Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2023

Starting Over Again

I am scheduled to have knee replacement surgery on January 30. At the present time, my bad knee is swollen and arthritic. When I walk, it is not pretty. Getting up from a seat is difficult and climbing down stairs is challenging. The surgery can’t come too soon.

I have relatives who had the surgery and listening to their experiences, I concluded that maybe I will approach normality in six months. So it will be awhile before I will be sashaying around town in high heels (or even kitten heels).

We are a one-car family and I worry how this all will affect my ability to drive my Subaru with its manual transmission (as luck would have it, my bad knee happens to be on my clutch leg).

Recovery will probably affect the daily schedule of this blog, too. I’m not too concerned about missing a few daily posts, but I just want to forewarn you readers so that you will not worry when I am a no-show.

On the other hand, I hope that after I heal, it will be a new beginning for me. That I will be able to get out more. Do more outreach. Volunteer. And just enjoy my life as a woman.

The New Beginnings image above was originally an email fashion ad from Joie that screamed to be Photoshopped (face swapped) as you see above. 

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Oscar De La Renta

Patrick Fyffe
Before becoming Dame Hilda Bracket of Hinge and Bracket fame, Brit Patrick Fyffe was a professional femulator named Perri St Claire.

Friday, January 6, 2023

At Work En Femme

Paula Gaikowski commented so positively about a photo of me on flickr depicting my first Halloween en femme at work that I decided to recount that day here today.

Halloween is “National Crossdresser’s Day,” so they say. I guess there is some truth in that because my first public crossdressed outing was on Halloween and I know many other crossdressers also poked their bewigged heads out of the closet for the first time on October 31. And over the years, I have continued to crossdress on Halloween attending parties given by friends and my support group. But, this year was different.

One week before Halloween, my company announced that they were sponsoring a day of Halloween events including a costume contest. In all my years of being gainfully employed, no employer of mine had ever sanctioned wearing costumes to work on Halloween.

I know some of you have gone to work en femme on Halloween and I often considered it, but I never had the nerve to do it. However, in the year 2000, I could go to work en femme with the blessing of the boss! T’was a crossdresser’s dream-come-true.

There was no doubt that my costume would be en femme, but how en femme was the question. I considered my options and decided to dress appropriately for my workplace, which is an office. My costume would be “office girl drag.”

I had a plenty of outfits that qualified as office girl drag, so I went through my stash to decide what to wear. I narrowed my choices down to three outfits. To make the final decision, I slipped into my unmentionables and modeled each outfit for my wife. She and I agreed that the black print, short-sleeved, knee-length sheath looked best. To round out the ensemble, I chose tan pantyhose and a pair of black patent pumps with 3-1/2-inch spike heels.

The night before Halloween, I prepared for the next day. I depilated, combed out my wig, and laid everything out so I could get ready as quickly as possible Halloween morning. I turned in early because I had set the alarm clock for 4:45 AM to give me enough time to depart for work at 7:15 fully made-up and dressed. However, turning in early did no good because I was so excited I had a hard time falling asleep. It was after 2 AM before I finally nodded off and I woke up 15 minutes before the alarm clock was set.

I got up, shaved, showered, and applied my makeup. For a change, I had no makeup disasters and was finished by 6:15. I put on my undies, dress, shoes, and wig, then I checked myself out in a full-length mirror. Was that Nicole Kidman’s reflection in the mirror? Not quite, but when I squinted real hard, I thought I saw Nicole Kidman’s mother.

Last thing to do was my nails. I applied press-on nails to my pinky and ring fingers, then I had an incredibly hard time applying the nails to my middle fingers. None of the press-ons fit quite right and adding glue did not make a difference. Time was running out, so I decided to forgo the nails. After removing the press-ons from my pinky and ring fingers, I grabbed my purse and hit the road.

The commute was uneventful and I arrived at work 15 minutes early. I exited my car and walked to the main entrance enjoying the feminine beat of my heels clicking on the sidewalk.

Inside, the first people I encountered were our receptionist and a woman from Human Resources. At first, neither of them recognized me. Then, they both recognized me and started gushing over my costume. So far, so good.

I went upstairs to my cubicle. Since I was early, there was no one around to see me, so I went to the cubicle of one of my best friends at work (she is one of the few people who gets to work earlier than I}. I stuck my head around the corner of her cubicle and said, “Trick or treat.” She was floored!

After she regained her composure, she began calling me “Stella” and insisted on escorting me to the cubicles where other early birds were already at work. Our first stop was her boss, who had been with the company about six months. I don’t work directly with him, but he is only three cubicles away from me and we cross each other’s paths each day.

My friend pushed me into his cubicle and he had no clue. At first, he thought I was a new female employee, but my friend blew my cover, “Don’t you recognize him?” He didn’t until I explained that I was the guy three cubicles away.

And that was the way it went all day long. A tall woman in a Halloween costume environment is a dead giveaway. As a result, the majority read me as a man in drag, but did not know which man until I showed them my mug shot on my security card. On the other hand, a minority did not read me at all including some folks that I work with on a regular basis.

By mid-morning, the word was out that there was a guy in drag upstairs and a procession of onlookers began marching up to my cubicle to check me out. (No other guys appeared in drag. In fact, only a handful of guys wore costumes at all. On the other hand, the woman had a lot more Halloween spirit and approximately 1 out of 4 women appeared in costume.)

In general, women loved my costume. Some were amazed that I shaved my legs and my arms. Others complimented me on my makeup and some asked, “Did your wife do your makeup?”

“No, I did it myself,” I responded, which caused even more amazement.

A few remarked that I should quit my job and become a professional female impersonator! One woman said, “You made my day,” and she returned to my cubicle three times with two or three new onlookers in tow each time. A pretty administrator remarked, “You look better than most women I know.”

I don’t think I fooled everyone. A few women gave me knowing looks, like they knew I looked too good to have only done this once. But, I didn’t mind.

On the male side, the majority appreciated my costume, but there were two or three who seemed to be phobic about it, typical macho twaddle, I guess.

Shortly after getting to work, my pantyhose began running like crazy! I don’t know if they were defective or I was careless, but by 10 AM, I had three runs that were getting bigger by the minute. I wanted to look my best, so I left the building for a few minutes and drove to a nearby CVS to buy a new pair.

Now, this is the scary part because CVS was not having a Halloween costume contest. I parked the car and walked into CVS passing a handful of people who paid me no mind. I entered the store and to avoid causing a commotion, I went to the first salesgirl I saw and explained that I ran the pantyhose of my Halloween costume and needed a new pair.

“Hosiery is in aisle eight, Ma’am,” she replied, unfazed by my Halloween costume hint.

I guess I was not going to cause a commotion, so I went to aisle eight, picked out a pair, then I went to the register where the same salesgirl rang me up without a clue.

Now, here is the amazing part. I never used a femme voice. I spoke in my normal male voice, which is admittedly soft-spoken, but definitely male. I guess the salesgirl’s eyes convinced her that I was a woman no matter what clues her ears might be picking up. (I had read about this phenomenon, but did not believe it until I actually experienced it.)

I returned to my office and waited for the results of the costume contest. A lot of people said they would vote for me and I guess they did because I won. I thought there were three or four costumes that were better than mine, but I guess having the guts to wear the costume I wore was that little extra that pushed me over the top.

I feel a little guilty about that because it did not take any guts to do what I did. This was something I wanted to do for a very long time. I also felt like I cheated a little because this wasn’t a costume I put together overnight. I’ve had practice dressing like this for years.

I’ll admit that I did have some qualms about possibly losing the respect of some of my colleagues. But when I thought about it, if somebody lost respect for me because I crossdressed on Halloween, then I don’t want their respect. So, qualms be damned! Tighten that corset as tight as you can. Today you are a woman!

I made one fashion blunder: my choice of footwear. I had not worn that particular pair of high heels in such a long time that I had forgotten why I stopped wearing them – because they hurt a lot in a very short time! I have other pumps with the same heel height and even higher that don’t hurt like that pair did. The only saving grace is that I did not have to get up and walk around too much. I could just sit at my desk and pose for my admirers whenever they showed up.

However, I regret that I did not wear more comfortable shoes because I wanted to go to the mall, have lunch at the food court, and do some window-shopping. But by noon, my feet were so hobbled that walking around the mall would have been very ugly.

I also had a fashion revelation. Wearing a tight corset all day was quite painless. The corset did inhibit movement, but it did not cause any aches or pains (like my shoes and clip-on earrings), while improving my figure immeasurably.

I had the time of my life. I wished the day would never end, but it did and now I have a lot of wonderful memories about my first day at work en femme.

In retrospect, that first Halloween en femme at work gave me a lot of confidence about appearing among civilians en femme. So much so, that I did not think twice about going to work en femme five years in a row even though the company was not celebrating Halloween with a costume contest.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

The Queen
As a 17-year-old transvestite-in-training, The Queen blew my mind upon its release in 1968. Here was a film about a womanless beauty pageant at a time when any information about crossdressing was very difficult to find, leaving girls like me who lived out in the boonies to wonder if we were all alone in the world. The Queen indicated otherwise.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Day After

I woke up Halloween morning, tested my knee and all systems were go. Ate breakfast, filled the bird feeder, shaved, showered, did my makeup, did my hair, got dressed, added jewelry, did my nails, filled my handbag and left the house around noon. My uniform for the day featured a tie-neck sweater dress from Nanette by Nanette Lepore.

The weather forecast was good (partly cloudy, mid 60’s), so I went without outerwear.

Needed money, so my first stop was the bank I wrote about visiting en femme Halloween 2017. I had been a regular at this bank branch for years, but not much lately, so I had no idea if I would know any of the current staff. Any holdovers from 2017 would know me, but any newbies would not. Turned out that none of the current staff were holdovers from 2017. I did not know a soul.

There were no other customers, so I stepped right up to the only teller, who greeted me with a big smile. I don’t know if she read me or if I passed, but the jig was up when I handed her my drivers license in order to complete the withdrawal. She did not react to my decidedly male identification and completed the transaction just as it started – in a friendly and professional manner.  

Needed food, so I decided to go to Viron Rondo Osteria, an Italian restaurant in Cheshire. I’ve dined there a number of times in the past and at least once en femme, so I felt comfortable dining there again.

I arrived at the restaurant around 1 PM and was surprised how busy it was. Their large parking lot was almost full and there were lots of people entering and exiting the establishment.

“Table for one” and I was immediately seated in the busy dining room next to a couple of young women. I asked one of them to take my photo. She was happy to do so and you can see the results below. 

My waitress was pleasant, took my order and in short order, I was drinking a beverage and dining on a delicious pasta dinner. I noticed some male diners and waiters checking me out, but I just looked away... after all, I am a married woman!

Time flew by quickly and before I knew it, the waitress was packing up my leftovers and presenting me with the bill. I overheard her complimenting a couple at another table about their Halloween costume, so when she returned to collect my payment, I asked, “How do you like my Halloween costume?”

She looked at me with a blank expression and asked, “What is it?”

“I’m a guy.”

She was shocked. She had no idea and began gushing over my “costume,” loved my hairdo (wig) and thought that my nails were “cute.”

Needless to say, I drove home floating on air.

Femulating Notes

I wore a new wig: large cap “Reese” from Noriko in the shade of Creamy Toffee R. I love my new do and it will probably be my go-to wig for the foreseeable future.

I successfully wore fake eyelashes. In the past, I had trouble putting them on and ended up going without. Girls in the know say that often the lashes are too long out of the box and one needs to trim them to fit one’s eyelid. I trimmed about a quarter inch off mine and they went on easily and remained on until I removed them at the end of the day.

I wore a pair of grey Payless Karmen 3-inch heels that I bought years ago, but never wore before. The shoes are very cute with a very fine checkered gray fabric covering the shoe and a jet black 3-inch stiletto heel holding up the works. They looked great with my dress with its grey tie and cuffs. But the longer I wore the heels, the looser they became and by the time I returned home, they were falling off my feet. So I will take them to the shop and add inserts to make them fit tighter.

My knee gave me no problem all day long. No aches and pains despite walking around in heels for five hours.

I was very disappointed in a new eyeshadow that I purchased on QVC. It is a box of eight crayons in eight shades from Mally. You literally draw the eyeshadow with a crayon and you have 45 seconds to smudge the shadow around your eye to your liking. Then the shadow dries in place. I found that the shadow was too thick and the crayon too wide to apply the shadow exactly where you wanted it/didn’t want it. It was a big mess and I had to remove all my eye makeup and start all over again using more traditional (powder) eyeshadow.

Source: Rue La La
Source: Rue La La

Yours truly celebrating Halloween by dining out at an Italian restaurant.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween, Girls!

On Tuesday, I visited my orthopedic doctor and he gave me another shot for my aching knee. Five days later, my knee feels like new (for now). If I still feel that way when I get out of bed this morning, I plan to dress en femme and go out among the civilians for a few hours. I hope some of you will do the same

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Anthony Tyler Quinn
Anthony Tyler Quinn femulating on television’s Ask Harriet.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Bank and Salon Redux

Commenting on Wednesday’s post about going to my bank and hair salon en femme on Halloween, Jasmine asked, “Do they now know about that side of you or was this just a thing you did at Halloween and have not been back en femme since?”

I don’t know what they know. I have not returned en femme, but when I returned after Halloween, I discovered I was the talk of the town.

Bank Redux

I went to my bank to withdraw money to buy groceries after my Halloween en femme visit.

The teller (Miss K) was the first woman I saw walking into the bank on Halloween. The other two women staffing the bank were not working that day. One (Miss C) is the teller I often deal with at the drive-through window. The other (Miss L) is the branch manager, who refinanced my mortgage. So they both know me well as a regular customer.

Miss K handled my withdrawal and then she brought up the topic of Halloween. She said my “costume” was the best she had ever seen. Then she asked me if I had a photo on my iPhone so she could show Miss C.

Of course I did and she called Miss C over to see my photo. Needless to say, she was floored. Then she asked Miss L if she had seen my Halloween costume photo.

Miss L replied, “No, but I heard about it.”

Evidently, my costume was the talk of the bank staff. (I dress to impress!)

I showed Miss L my photo and she was amazed, too.

Salon Redux

I also had an appointment at my hair salon. My hairdresser, Miss K, was off on Halloween, so after she seated me at her station, she said, “I’m sorry I missed you on Tuesday. The girls said you were beautiful.”

So I immediately retrieved my iPhone and showed her my photo that Miss C took on Tuesday.

She took my iPhone, examined the photo closely and remarked, “You look like a businesswoman.”

“That's what I intended.”

“You do look beautiful!”

Source: Joie
Wearing Joie

Charley Chase
Charley Chase (right) femulating in the 1934 film Four Parts.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

No one would ever guess that you’re not a woman

Hard to believe, but one of my favorite Halloweens was five years ago even though it seems like it was just yesterday. I just reread the post describing that outing and I am sharing it with you again.

I slept late (I've been doing that a lot since I retired) and pretty much abandoned my Halloween plans because I would be getting such a late start. So I performed my normal morning routine, then sipped a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper.

My wife and I always read our daily horoscopes to each other for amusement, but when I read mine, I was enthused rather than amused. 

So I put down the newspaper, took my cup of coffee to the bathroom, set up my makeup mirror and began doing my makeup. Ninety minutes later, I completed my transition and looked very business-like wearing a vintage pinstripe skirt suit that I bought on eBay over 20 years ago.

Hair Salon

I was on the road at 11 AM and made my first stop only two miles away at the salon where I have been getting my hair done for over 25 years.

Two years ago, I was getting my hair done after Halloween and my hairdresser, Miss D, asked if I did anything for the holiday. So I pulled out my iPhone and showed her my en femme photo. She was floored and could not get over it, so I decided to let her see my femulation in person this year.

I entered the salon and Miss D greeted me without a glimmer of recognition. I played along and said I wanted to make an appointment with my regular hairdresser, Miss K. Miss D opened the appointment book and found an opening that I could fill, then she asked my name (to enter into the book).

When I told her my boy name, her jaw dropped and the “Oh, my God’s” began flowing without interruption. Just then, another hairdresser, Miss C, showed up for work and she was flabbergasted, too.

Miss D had to return to her station to attend to a customer, but Miss C hung back and agreed to take some photos with my iPhone.


Next stop was my bank, where I usually do my business via the drive-through window. Since I was cashing a check and making a withdrawal, I would have to show my I.D. (my drivers license) and there might be some confusion considering how I appeared, so I went indoors rather than driving through.

As I entered, I saw three women staffing the bank — I have done business with all three of them for a number of years, usually at the drive-through window and occasionally up front and personal.

I greeted the woman who was seated typing away at a computer in the cubicle just inside the bank entrance. She looked up from the computer and was clueless.

I smiled and said, “Happy Halloween! You may know me as [insert my male name].”

I believe she heard me, but I think she could not believe her eyes and asked, “Who?”

I had to repeat my name a couple of times before it sank in and she said, “Wow — you look fabulous!”

“Thank-you,” and I proceeded to get into the line waiting for my turn at the teller, who greeted me with a big smile as I queued up. The third woman was staffing the drive-through window and did not seem to recognize me.

When it was my turn, I walked up to the teller, who greeted me so profusely that I knew she knew who I was.

“You look lovely today,” she said.

“You know who I am, don't you.”

“I recognized you as soon as you walked in.”

There were no other customers in the bank, so my teller called over the other teller and asked her if she recognized me.

The other teller did not have a clue.

My teller tried to clue her in with this hint, “Who has a green car and always uses the drive-through window?”

The other teller was still clueless.

Another clue, “Who has a little friend (my dog) in the passenger seat?”

Still nothing!

My teller finally showed her my drivers license and the other teller shouted out my male name followed by a series of question marks and exclamation points. She was amazed and gushed over my “disguise.”

I asked my teller if she would take my photo and she said she would love to do it, so I handed her my iPhone and she took a half dozen shots including the one above.

I said my goodbyes and as I passed the cubicle where the first woman was working, she stopped me and went on and on about how convincing I looked.

I mentioned how my wife always said that I would never pass because of my large size.

“Oh, no,” she retorted, “No one would ever guess that you’re not a woman.”

And so it goes.

Source: Elisabetta Franchi
Wearing Elisabetta Franchi

Warren Fremming and Chuck Bratton
Warren Fremming and Chuck Bratton femulating in the 1972 film All About Alice.

Friday, October 21, 2022

My Story and I’m Sticking With It

I was employed three years at my last (and final) employer before I gave away any hints that I was trans. The hint (and it was a big one) was dressing as a businesswoman for the company-sponsored Halloween celebration. I did not dress for laughs (a man in a dress); rather, I dressed as authentically as I could and in the process, convinced some of my co-workers that I was a new female employee.

Three years later, my company did it again and so did I wearing a pinstriped skirt suit, high heels and all the trappings of a businesswoman. I am sure that some of my co-workers who were familiar with my previous Halloween appearance en femme, were starting to wonder about my wardrobe choices. Some made amusing or pointed comments about my costume, but no one ever questioned me about it.

My company did not celebrate Halloween again. Occasionally, a co-worker would show up in costume on October 31, but without the company imprimatur, most people did not costume up.

After waiting nine years for the company to do something again, I took matters into my own hands and showed up at work en femme on Halloween 2013. Since the company was not celebrating Halloween, my co-workers had no reason to suspect I was in costume. Instead, I successfully played the new female hire again. And I became a Halloween tradition by appearing en femme for the next four Halloweens – that’s five consecutive Halloweens in a skirt and heels. 

I assumed by then that some of my co-workers thought that something was up regarding my wardrobe. Little did I know that by the time I retired, nearly all my co-workers assumed I was trans-something or other. This was a revelation to me when after retirement, I attended the company Christmas luncheon en femme.

At that luncheon, I apologized to a number of my friends for giving them the wrong impression that my Halloween appearances were nothing more than a very authentic costume. In each case, my friends admitted that they saw through my ruse and figured that I was trans-something! (That framed photo on my desk of me en femme probably did not help keep my secret identity a secret!)

Thing is that by the time of my five consecutive appearances in businesswoman drag, I did not care what people thought. But I did find it amazing that no one ever asked me about it. If they had, I would have told them the truth, but it never happened. 

Another thing is that if I knew that everyone knew, I would have found more opportunities to show-up at work as a businesswoman, for example, on other holidays, my birthday, days of the month ending in the letter Y, etc.

And so it goes.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Reiss

Pat Henry
Pat Henry femulating in the 1968 film Lady in Cement.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Office Girl Review

I have been retired for five years. I don’t miss work much, but I do miss going to work as an office girl on Halloween. 

I did it seven times. The first two times (2000 and 2003), the company sponsored a costume contest. (I won both times.) The last five times (2012 to 2016), there was no contest – I just used the holiday as an excuse to crossdress in public (among the civilians).

With only six weeks left to do your Halloween shopping, I decided to review my seven appearances at work as my real self. As a bonus, I also included my office girl appearances at the company Christmas parties in 2017 and 2018 (I was retired by then, but was invited back for the parties).

Halloween at work in 2000, 2003 and 2012

Halloween at work in 2013, 2014 and 2015

Halloween at work in 2016. Christmas party in 2017 and 2018.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Thiago Fragoso
Thiago Fragoso femulating on Brazil television’s Sexo Fragil

Monday, September 5, 2022

Waiting for Halloween

Halloween 1983
Growing up, October 31, also known as “Halloween,” was my favorite holiday. To me, the candy was incidental; the costume was the attraction.

I never wore an off-the-rack costume. Rather, I assembled bits and pieces to create my costume. I was the Frankenstein monster, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Alfred E. Neuman and a Pittsburgh Pirate (the year Mazeroski beat the Yankees in the World Series). Although I had girly inclinations, it never occurred to me to dress as a girl for Halloween – I mean, “Who does that?”

Turns out, lots of guys. 

One year, making the rounds of my relatives homes on Halloween, my aunts were all aflutter about the neighborhood boy who showed up en femme. I remembered that they were very impressed that he was wearing nylons and high heels. Wow – was I jealous!

A couple of years later, my best friend complained that he had shown up at my home to trick-or-treat and was disappointed that I was not home because he wanted me to see his costume. You guessed it: he was dressed as a girl. 

Next year, he tried to convince me to join him and dress en femme for Halloween. To guard my fragile male ego, I indicated that I had no interest in joining him, but in my heart, I was dying to do so.

It turned out that guys did dress as girls on Halloween. So after dressing surreptitiously in my mother’s and sister’s clothes for the better part of the 1960’s, I decided that Halloween 1969 would be my debut as a girl. 

I did not want to reveal how good my femulating skills had become during the previous years, so I toned down my costume and wore boy sneakers rather than Mom’s heels, boy underwear rather than my Mom’s bra and girdle, minimum makeup, a skirt, top, woolen cap and wiglet borrowed (without permission) from my sister’s wardrobe.

Mind you, I had no place to go. I was way too old to trick-or-treat, I had not been invited to any Halloween parties and I was too young to go bar-hopping. So I drove around town and visited some friends and relatives. And had the time of my life!

Next morning, I was back in the closet looking forward 12 months hoping that the next Halloween would offer an opportunity to crossdress among the civilians again. Most years, I was disappointed, but on a few occasions, I was invited to a Halloween party. And unlike my first Halloween out, I did not hold back. Instead, I used all my femulating skills to present myself as a woman. 

Attending those parties, I realized that over the years working hard in my closet, I had gotten pretty good at femulating because more than once when I showed up at a party, other guests wanted to know who was the woman not wearing a costume!

Attending one of those parties with my bride changed my life. Noting my femulating skills and having become familiar with my past Halloween “costumes,” she put two and two together and suggested I find and join a support group, which I did as quickly as possible. 

The support group provided opportunities to crossdress among the civilians on days that did not proceed All Saints’ Day. No longer did I have to depend on that one day in October hoping that someone, somewhere would invite me to a Halloween event. But don’t get me wrong – I have not abandoned October 31 and have dressed appropriately many times on the “Crossdressers’ Holiday.”

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Nanette by Nanette Lepore
(I said yes to this dress and ordered it on sale from Rue La La.)

Yet another modern couple
Yet another modern couple