Showing posts with label gender role reversal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender role reversal. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Accentuate, Accentuate, Accentuate

Mary Jo put on his high heels and then checked himself out in his full-length mirror. In his new skirt suit, he thought he looked more than adequate for his job as weather girl at Channel 6. His mascara accentuated his big green eyes, his lipstick accentuated his pouty lips, his bralette accentuated his boy boobs and his heels accentuated his shapely legs. 

As the the weather girl at Channel 6, accentuating his appearance was more important than knowing which way the wind blows. That is the case with most gainfully-employed boys these days – they are “eye candy.” Whether they worked reception or were weather or traffic girls at a local television station, how they looked was more important than what they knew.

Alice stopped typing. He had to get ready for work and would have to continue writing his online story this evening. 

Alice was the author of the popular “Mary Jo Series” – the adventures of a working boy in a woman’s world – stories which were aimed at young males trying to demonstrate that there were other options for boys besides being brides and housewives. 

His last Mary Jo story, “Mary Jo: Airline Stewardess,” was a big hit and he hoped that his next story, “Mary Jo: Weather Girl,” would be just as successful. But there was no time for that now because he had to go to work.

Alice put on his high heels and then checked himself out in his full-length mirror. In his new skirt suit, he thought he looked more than adequate for his job as receptionist at Channel 6. His mascara accentuated his big green eyes, his lipstick accentuated his pouty lips, his bralette accentuated his boy boobs and his heels accentuated his shapely legs.

And so it goes.

Source: Elisabetta Franchi
Wearing Elisabetta Franchi

Divine (third from left) femulating in the 1988 film Hairspray.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Finding Girls & Boys

In October 2017 (can it be that long ago!), I wrote about Girls & Boys, "a short 2015 Swedish film that depicts high school life in a matriarchy, 'a world where girls are hunters and boys are the catch.'" There is a trailer and a teaser for the film online, but nowhere could I find how to view or purchase the film itself.

Over the weekend, my post about the film received an anonymous comment indicating that the film was now available for rental and purchase from Vimeo for $3 and $6 respectively. I immediately went to Vimeo, purchased the film, downloaded it and watched it.

Girls & Boys is not a crossdressing film per se; rather it is a gender role reversal film with males dressing and acting like 21st Century females and females dressing and acting like 21st Century males except that no one reconfigures their body to emulate the opposite sex as crossdressers do; males do not wear falsies and hip pads and the females do not bind their breasts.

The film was as good as its trailer and teasers suggested. And it had English subtitles for those not Swedish-conversant.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company (Source: New York & Company)

Girls & Boys
One of the boys in Girls & Boys, a 2015 Swedish film

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thor's Day

Dental Role Reversal Dept.

My first dentist from about age 5 to age 30 (circa 1956 to 1981) was a my father's boyhood friend.

His wife was the receptionist in his office.

When he retired, I searched for a new dentist and started going to a fellow my mother recommended. He eventually retired too (three years ago) selling his business to a woman fresh out of dental school and I began going to her.

Her husband is the receptionist in her office. (No, he does not wear a skirt.)

Tighten Up Dept.

Here is a tip from Dressing a Male as a Female:

Form-fitting clothing looks better than you think. It may look and feel a little awkward at first, but deciding to wear form-fitting clothing instead of baggy, relaxed styles is definitely the way to go. It creates the natural outline of a woman's body easier, and helps you create the full illusion. Whether it be dresses, skirts, pants or tops, clothing cut close to the body works best.

Shaken, Not Stirred Dept.

Best Bond Bond: Sean Connery

Best Bond Flick: From Russia With Love

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

David Michaels
David Michaels femulating in the 1998 film Rough Draft.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Crossdresser or Pretty-Dresser?

Transistor Dept.

I know some of you are radio-inclined, so if you are attending Hamvention next week, I'd love to see you in person. I will be staffing TAPR's booths in Building 5 of the Greene County Fairgrounds and attending the annual TAPR-AMSAT banquet Friday evening. CUL

Time Magazine, August 19, 2039
(Source: the extraordinary gender role reversal
art of Jamie Vesta)
Puppy Dog Tails Dept.

I had a revelation last night when I was reading your comments to yesterday's post (If sugar and spice and everything nice was a boy thing).

Stephanie asked, if we lived in a world where males dressed like females and females dressed like males, would I (a cisgender male) "still desire to wear the clothing of the opposite sex like I do in the real world I exist in now?"

This may start a firestorm, but here is what I thought.

If you answer "yes," then you are a male-to-female transexual. You are really a woman and you crossdress to present as your true gender. The clothes are not important; gender is what matters to you.

If you answer "no," then you are not a transexual. You are really a "pretty-dresser," that is, you like to dress pretty and in order to fit in, you may even speak and act like the gender that "normally" dresses pretty. The clothes and all the trappings of the pretty-dressing is what matters to you.

And so it goes.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

George Jetson lives a femulator's dream when he becomes Georgina Jetstream, lands a job as a secretary and goes out on a date with the boss.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

If sugar and spice and everything nice was a boy thing

The boys in Girls & Boys

Stephanie Sometimes wrote, "Some time ago you posted a movie trailer for a Swedish film called Girls & Boys. The premise was that girls wore jeans, tees and Keds while the boys wore skirts, dresses, heels, hose and makeup like the boys in the photo from the film (above).

"My question is if I was living in that reality being a guy in silk satin and lace, would I still desire to wear the clothing of the opposite sex like I do in the real world I exist in now. I wonder if your followers have opinions on this subject.

"I know I would be in heaven to live in that alternative reality, but would my desire to be the opposite sex drive me into the drab 'boy' clothes that the girls wear in the film?"

Comments, opinions, what say Femulate readers?

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)

Janek Traczy
Janek Traczy femulates Lana Del Rey on Polish television's Your Face Sounds Familiar (2018) 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Someday Funnies

"Imitate young girls" is the English translation of the caption of this 1930's comic postcard from France. A joke about gender stereotyping, the ironic message seems to be 'Boys, you're never too young to start wearing perfume and make-up.'

Source: Zuhair Murad
Wearing Zuhair Murad (Source: Zuhair Murad)

Before and after selfies
Before and after selfies

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Trans Mascots

From The Cut Monday came this, "As women across America deal with a wage gap, a lack of paid maternity leave, the threat of decreased reproductive rights, and rampant sexual misconduct, brands have responded by bravely … making female versions of their mascots?"

The article pointed out that Brawny paper towels rolled out a flannel shirt–clad Brawny Woman, Reba McEntire became the first woman to play KFC’s Colonel Sanders and Johnnie Walker just introduced a “Jane Walker” logo toto “draw more women to the world’s best-selling scotch and acknowledge a broader push toward gender equality.”

The piece concluded with a list of 15 other male mascots who could be feminized, like The Jolly Green Giantess, Ms. Peanut, The Pillsbury Doughgirl, etc.

Which begs the question, what's good for the goose is good for the gander?

Mr. Betty Crocker
So how about...

👠 Coppertone Boy

👠 Land O Lakes Indian Male Maid

👠 Mr. Butterworth

👠 Sun-Maid Boy

👠 Uncle Jemima

👠 Utz Boy

👠 Little Mr. Sunbeam

👠 Morton Salt Boy

👠 St. Pauli Boy

👠 Wendell's Hamburger Boy

And so it goes!

Source: Intermix
Wearing Intermix (Source: Intermix)

Andrew Lees and Eamon Farren
Andrew Lees (left) and Eamon Farren (center) femulating in the 2014 Australian TV movie Carlotta.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day Greeting

I have posted this image here on Saint Valentine's Days in the past. I don't recall where I found the image, nor do I recall its history. I don't believe it's a fake, rather I think it's a genuine vintage greeting card.

That being said, what is the context of the card's message? My guess it was related to women's suffrage.

During that era, there was a genuine fear among males that if women got the vote it was the beginning of the end of the patriarchy. That fear was reflected in ephemera of the era.

The big question on everybody's mind 100 years ago was asked by this anti-suffrage postcard.

Another postcard answered the question.

Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)

Faye's "bird" femulation

Thursday, November 30, 2017

My wife dresses like a man!

Yes, my wife dresses like a man!

She says that she always dressed like a man, prefers to dress like a man and has no plans to change. But in this day and age, it is embarrassing to be seen out and about with my wife dressed like me.

When we first met, she dressed like a man just like many of her peers. But as more and more women began dressing like women, I assumed that my wife would follow suit. She did not and today, 25 years later, she still dresses like one of the guys.

Her boss has hinted that she is may not getting job promotions because she dresses like a man, but her boss has not pushed it because the law is on my wife's side. Still, it would be nice if my wife toed the line, received promotions and increased out family income. But my wife is happy dressing like a man and I won't try to stop her.

Our friends and acquaintances are accustomed to my wife's appearance. But strangers find it a little odd when they realize she is really a woman especially since she passes so well as a man. In addition to wearing men's clothing, she also has her hair cut like a man and wears all the accoutrements that men favor, like jewelry and makeup. She even carries a purse!

Lucky for me we wear different sizes, otherwise she would be raiding my closet. One time, she was so enamored by a new sexy bra I bought at Victoria's Secret that she insisted trying it on, but it looked ridiculous on her because her boobs are so much bigger than mine. That put an end to her borrowing my clothing, although occasionally I do let her borrow a pair of my pantyhose.

And so it goes!

(Yes, the story above is fiction.)

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)

Wichita County High School in Leoti, Kansas
Starla submitted this find from the 1970 yearbook of Wichita County High School in Leoti, Kansas. (I wonder how Dennis became so adept at applying makeup?)