Showing posts with label garage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garage. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

How I spent my summer vacation

Actually, I am on a permanent vacation, nevertheless, I set some goals for what I wanted to accomplish this summer.

Health-wise, I had a list of things to do before my former employer's health insurance coverage ended.

→ Go to my dentist for a check-up and cleaning

→ Go to my optometrist for a check-up

→ Go to my doctor for a check-up and to get referrals for a colonoscopy and for treatment of my varicose veins

Otherwise, I wanted to clean and organize our garage.

→ My dentist found one cavity. Got that fixed, so I am good to go tooth-wise.

→ My optometrist said my vision was unchanged; I did not need to change prescriptions, so I am good to go eye-wise.

→ My doctor gave me a clean bill of health and referrals for a colonoscopy and treatment of my varicose veins.

→ → My colonoscopy results were excellent (no polyps or cancer), so I am good to go when I have to go.

→ → My varicose veins were removed. One month later, my leg is still healing, but I should be good to go out in a skirt real soon now.

Cleaning and organizing the garage turned into a bigger project than I anticipated. The hot, humid weather has not helped. Although the house is air-conditioner, the garage is not and many days this summer, I only put in an hour or two out in the garage before throwing in the towel. But I am making progress and should be finished real soon now.

And so my summer vacation goes.

Source: OneHanesPlace
Wearing Hanes (Source: OneHanesPlace)

Terry, Transvestia cover girl (1961)
Terry, Transvestia cover girl (1961)