Showing posts with label gender role reversal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender role reversal. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Julie's Day Out

Julie Elliott is a Scottish girl who recently had such a wonderful day out that she wanted to share her story with me and I asked her for permission to share her story with you. And here it is. 

Thanks so much for your blog, I am a regular reader and gotten many tips. I thought my latest adventure may be of interest and provide some amusement.

I have crossdressed all my life. My wife knows, but she has never met nor desires to meet Julie, so Julie is only goes out to play when travelling or when my wife is away. We have children and I have no desire to burden them with the consequences of having a crossdressing Dad while they are still in school.

My wife was away for two weeks visiting family and as I am semi-retired, I had some Julie time while the children were at school.

A very good crossdressing friend suggested that I go for a makeup lesson because I don't have much of an idea about what to buy and there seems to be so many products to choose from. So I phoned the beauty department of a local department store (Debenhams) and asked for an appointment.

The girl asked if it was for my wife, but I said no, it's for me as I'm transgender. She said that would be fine and I could report to the Urban Decay counter at 10 AM on Thursday. She took a £10 deposit. Us pensioners can't afford to throw £10 away, so I was definitely committed to going no matter how apprehensive I might have felt.

On the Wednesday evening, I selected my outfit, coat, wig and jewelry and shaved before bed.

Thursday morning, up, shower and second shave, which didn't go as well as I hoped and I managed to nick myself several times. Took the kids to school and noticed that next door, the car gone which means they are out for the day. I got into my stockings, girdle, longline bra, necklace, earrings, beige calf-length skirt, pink blouse and boots. Check my face — it's a mess, so I dabbed on some concealer, but no other makeup and finished with two generous squirts of Charlie behind the ears.

I was more or less ready, so I loaded up my handbag with wipes, tissues, money, camera, hair brush, etc. Put on my trench coat, checked myself in the mirror and took a couple of "before" photos. I got into my car and got away with no one around.

I arrived at Debenhams, took a deep breath and was off to the makeup department. Two assistants were chatting at the desk, so I said hello with a smile. They were expecting me and sat me right down and began the sales pitch.

They squirted a bit of this and bit of that. I'm already totally confused at the array of stuff they said was necessary. They picked out three foundations and painted my chin to get the color match. I was smiling to myself because the girls were wearing trousers and I was wearing a skirt. Then more of this and more of that and I'm thinking to myself, "How the hell am I going to remember all this?" While the girl doing my makeup was picking up the next thing, the other girl noticed that I was looking in the mirror and she said, "You look really lovely" — all part of the sales patter I guess, but it did make me feel good.

After the foundation came the blusher. She did one side and I had to do the other. Next, eyebrows and again she did one, I did the other. Then the eyes. I knew this was going to be difficult because I can't stand things near my eyes, however, we got there. Then mascara; again she did one and I did the other. Finally, the lipstick and then she sprayed something that fixed it all so that it lasts all day. I said I didn't need that as it would all have to come off before I see my children. She must have genuinely thought I was transgender because she said I can show the children how I looked now!

Now the hard sell! There's a whole array of things that she used on me on the counter top, so out with the calculator and she says if you buy everything, it's £450. Wow — I nearly fell off the stool.

She obviously noticed my reaction, so the counter top chess match began and pieces were removed and downsized and then we got down to what products I liked and what I could do without. It still ended up at at £190 and I caved in.

I asked her to take some photos with my camera, but the camera started acting up and the only half decent photo is not good because I look concerned about what is happening. Then she made a list of instructions and said if I want more advise, just give her a call. It was a bit steep, but an enjoyable experience anyway.

I went to the womenswear department to give a round. I now believe that I can appreciate this confidence thing that women are always going on about. I did feel more confident, but don't know whether it was the makeup or whether it was because I had been interacting with women as a woman — probably both.

I left Debenhams and went across the road to another shopping mall where I did quite a bit of browsing, trying on shoes and holding dresses up against me, etc. Funny how I was really enjoying my shopping experience, something I generally hate it when in male mode.

It was lunch time, so I went into a cafe and bought a sandwich and a pot of tea. A quick trip to the ladies' room and then back to the car.

Drove on to grocery store and bought more provisions. The check-out lady scanned everything, so I found my card and asked her if I could scan it rather than enter my PIN and she said, "Yes, certainly sweetheart." That made me smile.

Still only 13:30 and I wanted the experience to last as long as possible, so I headed out of town to another shopping center. I did a tour of the shops there, then I decided I had better get back. Next door neighbor would probably be home and yes, she was, but I cast caution to the wind and kept my wig on for the short walk from car to the back door. I went to turn into the driveway, but a car was coming down the hill, so I had to give way. A lady waved to me — don't know if she knows my wife or not. I hope she was concentrating on driving rather than looking at me!

In the house, I took another load of photos. I wanted to keep everything on until the last minute. Took off the clothes and used wipes to take off makeup, but the mascara and eyeliner wouldn't come off! I took a shower with plenty of soap and water without luck. I tried again with the wipes and managed to remove most of the makeup, but the wipes stung my eyes and have perfume on them — what to do?

The kids were due home and I was smelling of perfume! I opened the front door for the kids and I disappeared into the office as quick as I could. I got the idea to go out on the bicycle to see if my sweat will cancel out the perfume. I got into my cycling kit and cycled away, but it was so cold that there was not much chance of any sweat!

Back home, I took another shower. The smell of the wipes was not as strong. My eyes were red from the chemicals on the wipes.

I really enjoyed my day out with a bit of a panic at the end. I have since returned some of the cosmetics to get the price down to £115, but those that I have kept I really like. I use the moisturizer and lip balm every day when in boy mode and it feels good.

Source: Belle and Clive
Wearing Ali Rio (Source: Belle and Clive)

Matteo Cetinski
Matteo Cetinski femulates Jelena Rozga on Croatian television's Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Kandi's Land

As a new feature of Femulate, I plan to identify new blogs that will be of interest to femulators. The first blog to be so identified is Kandi's Land, a blog written by a Cleveland girl, who is very out and about and has the blessing of her wife to do so.

Here is a sample from Kandi's blog.


I am a crossdresser! There. I said it. October 2014. Never admitted that to myself, but have always been one. Hated myself for it. It has always been a compulsion, an urge, never something I ever enjoyed. What is wrong with me? It turns out, nothing!

Okay, now what do I do? Having purged a small bedroom full of women’s clothes over the course of my 50+ years, let’s start fresh. Let’s see if I can enjoy this. Purchase a few things. Okay, I like that. Add a few more. Keep them for more that an hour, a day, a week. So far, so good. How do I feel? Different, better, happy.

I need to make some life changes. If I am going down this road, I need to look half decent. I begin the road that would result in my dropping 35 pounds and eventually becoming a very competitive runner, routinely winning my age groups comfortably in 5Ks, now winning my age group in half marathons and most recently completing my first full marathon. Happiness matters.

So now I am getting slimmer, getting in good shape, happy with myself. But the big hurdle remains. I am very happily married with two grown and successful daughters. It took well over a month to gather the courage to tell my wife. December 2, 2014 is the day. If she is not on board, this all stops, no questions asked. And I would completely understand her not being happy with it. I find the words, show her my painted toenails, tell her how it all makes me happy. In a moment I will never forget, she says she just wants me to be happy. You know that feeling when you fall in love with someone? I did that all over again, almost 30 years into our marriage. I was immediately transformed. My life is still filled with ups and downs, but my “default” mood is always one of happiness. My smile, previously buried under a crappy mustache and displayed only when made happy (instead of being happy) by family and friends, became ever present. Now what do I do? What have I done!!!!

The work begins. Removing more body hair than your average polar bear. Developing those routines that women do, not men. Moisturizing. Frequent shaving. Now do I really want to do this? I begin purchasing items to be included in my wardrobe. I have no fear of buying women’s clothing as a man. None. A bra fitting? Why not. A new dress? Of course.

I schedule a makeover at Janet’s Closet in Detroit. I need to see what I would look like. Not bad. To paraphrase Rudolph (the Red Nosed Reindeer)….I’m cute!!!!! Or at least not hideous. I let the girls there talk me into wearing clothing I would never dream of wearing now and I make a walk through the mall. I survive (although read by some teenage girls). I go out with some seasoned “girls” (I hate the term “gurls”). I survive! Now the real work begins. How do I build a real life for Kandi. She is not simply going to hang out at CD bars and shop, shop, shop (although she does a lot of that).

My hope is that this blog can show you how to make your life a happy one if you are a crossdresser.  I completely understand I am very different than a transgendered woman. Apples and oranges.

My world view is one of extreme optimism. The world is so much better than the media would make you believe. No question, we live in troubled times. But I have now been out probably 300 times. I am frequently complemented, have received more hugs from total strangers than one can count, had drinks and meals purchased for me and am an active member of a church, many charitable organizations and even a woman’s social group. I also understand that I have the blessing of my wife, a HUGE benefit to my being able to achieve that happiness. Come on along for the ride!

Come visit the Kandi archives, pictures and stories of every time out:

Source: Eloquii
Wearing Eloquii (Source: Eloquii)

Tyler Grant

Monday, November 27, 2017

Shopped ‘Til She Dropped

Dressing Room Selfie
Dressing Room Selfie
I never get tired of shopping for women’s clothing. Browsing through the racks and finding a half-dozen outfits to take to the changing room is just as much fun today as it was when I would browse through my mother’s closet and find outfits to try on in front of her full-length mirror.

Just writing about shopping motivates me to go shopping. After all I do need something new to wear when I go to First Event (as if I don’t already have a half-dozen dresses hanging in my closet that still have their price tags attached).

Someday my tombstone will read, “Shopped ‘Til She Dropped.”

Anyway here are a few thing I learned when shopping.

👠 If a store associate is available when going to the changing room to try on your finds, play dumb and ask where the changing rooms are located. I do this whenever possible for insurance purposes, that is, if somebody complains about a dude in the lady’s dressing room, the dude can say that’s where the store associate told me to go.

👠 Take as many outfits as possible to try on when you go to the changing room. Some stores limit the number you can take in, some don’t, but in any case, go for the max in order to minimize the number of times you have to change your street clothes.

👠 Shop at smaller women’s clothing stores rather than big department stores. You won’t get a lot of hands-on assistance in large department stores, however, you usually will get assistance in smaller women’s clothing stores. For example, when you are ready to try on your finds, an associate will “start” a dressing room for you (your very own queendom) and sometimes they will even put a sign on the door reserving that room for you with your femme name emblazoned on the sign. If something is the wrong size, the associate will fetch another size to try on saving you the trouble of getting back into your street clothes to do the fetching yourself.

👠 In smaller stores, savvy associates will size you up and recommend clothing for you to try on. This has happened to me more than once and I ended up trying clothing on that looked great on me, but I would have never given a second look if the sales associate had not made the suggestion.

👠 Speaking of street clothes, wear an outfit that you can strip off and put back on easily. I own a sweater dress that has a full-length zipper in front, which is perfect for quick undressing/dressing. Jumpsuits also work well.

👠 The associates want to sell, so if they compliment you on what you try on, take the compliment with a grain of salt. If you go shopping with a friend, your friend’s compliments may not be any more valuable than the store associate’s because your friend may not want to hurt your feelings. So here is a way I get an independent appraisal of what I am trying on… I step out of the dressing room on the pretense of viewing myself in the full-length mirrors usually hung throughout the store. My goal is for another customer to see me while I am doing this. If they gush over what I am wearing, it is a bingo! Whenever I have done this, other customers always check me out while I am checking me out and if they like what they see, they let me know.

👠 For a quick self-appraisal, take a selfie or have an associate take your photo. The difference between what you “see” in a mirror and what you “see” in a photo is surprising ― trust the photo, not the mirror.

Shopping for women’s clothing is almost as much fun as wearing women’s clothing! So, you go girls and have some fun!

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)


Monday, October 2, 2017

Girls & Boys

Girls & Boys is a short 2015 Swedish film that depicts high school life in a matriarchy, "a world where girls are hunters and boys are the catch."

I had never heard of this film and only discovered it while Googling something else on a rainy day this past weekend.

When I viewed the trailer for the film on YouTube, I was floored. See for yourself.

Yes, the boys are the ones in long hair, makeup and high heels, while the girls are in trousers and short hair.

The film's "teaser" on YouTube made me want to see more.

I searched for more and found the film's Facebook page and one short clip from the film, but nowhere can I view or purchase the film. If anyone has a lead on where to buy or see the film, I would appreciate it.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

Girls & Boys
Poster for the film Girls & Boys (that's girl, girl, boy, girl, girl, boy, boy and boy in the photo)

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Monday, September 21, 2015

What Will Men Wear When Women Wear Trousers? ― An Update

Back in 2010, I wrote a three-part series dealing with the feminization of men from the beginning of the 20th Century through the first decade of the 21st Century. I concluded that male feminization will continue unabated through this century “if the changes in society continue on their current path.”

Five years later, there has been no change in that “current path.” Females continue to break through the glass ceiling and gain more power in both the public and private sectors of society and in its place is a new glass ceiling that is confronting the males who do not have the education to compete with females.

More often than not, males in the workplace are now stuck with the jobs shunned by the better educated females, that is, menial and/or labor intensive work. Or they will become househusbands doing the cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing, while their female spouses bring home the bacon.

As I wrote in 2010, as this change continues, “females will probably dress the same as they do today, that is, they will wear some kind of bifurcated clothing most of the time, but they will have the option to wear a skirt or a dress whenever they feel like it.”

On the other hand, boys will become more dependent on women and will "dress to please and attract a female mate, that is, they will dress to expose and show off their physical assets, which they can best accomplish by wearing tight, revealing, skimpy, and sexy styles of clothing, similar to what females wore when they were in the same position.” 

Back in 2010, commenters dismissed my predictions and equated them to gender role reversal science fiction. But five years later, I believe my predictions still have a lot of merit because nothing has occurred to reverse the trends of the last 100 years as today's 20-something females are leaving their male counterparts in the dust. 

Whether men continue to become the new women or not, I refer you to what I consider a bellwether of the feminization of mens' fashions: Juan’s blog, The New Male Fashions for the Alternative Man, which closely follows current trends on the cutting edge of male fashions. 

This past week, Juan’s blog featured some of the most feminine menswear yet including the four sample above from the Spring 2016 menswear collection from Goddess. (Yes, that is a male model modeling menswear.) Admittedly, these fashions are not mainstream… yet, but may be an indication of things to come. Men may or may not become the new women in our society, but they may be dressing like women real soon now.

Source: Madeleine
Wearing Madeleine.

Mickey Dolenz
Mickey Dolenz femulates in an episode of television's The Monkees (1966-1968).

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Husbands, Wives and Breasts

In this day and age, it seems absurd that husbands still want wives with big breasts, but they do.

With that in mind, my parents started me on a regimen of hormone supplements as I approached puberty. The purpose of the hormones was to help me achieve a state of pulchritude that would make me more attractive to the opposite sex and eventually snag me a husband.

When I began taking the supplements, I had big expectations. My budding breasts seemed to outgrow my training bra overnight and I was soon sporting a new A-cup bra. However, as all my friends moved up the bra cup alphabet, my breasts refused to grow any larger. I was stuck at an A-cup even after the doctor increased the dosage of my hormones.

As I neared my sweet sixteen birthday with nary a date in sight, Mom offered me breast implants as a birthday gift. But I was adamant that no surgeon was going to take a scalpel to my surgically virgin body, so I refused.

Although I lacked bountiful breasts, I had other attractive features including a pair of long shapely to-die-for legs. To show them off, I always wore the shortest skirts and highest heels. On a few occasions, I was sent home from school because my skirts were so short that they revealed other assets.

Nevertheless, I built my wardrobe around mini-skirts and mini-dresses hoping to attract someone who preferred well-turned ankles over well-rounded breasts.

After graduating from high school, I became a receptionist at a high-tech engineering firm where I attracted a design engineer who was an unabashed leg aficionado. We dated for six months, then she asked for my hand in marriage.

We just celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary and she still likes me to show off my legs. (She tells everyone, "He has the best legs in town.")

As her obedient and dutiful wife, I willingly comply and wear skirts or dresses and high heels throughout my day.

Source: Who What Wear
Wearing Chloe

Source: Pinterest
Charles Demetri

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Alli Cummings was different than the others.

Other 12-year-olds were giddy about getting their first training bras, but not Alli, who was completely satisfied wearing a T-shirt.

Other pre-teens were experimenting with makeup and hairdos trying to look as pretty as possible, but not Alli, who had absolutely no interest in such feminine matters.

Instead of becoming a lady, Alli was becoming a misfit and Alli's parents were worried.

Alli's mom did not have time to deal with Alli. She worked all day and expected her better half to take care of any child-rearing issues.

One evening after dinner, Alli's mom demanded, "You have to do something about Alli!"

Alli's dad deferred, "Yes, dear. I know. I'll have a talk with Alli soon."

The next day, when Alli's dad heard Alli come home from school, he called out from the kitchen, "Alli, I want to speak with you."

"OK, Dad," Alli called back.

Alli shuffled to kitchen worried that something was wrong.

In the kitchen. Alli's dad was wearing his gauzy periwinkle apron and had his shoulder-length hair pulled back in a ponytail so as not to get in the way as he prepared dinner. When he saw Alli, his face brightened and he broke out in a big smile. "Hello, Sweetie."

"Hi, Daddy."

Alli was relieved by the big smile; maybe Alli was not in trouble after all.

"Sit down. We need to talk."

Now Alli was not so sure about being in trouble or not, and sat down on a chair at the kitchen table.

Alli's dad wiped his hands with a towel, then walked over to the table with his high heels clicking loudly on the tile floor. As he sat, he smoothed the skirt of his housedress under him, then crossed his legs at the ankles.

"So, Alli, what are your future plans?"

"What do you mean, Daddy."

"Well, what do you want to be when you grow up? A man or a wo-man?"

Alli was upset by the question. No one wanted to be a man and Alli was surprised that his dad would suggest that Alli would choose such a lowly status in life.

"I want to be a wo-man, of course," Alli replied.

"I'm glad to hear that," Alli's dad responded, "But actions speak louder than words and your actions tell me that you want to be a man, not a wo-man."

"Why do you say that, Daddy?"

"All the boys your age are getting into girly things, but you are still acting like a boy. I was talking with Mrs. Reardon the other day and he was bragging to me about how your best friend Timmi was becoming such a young wo-man. His dad said that Timmi has been wearing a training bra and corset for months and wears skirts and dresses now. And he had his first appointment at the beauty salon just last week."

"I know," Alli replied, "Timmi is so girly now just like Ralphi and Franni."

"Don't you want to be girly, too?"

"I do, but I'm scared."

"What are you scared of?"

"Ralphi said that when a girly boy turns 14, he has to have an operation and they cut off his privates."

"No, no. no. There is no operation. When you turn 14, you will go to the doctor and she shows you how to tuck your privates up between your legs. Then she will fit you with a femulator to keep your privates in place."

"But how will I pee if my privates are tucked up between my legs?"

"You'll have to sit on the toilet to pee and when you are done, you will have to wipe yourself dry with bathroom tissue.... just like a real woman. There's nothing to it!"

"So that's all... there's no operation?"

"No operation at all, Sweetie."

"That's great news, Daddy!"

"Any other questions, Alli? I have to get going and finish getting dinner ready before Mother comes home from work."

"Just one question, Daddy."

"What is it, Alli?"

"How soon can I start becoming a wo-man?"

Alli's dad was so happy to hear Alli's question that he wiped a tear from his eye as he answered, "We can start right after dinner. Mother bought you a training bra and a corset months ago in the hope that you were ready to go girly. I'll show you how to put on the bra and I will help you with your corset. Then I'll show you how to use makeup and if we have time, we can paint your nails and put your hair up in curlers. How does that sound?"

"I can't wait to go girly, Daddy."

"I can't wait for you to go girly, too, Alli."

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

As You Like It.
Actors femulating in a 2014 Philadelphia stage production of As You Like It.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Home Ec for Boys

rvw238364 Today New Republic posted an article that recommends teaching home economics to boys!

When I think back 50 years to my days in grade school, I was not very good in shop (or "Manual Training" as it was called in my school). However, I probably would have excelled at Home Economics, but back then, taking Home Ec was not an option for boys... even girly boys like me.

Too bad. I would have made someone an excellent wife.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's a Mixed Up Shook Up World

This gender role reversal music video has it all: pregnant males, male nurses in high heels, fishnets, and see-through minidresses, males wearing makeup, males acting femininely, females acting masculinely, etc., etc., etc.

Anyone have the English translation of the lyrics?