Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2018

Good News

I want to thank you all again for your condolences regarding my dog's death.

It has been a very bumpy road the past two weeks, so it was great to finally receive some good news. Mid-morning Friday, out of the blue, I received an e-mail from the administrator of the CEO at my former employer inviting me to the company's annual Christmas luncheon.

Last year, I was invited to the luncheon after my mid-year retirement and I attended en femme leaving no doubt in my former co-workers' minds that I was trans. (Where did they get that idea? Maybe going to work en femme five Halloweens in a row had something to do with it.)

It was anticlimactic last year. It was as if I showed up in boy mode. Except for one female co-worker, who said she loved my skirt, no one mentioned my feminine outfit or the fact that I was presenting as a woman. Everyone called me "Stan" and socialized with me as they always had in the past.

I expect the same when I attend later this month and I am looking forward to seeing my old friends again.

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)

Norman Wisdom
Norman Wisdom femulates in the 1963 British film A Stitch in Time.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

And so it goes

Thursday at 12:36 PM, my dog died after being euthanized by our veterinarian. My heart is broken and I need a few days off from blogging, so catch you later.

UPDATE: Readers have asked, so here is some basic information about my dog. She was a cockapoo (half cocker spaniel, half poodle) and was just three weeks shy of her 16th birthday (human years).

I had her put down because she was so arthritic that she could no longer go up and down stairs and her back legs collapsed under her frequently each day. She was also blind from glaucoma.

I had her since she was 3 months old and we were very close, so putting her down was one of the most difficult things I have ever done.

Thank you all for your condolences.

Monday, July 18, 2016

My Best Friend

My cockapoo lost one eye to glaucoma last year and since then, I have been medicating her other eye to prevent glaucoma from striking again.

A few days before the Independence Day weekend, my dog had a couple of bouts of temporary blindness and by the Fourth, she was totally blind and a basket case ― confused and depressed by what was happening.

I took her to the veterinarian eye specialist and surprise, her eye is healthy... no glaucoma. The eye vet referred her to a neurologist vet, who suggested a number of causes for the blindness that only an MRI would reveal.

By the time we saw the neurologist, my dog was starting to get used to being blind ― still confused, but returning to being herself in many ways. So the neurologist suggested that we see how well she gets acclimated and gave me a prescription for her high blood pressure (which may have caused a mini-stroke and the blindness).

Back home, I spend almost all my waking hours working with my dog trying to get her used to her new world. It has been time-consuming, but rewarding because she is making progress. However, I have neglected this blog and its e-mails, as a result. But I expect that things will get better soon.

By the way, my dog prefers me in boy mode. Whenever I start getting dressed in girl mode, she gets out of Dodge and avoids me until I change back.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Rebecca Minkoff.

Peter Sramek
Peter Sramek femulates Borbala Peterfy on Hungarian television's Sztarban Sztar.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


poodle-envy-1I was a late bloomer when it came to dogs.

My mother had a dog when she was single, but she would not let her daughters have dogs, so I never experienced the joys of a dog's companionship as a child. However, I made up for it as an adult, first with my daughters' dearly departed dog and now with my own dog.

It is interesting how the dogs get/got along with me en femme.

My daughter's dog was my best buddy and acted the same with me no matter how I was dressed. I figure that he did not notice the difference or did not care.

My own dog notices the difference.

Whereas she is my best friend when I am in boy mode, she will have nothing to do with me in girl mode.

Most of the time, she is my shadow and follows me wherever I go. For example, she lays on the bed watching me when I get dressed in the morning or when I change clothes after work. If I dress in boy mode, she sticks around and waits for me to finish, however, if I dress in girl mode, she gets out of Dodge as soon as she senses that I am dressing pretty.

She is very intelligent and I figure that when she realizes I am dressing in girl mode, she knows I am going out without her, so she looks for someone else for companionship.

On the other hand, our cats do not give a damn!





Source: Hautelook

Wearing French Connection.





Early 20th Century professional femulator Fritz Maxfeld.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Randomness

This blog's popularity still amazes me. These days, it averages about 4,400 hits per day. At that rate, the hit counter should pass 1.5 million sometime today.

As a result of the blog's popularity, I get a lot of e-mail. I try to answer each e-mail as soon as possible, but sometimes I cannot; the mail piles up and I get a little behind, but I still manage to answer most in a day or two. I apologize if I do not answer your e-mail fast enough, but I am doing the best that I can.

In a clip for Oprah's show today, she expresses excitement that her guest, Keith Urban, has been clean for four years. Hey, Oprah, I've been clean for 59 years; when am I going to be on your show?

I'm looking forward to Tuesday. A bad day out en femme is better than a good day of fishing

Just wondering if Sarah Palin can see North Korea from her backyard?

Speaking of facelifts, here are ten reasons why you should get a dog instead of a facelift.