As the the weather girl at Channel 6, accentuating his appearance was more important than knowing which way the wind blows. That is the case with most gainfully-employed boys these days – they are “eye candy.” Whether they worked reception or were weather or traffic girls at a local television station, how they looked was more important than what they knew.
Alice stopped typing. He had to get ready for work and would have to continue writing his online story this evening.
Alice was the author of the popular “Mary Jo Series” – the adventures of a working boy in a woman’s world – stories which were aimed at young males trying to demonstrate that there were other options for boys besides being brides and housewives.
His last Mary Jo story, “Mary Jo: Airline Stewardess,” was a big hit and he hoped that his next story, “Mary Jo: Weather Girl,” would be just as successful. But there was no time for that now because he had to go to work.
Alice put on his high heels and then checked himself out in his full-length mirror. In his new skirt suit, he thought he looked more than adequate for his job as receptionist at Channel 6. His mascara accentuated his big green eyes, his lipstick accentuated his pouty lips, his bralette accentuated his boy boobs and his heels accentuated his shapely legs.
And so it goes.