with poison ivy in May, I went to the local urgent care center and while I was there, I asked if there were any GP's in that medical building (which is a very convenient 10 minutes from my home). They gave me a list and when I returned home, I researched the list and chose one as my new GP.

I think I made a good choice. He is young, personable and seems to know his stuff. Instead of giving me a physical, he wanted me to get blood work and then come back for the physical after he gets the results, which makes sense to me. (I got the blood work done Thursday morning.)

They did check my vitals and took a urine sample. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health regarding my vitals and urinalysis, so so far, so good.

Since colon cancer runs in my family, he referred me for a colonoscopy (my third ― I hate the prep, but don't mind the test) and he also referred me to a vein center to deal with the varicose veins in my left leg.

I had varicose veins in that leg surgically removed over 25 years ago, but they returned about ten years ago. Now, instead of surgery, they stick a needle in my leg and insert some drug that dissolves the veins, so I will not have to go to the hospital as I did 25 years ago.

And so it goes.

Source: BooHoo
Wearing BooHoo (Source: BooHoo)

Patrick Timsit
Patrick Timsit (right) femulates in the 1995 French film Pédale douce.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Fridays Are for Femulating

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired Dept.

Lately, my posts here have been irregular because the flu has made me feel irregular. I am into week three of this thing and I am very frustrated. I have things to do, but whenever I start anything, I run out of gas quickly and crash.

The only good things about the flu are that I am getting a lot of sleep and my lack of appetite has knocked a few pounds off my daily visit to the bathroom scale!

Behind the Scenes Dept.

I watched a cute film on Netflix that is worth a look.

Called Cherry Pop, IMDB describes it thusly, "...a crazy night in the life of a small local bar's drag show. It's about a newcomer struggling with being the outcast on his first night. And a legend coming to terms with life after her last night in drag. And it's about a bunch of other back-stabbing queens with their own problems who just plain can't stand each other. Even the stories of some of the patrons play a part in the chaos. Cherry Pop is a real-time roller coaster ride where you better be strapped up, tucked in, and ready to go!"

Source: Madeleine
Wearing Madeleine (Source: Madeleine)

Miguel Sagaz, Mayhem Miller, Matthew Sanderson and Allusia Alusia
Miguel Sagaz, Mayhem Miller, Matthew Sanderson and Allusia Alusia femulating in the 2017 film Cherry Pop.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Here's "Heels" to Your Health

By Pat Scales, Guest Blogger

Last week Stana posted a blog entry along with a link about a British study that explained how wearing heels was helpful for women, especially older women, to maintain their sense of balance. Because wearing heels reinforces muscle memory and requires a good sense of balance, the practice of wearing heels served to help heel wearers to generally keep a better sense of balance. The end result was a significant decrease in falls.

The premise is that balance requires the brain to process a vast amount of information from various conscious and sub-conscious sources and that wearing heels challenges those internal brain mechanisms that over time helps maintain a better sense of balance. One of the major problems with aging is falling with fractured hips or other untoward consequences. As such, improving balance by wearing heels is consistent with good health and could even save someone for a severe injury or premature death. The study concluded that women's sense of balance deteriorates if they stop wearing heels.

I can also advise of other health advantages of wearing heels. About 30 years ago, I suffered a bad fall when a ladder broke and I dropped about eight feet. I suffered herniated and bulging disks through my entire lower back. At the time, skiing was a favorite sport, but for two years after the fall, I did not ski.

Finally, I decided to risk a day sliding down a snowy mountain. Amazingly, after a day in ski boots, my back felt much better. After a few more outings I realized that the ski boot raised my heel and pressed my knees forward. This position change, identical to that of wearing heels, served to change the architecture of my low back and alleviated the stress on this part of my body.

I found that by wearing heels as often as possible, I was able to control and eliminate much of my lower back pain. Standing flat footed, such as in line or just hanging around with others, resulted in a weak and painful back. My solution is to wear heels to help back pain.

From time to time, I also suffer from heel spurs (plantar fasciitis).  Typical treatment would be a painful shot of cortisone, but this cannot be done too often. My podiatrist said that in addition to doing exercises, I should wear shoes with a heel. He suggested 1.5 to 2 inches.

While most of my guy shoes are still pretty flat, I do wear my 3-inch pumps as often as possible and they have a wonderfully positive effect of my heel spur pain. My heel spurs do not hurt while wearing high heels and for a considerable period  of time after taking off my heels. Being flat footed or wearing flat shoes is bad for my heel spur pain.

Finally, I am happy to report that wearing high heels can help with constipation. After the hideous stunt by Kathy Griffin of holding up a bloody, fake head to simulate the decapitation of President Trump, there was some publicity about her being dropped as the spokeswoman of "Squatty Potty." While I do have to deal with occasional bouts of constipation, I was not aware of the healthful benefits of the Squatty Potty. After the Griffin gaffe, I checked out Squatty Potty, which claims to "...make your bad poops good and your good poops great."

The theory is that squatting to poop (as is the practice in many parts of the world which do not use elevated toilet seats) "reduces strain by relaxing the the puborectalis muscle and unkinking your colon. The Squatty Potty puts you into a natural squatting position for better elimination."

When I looked at the photo of the Squatty Potty in use, I realized that all it really did was raise the foot 4 to 6 inches and I determined I could achieve the same result with a pair of high heels. The solution was obvious. I could send $25 to $30 to Squatty Potty or I could use the money to buy another pair of heels. I thought this was an ingenious justification for the purchase of another pair of heels.

Many of us have wives who love us, but fear and worry about our dressing habits. Perhaps educating them about the health benefits of wearing high heels would help them see the benefits of having a crossdressing husband.

As noted above ,I do suffer from back pain from time to time. The doctor and the chiropractor have both provided me with back braces. For the most part they stay in the closet since I prefer girdles, corsets and shapewear. I find that I get more relief and certainly more enjoyment wearing my feminine shaping garments than the orthopedic braces. I also find that wearing a corset or girdle helps me cut down on my food consumption.

I suspect that there are other health benefits of dressing as a woman, but these are ones that work for me both for the physical benefits noted above and for helping my wife accept and have a more positive outlook towards my preferred style of attire.

Source: Veronica Beard
Wearing Veronica Beard (Source: Veronica Beard)

Du Jiang
Du Jiang femulates in the 2016 Chinese film Mr. High Heels.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Got Balance?

According to a story in the Daily Mail, "When it comes to high heels, surprisingly, experts believe that wearing them into our 70s may actually help protect us from falls, by maintaining our sense of balance.

"'Most high heels have a very small surface area to walk on, so you need a good sense of balance and proprioception [a sense of how various parts of the body move relative to each other] to be able to walk in them,' explains Christopher Walker, a consultant in trauma and orthopaedic surgery at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital.

"'This means that because of wearing high heels, women have a very good sense of balance.'

"Balance involves the brain processing vast amounts of information from different areas, including the eyes, muscles and balance mechanisms in the ear.

"Heels challenge your sense of balance which, over years, hones these mechanisms.

"If women stop wearing heels, their sense of balance can actually deteriorate, adds Mr Walker, who also works at the Bone and Joint Centre, Spire Liverpool Hospital."

Read the rest the Daily Mail story here.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

Manly females admiring femulating male.
Manly females admiring femulating male.