Showing posts with label dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dance. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weather Wearied

Source: Avon My cold is pretty much gone. Thank you all who wished me well and a quick recovery.

The cold peaked Saturday and squashed my plans to go out Saturday night.

I was supposed to go to dinner with my friends Diana and Krista and Krista's friend Amanda. And after dinner, we were going to attend an LGBT Valentine's Day dance. I even purchased a new red dress for the occasion (see photo). So I was very down and out about missing a girls' night out because of my cold, which I attribute to being worn out by the weather.

Last week was a winter wonderland in my neck of the woods and I saw way too much of the rear end of my snow thrower. I probably put in close to six hours moving snow, which wore me out and lowered my resistance to whatever bug was in the neighborhood. At least it wasn't the flu bug!

I thought i would improve my attitude by watching a film Saturday evening, so I put on a DVD of Woody Allen's latest, Blue Jasmine.

Bummer! The film was very good, but was not your typical Woody Allen fare. I was not amused; I did not laugh once and went to bed doubly disappointed by the turn of events.

It snowed again Saturday evening and I found out this morning that the Valentine's Day dance was cancelled at the last minute due to the weather. The group plans to reschedule the dance real soon now.

And so it goes.





Source: Female Mimics

Femulators in street style circa 1965.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Words of Wednesday

flickr… Argh!

My flickr account is messed up again. It was reset to free status and 200 images maximum a few days ago. I have a new complaint into flickr and hope the problem will get fixed once and for all or I will take my business elsewhere.

Off Broadway

Aunty Marlena alerted me to a new off-Broadway dance, Summer's Different, about a married with children transwoman. Here is the New York Times review of the dance.

My Dance Card is Filling Up

Yesterday afternoon, I was invited to a party after my ham radio group's banquet next Friday at Hamvention. The party is at a hotel 7 miles from the banquet hall, so I am definitely stopping by.

Google Hitchcock

If you are a fan of Alfred Hitchcock films like I am, visit Google today and view their video honoring Saul Bass, Hitchcock's master of film titles. It is very cool!




Advertisement for comedian Tim McNiven’s UK stand-up show Emasculated, 2012.






Wearing Alice + Olivia (top), Love Letter (skirt), and Marc by Marc Jacobs (bag).

Friday, March 1, 2013

Having a Ballet


Thirty-five new online high school yearbook images illustrating a variety of femulations now grace our collection on flickr thanks to Starla.

I uploaded the new images to flickr and they are now ready for your viewing pleasure* including the four ballerinas pictured above, who donned tutus way back in 1949.

One of my first girly moments was related to the ballet. When I was 5-years-old, my mother enrolled my younger sister and I in a dancing school. My class had about 15 girls and one other boy. Once a week, we practiced tap and ballet for an hour under the tutelage of young female instructors.

I have no memory why my mother enrolled us at dancing school. I could understand enrolling my sister, but why did she immerse me, her only son, in that world of femininity? It certainly was not going to make a man out of me. Maybe she detected the girl in me and thought that I would enjoy participating in such a girly activity.

If that was her plan, she was correct. I enjoyed every minute of it!

I loved learning dance and being treated like the other girls. The young instructors became my role models. I even recall dreaming (both day dreaming and sleep dreaming) about dancing as a ballerina, wearing a pink leotard, tutu, ballet shoes, and makeup with my long blond hair put up in a pony-tail.

Due to tight family finances, we only took dance classes for one year, but that one year immersion in femininity left a life-long impression on this girl.     

*  To view the latest additions to the collection:

Method 1: Open one of the Yearbooks sets (A through Z) and you will find the newest uploads at the end/bottom of the set. (The oldest uploads appear at the beginning/top of the set.)

Method 2: Open my photostream and you will find the newest uploads at the top of page 1. The uploads get older as the page numbers get higher with the oldest uploads on the last page.

By the way, the contents of the Yearbook A through Z sets are organized according to school name, for example, the photos from Hard Knox High School would be in the Yearbooks H set.