Showing posts with label costume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costume. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2020

Mothers and Sons

According to the Daily Mail, the son of British poet Amanda Eliasch is taking the London social scene by storm – as a femulating singer. Charles Eliasch transforms into fabulous Evie Lake by night and has appeared as his flamboyant alter-ego at various cabaret nights.

Charles is Amanda’s eldest son by Swedish billionaire ex-husband Johan Eliasch, and his act is so convincing it has everyone fooled but his mother. That is Evie and his admiring mother in the photo above – note the family resemblance.

I wish I had a photo of my mother with me en femme. Mom was so pretty and I resemble her in many ways. We would make a stunning pair just like the mother and son in the photo above.

Thinking about all of the missed opportunities in my life saddens me.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

J is for Junction City High School, Arkansas, where today’s “Not a Civilian?” beauty queen reigned in 1979. 

Coffee, tea or me? During my May 6th fashion photoshoot, I also modeled the stewardess uniform that I have been assembling. I thought Trans World Airlines was the most appropriate airline for a girl like me, so I searched eBay for TWA accessories and obtained a TWA wing pin and TWA travel bag. I also obtained the generic stewardess cap via eBay.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Throwback Thursday

Femulate was not my first blog. Before Femulate, there was A Passing Interest and before that, NFem.

Those blogs had nowhere near the following that Femulate has. In my opinion, some of the posts on those earlier blogs deserved wider readership. So occasionally I will dig up a worthy post from A Passing Interest or NFem and repost it here, which is exactly what I am doing today.

I hope you enjoy this post from November 2003 all about the second time I went to work on Halloween en femme.

At Work En Femme Again

Two weeks before Halloween, Human Resources announced that there would be Halloween festivities at work including a costume contest. Naturally, I was overjoyed at the opportunity to dress at work as my gender of choice again.

I say “again” because three years ago, the company-sponsored Halloween festivities included a costume contest. I dressed in fairly convincing office-girl drag and won the contest hands down.

After this year’s announcement, a few people who were familiar with my award-winning costume asked me if I was getting dressed again this Halloween. The women who asked actually were encouraging me to do so.

I played coy saying that it didn’t seem that anyone else in our building was dressing; I didn’t want to be the only one in costume. In reality, I did not care if I was the only one in the state in costume; if the company said it was ok to appear in costume, then I was not going to miss the opportunity to do so.

I started shopping for a new outfit and found something darling on the Jessica London web site. It was described as a “Helen Blake mock two-piece dress. White collar, long sleeves and three rhinestone buttons. Polyester. Dry clean. Made in USA from imported fabric.” It had no waist, so I thought I would be able to wear it without foundation garments and not have folks wondering if I was wearing foundation garments. The dress was on clearance, so I ordered it and it arrived four days before Halloween.

The Mrs. said it looked like “a schoolmarm dress.” I didn’t mind that, but when I tried it on, it was too big. Not only did I look like a schoolmarm, but I looked like a schoolmarm in a muumuu.

I should have ordered it one size smaller, but it was too late to send it back and get a smaller size in time for Halloween. So, three nights before Halloween, I had to find an outfit to wear that would fit the office girl drag category. Note that in addition to spending the day at work en femme, I planned to go to the mall during lunch, so I did not want something too outrageous and that would eliminate my real short skirt outfits.

After trying on a half-dozen outfits, I decided to wear my navy blue pinstriped suit. I always looked good in it and even though its skirt is short, the outfit is so office girl drag that I could get away with it. With the suit, I planned to wear a black lace blouse, black 3.5-inch stiletto pumps, black pantyhose, and my blue faux pearl necklace, earrings, and bracelet set.

Halloween eve, I Naired my legs, arms, and chest, packed my purse, and organized everything I needed Halloween morning so that I could get ready as fast as possible and get to work between 7:30 and 8 AM.

Halloween morning, I was up at 4:45 AM. I showered and shaved with a brand new razor blade and then began doing my makeup. It takes me about an hour to do my makeup and Halloween was typical.

I was dressed by 6:30 AM. I took the dog out to do her morning duty and retrieved the newspaper. Back in the house, I fed the cats and the puppy and did my nails. I used Revlon’s self-adhesive nails. They are pricey, but they are great. No glue, no sticky tabs, and they stay on tight. I have never lost one.

I was just about ready to go, when a minor disaster occurred. As I was adjusting the pantyhose on my left leg, I caught a point of my faux gem ring on the pantyhose on my right leg and it started to run. The run was on my upper inner thigh, so I figured it would not be noticeable and I used the old trick of applying some clear nail polish to the run to make it stop running.

I grabbed my purse, got in my car, and drove to work with Shania singing Man, I Feel Like A Woman blasting on the CD player (to put me in the mood). Thirty minutes later, I parked my car in my usual parking spot at work and got ready to exit my car. I noticed that a fellow who sits three cubicles from me was just getting out of his car and heading my way to get inside the building (my car was parked near the entrance).

I said to myself, “Well, here goes,” and I got out of my car just as he was passing. I said hello in my normal voice and he returned a hello without any sign of recognition.

I know he knows my car. We are usually among the first people at work and just the day before, he mentioned something about my car, but he had no clue who I was. I thought, “This was going to be good” and it was.

People who saw my costume three years earlier, recognized me right away, but the folks who had not seen me en femme before had no clue. It was very humorous when they learned who I was. The majority had to be told who I was; very few figured out whom I was.

The costume contest was a flop. Only three other people showed up in costume. Morale has been poor for a while. We have had some lay-offs and the folks in the factory were working three- and four-day weeks for a while, so there are not a lot of happy campers around that felt like participating in a company-sponsored costume contest.

Despite the low participation, the contest went on. We each received numbers to wear and we were escorted around the company for all to view. After folks saw us, they were supposed to vote using the numbers we wore. The categories were scariest, funniest, and most original, so there were four contestants vying for three prizes.

After we began our tour, one of the other contestants suggested that I say “hello” in a butch voice as we walked around because she thought the folks might think I was just another girl from HR escorting the contestants. And so I did.

When the votes were totaled, I received the most votes, but HR decided to give all four of us prizes, which was real nice of them to do. One of the women who encouraged me to dress joked that I probably won the “scariest” category. I asked why and she said that although the women thought it was great that I dressed like a woman, a lot of guys probably thought it was scary because they found me attractive. I never thought of it that way!

I had a great experience. I got a few “you look too good” comments, but I just took them in stride. The most attractive woman in our company, a tall “to die for” blond, visited my cubicle and wanted to check out my makeup job. She was surprised that I did my own makeup.

For some reason, I mentioned the run in my stocking and how I stopped it with the nail polish trick. She asked me how I knew to do that and I told her the truth, that is, I had read it somewhere. As soon as I said that I realized she would wonder what I was reading, obviously not Mechanics Illustrated! She just said, “Uh huh,” and then she said I looked “hot!” I think she suspects I do this a lot. A couple of other women mentioned that I had “great legs.”

During lunch, I drove to the mall. As I sat in the car fixing my makeup, I noticed all the women entering and exiting Filene’s. What a bunch of slobs! Most of them looked liked they were doing the laundry at home and suddenly discovered that they had to go to Filene’s and buy some detergent! I could not believe how poorly most of them were dressed. I did not see one skirt or dress. I did see some women dressed nicely in slacks or pants, but they were in the minority.

I was way overdressed, but I said, “what the heck” and entered Filene’s. By now, the balls of my feet were screaming because of the high heels I had worn all morning, so I switched to a different pair of shoes with a lower chunky heel. They were a lot more comfortable, but were actually a little loose and the right shoe slipped off my foot a couple of times while I walked around Filene’s. That sure made it difficult to walk gracefully!

A lot of people read me, but no one confronted me. I ended up at the M·A·C makeup counter. The saleswoman was very helpful and I bought two items that I needed. Then, I left the store and went back to work.

It was an interesting day, but I don’t think I will do it again. One of the female contestants suggested we attend next year as bride and groom (her the groom and me the bride), but I think I will pass. If I showed up in drag again, I think people will really start to wonder about how I dress on weekends, so next year, I think I will attend dressed in a male costume. Something macho like a hairdresser or fashion designer!

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Kenneth Williams and Charles Hawtrey femulating in the 1969 British film Carry On Constable. See the video here.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bunny Stana

My photo in Monday's post generated a lot of comments and e-mails. Although I have been showing off that photo like forever, it seems that some readers were unfamiliar with Bunny Stana and wanted to know more.

Your wish is my command, so here is a rerun of an old post that tells everything you wanted to know about my Playboy bunny costume.

Dear Stana,
I like your site and check it often. On your flickr picture gallery, there are many pics of you, but I wanted to ask about one where you are dressed in what looks like a black waitress outfit from a Playboy Club. You look absolutely fabulous. It must feel wonderful. I was wondering about it though; where you got it; if it is from a Playboy club?

Hi Fred,

Thank you for the kind words!

Like every boy, I wanted to be a Playboy bunny when I grew up. Didn't happen, but the next best thing was to be a Playboy bunny on Halloween.

Halloween 2004 was my target for joining the girls in Hef's bunny hutch, so I began searching the Internet for bunny costumes.

Occasionally, authentic Playboy bunny costumes turn up on eBay, but they are prohibitively expensive, not to mention that they are never available in Size 16 Tall.

There were a few bunny costumes available on the Halloween costume web sites. All resembled the real Playboy costume in one way or another, but none were authentic enough for me and again, size was an issue.

I am a do-it-yourself kind of girl. In the past, I assembled many Halloween costumes from scratch, so I decided that if I wanted to achieve authenticity, I would have to build my own Playboy bunny costume.

With summer winding down, there were clearance sales galore on swimwear and I found the perfect item for my costume at the Newport-News web site: a black sequins maillot-style swimsuit. I don't recall the size or the price, but when it arrived, it was a perfect fit and I was well on my way building the costume.

I already had shoes that matched: a pair of black patent high heel pumps.

The bunny ears, tail, tuxedo cuffs and collar with bow tie were relatively easy and inexpensive to acquire. Various Halloween costumers sold kits that paired the ears with the tail and the cuffs with the collar. They were so inexpensive that I bought two kits each just in case I had a costume malfunction.

The hardest items to find were the fishnets and rosette name badge.

I owned fishnets, but none that had a fishnet pattern all the way up to the waistband, which is what I needed to cover my legs from toe to hip. One more time, size was an issue, but I finally managed to find a pair online that fit my very long gams.

After visiting a number of craft and party stores, I found a rosette name badge at a local party store. All I had to do was add my own name to the badge, which I did using a font on my computer that approximated the original bunny rosette name badge font.

I had a collection of foundation garments to experiment with in order to achieve a bunny-like figure while keeping the foundation garments out of sight. After considerable experimentation, I went with a corset-style waist cincher to achieve the narrowest waistline and a legless panty girdle to flatten my tummy.

I went bra-less since the swimsuit had a built-in bra. I inserted my largest homemade birdseed falsies in the cups of the swimsuit and used surgical tape to bring my "girls" together to add some cleavage.

Voila! I was a now a Playboy bunny and my costume was a hit at my support group's Halloween party that year.

I am very proud of that costume and I hope I will have the opportunity to wear it again someday real soon now.

Best Wishes,


Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company (Source: New York & Company)

Jan Cina
Jan Cina femulates Madonna on Polish television's version of Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Halloween Outings

Choose Kayser for men
This is not a Femulate parody. It is an actual ad from 1969.
Halloween is a day near and dear to the heart of femulators throughout Girl World and early on, I used Halloween as an excuse to shop for my lady wardrobe. (Didn't you?)

"I'm going to a Halloween party dressed as a woman, so I need a... (fill in the blank with whatever I needed at the time: wig, bra, girdle, dress, high heels, makeup, purse, etc., etc., etc.)

I used that excuse a lot when I was still closeted. I dunno if I fooled any of the store staff with my Halloween story. Not many guys are going to spend $100 or more on a wig for one night, so something else must be going on.

At least once, I outed myself. I was 23 years old working in Kingston, New York, a couple of hours away from home and my stash of female finery. Halloween was coming up and I decided it was a perfect time to start my Kingston Kollection.

I found an old school lingerie store where I intended to buy an all-in-one. An older woman greeted me as I entered the store. I told her my Halloween story and added that I wanted an "all-in-one."

That probably tipped my hand immediately; how many guys know what's an all-in-one.

The woman used a tape measure to take my measurements. Then she went in the back room and returned a few minutes later with two all-in-ones.

"Take these to the dressing room, try them on and call me so I can see if they fit properly."

I did not expect such a hands-on sale, but was glad to have it. I quickly stripped down to my briefs, zipped myself into the all-in-one and called for the saleswoman and by doing so, I tipped my hand again.

"Wow - that was quick," she remarked. (I assumed that her other male customers were not as fast as I when trying on their "first" all-in-one.)

She then checked me out and remarked that I had a real girlish figure. I tipped my hand again as my face turned beet red in embarrassment.

Strike three --- I was out!

(Caveat Emptor: This is a repurposed post from the past.)

Source: Veronica Beard
Wearing Veronica Beard.

Elizabeth Eden nee Ernest Aron
Elizabeth Eden nee Ernest Aron and her husband, 
John Wojtowicz, the Dog Day Afternoon bank robber.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Got Costume?

If you are like me and celebrate Halloween in costume, you only have four weeks to get your getup together.

I am all set. I just have to decide which office girl outfit to wear to work that day. But unlike me, perhaps you have no idea what costume to wear.

Lucky for you, the Internet offers many Halloween costume suggestions this time of year. So let me Google that for you.

My favorite site for ideas is Polyvore's DIY Halloween Costume Sets. Like the Morton Salt Girl idea pictured above, many of Polypore's suggestions are not your typical Halloween costume fare. There is a good chance you will find something there that is uniquely you.

Source: Boden
Wearing Boden.

Stephen Carr
Stephen Carr femulating in a 1952 episode of television's Adventures of Superman.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Sunday night, while I was switching back and forth between the Red Sox-Yankee game on ESPN and The Birds on Sundance, I recalled that growing up, Ted Williams was my idol. But a girl's got to know her limitations and I knew I would never grow up to be Ted Williams (who would?). But maybe I could grow up to be Tippi Hedren.

Was she gorgeous or what? The outfits she wore in her films were to die for. I wanted to dress up and be a woman just like her.

Ah, to be young and Tippi again!

Source: Intermix
Wearing Apiece Apart skirt.

A recent womanless beauty pageant contestant.
A recent womanless beauty pageant contestant.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Life in the Femme Lane

Skimming some of my 5-year-old blog posts, I noticed the names of the folks who left comments in 2010 and realized that most regular commenters from back then no longer left comments and have not done so in a long time.

That got me curious, so I skimmed even older blog posts and found the same thing  after awhile regular commenters stop commenting.

Why's that?

My guess is that they outgrew the blog; they no longer needed the "pearls of wisdom" I had to offer because they were out and about discovering for themselves about living life in the femme lane.

I can only hope that my blog posts helped them get out and about.

Source: Rent the Runway
Wearing Chloe.

Source: Michelle
Michelle at work, Halloween 2013

I (we) of course don't need Halloween as an excuse to be out dressed anymore, not for a long time, but there does seem to be something special about going in to your place of business, isn't there? I suppose it's because co-workers, friends and acquaintances are seeing you as a woman, even (or maybe especially so) if you're not out.  Michelle

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Costumes You Probably Can't Wear To The Office

Following up on Monday's post "Chic Costumes You Can Wear To The Office," PopSugar proffers 37 "iconic" Halloween costumes

Whereas all the costumes mentioned here Monday could be worn to the office on Friday, the day before Halloween, many of today's suggestions are over the top. Depending on the culture of your workplace, they should only be donned for Halloween parties, although a few, like the Cher Horowitz costume pictured left, could work in the office, too.

As Halloween approaches, show us what you wore for our favorite holiday recently. Send me your costume photo and I will feature it in the Femulator slot below. To start things off, check out what I wore to the office last Halloween.


My 2014 Working Girl Halloween costume.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Chic Costumes You Can Wear To The Office

Halloween falls on a Saturday this year. This poses a dilemma for girls who usually go to the office in "costume" on that holiday since many offices are closed on weekends.

The solution is to wear your costume to the office on Friday, the day before Halloween. However, since Friday is not really Halloween, you may want to tone it down a bit. Leave the "Sexy Stewardess" costume at home and wear something more appropriate for the office.

So what to wear? Elle has come to the rescue with "6 Chic Halloween Costumes You Can Wear To The Office."

Personally, I am leaning towards Elle's first sugegstion, a Melanie Daniels costume, a style I often considered mimicing in the past. (I love the black suit Tippi Hedren wears at the beginning of The Birds!)

Whatever costume you choose, Have Fun!

Source: MyHabit
Wearing Tahari by ASL.

Lily Blinz