Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Father’s Day Plans Trumped

Outfit I planned to wear for Father’s Day
Usually, my wife, daughter, sister and I go to a restaurant to celebrate Father’s Day. This year, I wanted to do something different – I wanted to go to the restaurant en femme.

When I concocted that plan three weeks ago, it looked doable because restaurants (and most everything else) would be reopening in Connecticut on June 17, four days before Father’s Day. But July 17 has come and gone and my family is not ready to dine in a restaurant yet.

Their hesitance has nothing to do with how I planned to dress. Rather, they are worried about how safe it would be to dine in a restaurant under the dark cloud of coronavirus especially when three of the diners are well over 65 years in age.

I would love to dine en femme with my loved ones, but I understand their discomfort. So we will order Chinese take-out and just like so many other thwarted plans, wait ’til next year.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Brian Jones
Rolling Stone Brian Jones

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Meds are working and the thrush is going away slowly.

Started eating “normally” again. Last night I had tuna on rye with some potato chips on the side, but I could not eat the chips because they are too “hard” and irritated the thrush lesions. Had a slice of homemade Easter babka that my sister baked using my Mom’s recipe – it was delicious. Washed it all down with a glass of milk.

Had my first cup of coffee in over a week this morning with a stack of pancakes and maple syrup. Until now, hot drink was an irritant, too. Missed my coffee, so I am glad to be able to drink it again.

Lost another pound on the scale this morning. I am now at my lowest weight as an adult. Probably have not weighed this little since grade school. I am now at the “ideal” weight for a woman my height (not to mention a male), so I would like to maintain this weight after this all blows over.

Yesterday, I tried on a couple of recent purchases without any foundation garments and they looked very nice on me. I can’t wait to get dressed full femme and photoshoot all my new outfits, but that will have to wait until the lesions on my face circling my mouth heal.

And so it goes.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Toma Ikuta
Toma Ikuta femulating the 2011 Japanese stage production of Madame de Sade

Monday, April 13, 2020

Thrush Diet – Lose 10 Pounds in a Week!

Needless to say, I was relieved to learn the result of the coronavirus test was negative. I want to again thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and support.

Last week was miserable. It all started Monday. In the afternoon, I noticed two small lesions on my tongue. Monday evening, my body temperature was warmer than usual.

By Tuesday, my body temperature was hovering around 100℉ with occasional jumps up as high as 102.7℉. My temperature remained high for two days. Meanwhile, the lesions in my mouth multiplied and it was painful to eat or drink as almost anything I ingested irritated the lesions.

Thursday morning, my body temperature was back down to normal and has remained that way ever since, however, the lesion problem grew worse.

With no improvements overnight, I called my doctor Friday morning. He insisted that due to my age and my recent bout with high body temperature that I get tested for coronavirus.

That was depressing!

I drove to his office and a staff member brought the prescription out to my car. Then I drove to St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury and got in queue for their drive-through coronavirus test.

There were only six cars ahead of me and I was in and out in less than a half hour.

I went home and waited for the results and they were posted online mid-morning Sunday.

Monday morning, the doctor’s office called to repeat the good news and to get me a prescription for my mouth problem. I picked up the prescription and will be sucking down 70 clotrimazole lozenges over the next 14 days.

I have thrush, a fungal infection! I have no idea how I got it. None of the possible causes make sense. But it is nasty and prevented me from eating and drinking normally. As a result, I lost 10 pounds in 7 days!

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Harry Ritz femulates Alice Faye in the 1937 film On The Avenue. You can view the femulation on YouTube.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

What’s Newest!

Received very good news this morning: I don't have coronavirus!

Thank you all for your well wishes and support.

(Big sigh of relief!)

Friday, April 10, 2020

What’s Newer

This morning, I had an online video examination by my primary care doctor.

He concluded that I had symptoms of coronavirus and needed to be tested.

I drove to his office and one of the staff came out to my car and handed me a prescription for the test. Next I drove to a hospital in Waterbury and got in line for their mobile corona virus test (conducted inside their parking garage).

Only six cars ahead of me, so it did not take long. I never had to get out of the car, but that test swab up the nose is nasty.

Expect test results in 24 to 72 hours, but I probably won't hear anything until Monday because my doctor's office is closed over the weekend.

(Lots of unprintable expletives under my breath!)

Monday, March 30, 2020

It’s time to admit it

“Let’s stop beating around the bush. We don’t just have the worst President in the history of the United States. We have no President. We have a psychotic evil blob at the wheel who goes around insulting and taunting everyone as his own ship sinks and people drown.”

On Sunday, “Donald Trump bragged that perhaps only a hundred thousand Americans will die because of the actions he’s taken, instead of a couple million Americans. Wait, what action? He’s done nothing. All of the shutdowns and lockdowns have been done at the state or local level. Governors are scavenging for their own medical supplies. States are forced to compete with each other for resources because there’s no coordination at the federal level.

“Actually, this is worse than if there were no President of the United States. Imagine if the office were simply vacant. In such case any competent officials in the federal government would be doing the best they could with this crisis, of their own accord. Instead they all have to answer to the psychotic blob, who refuses to do the job but who insists on incoherently and vindictively interjecting himself into the decision making process anyway.”

The above text comes from the Palmer Report by Bill Palmer and matches my sentiments exactly.

I live in the epicenter of the Trump Virus and people are scared to death, while that narcissistic woman-hating transphobe sits in the White House giving himself a “10” for the job he has done handling this disaster. If he had been on the case from the get-go instead of claiming that the virus was a “hoax” week after week, we would not be in the predicament we find ourselves in today.

Damn you, Donald, and damn everyone who defends you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Three Strikes and You’re Out

Last week, they postponed the True Colors Conference. Sunday evening, they cancelled Hamvention. Monday evening Tuesday morning, they postponed cancelled the Transgender Lives Conference. So all three conferences where I was presenting have been affected by the Coronavirus, also known as the “Trump Flu.”

On a happier note, Peaches alerted me to an intriguing article about British cartoonist Steven Appleby, who crossdresses full-time.

Going to wash my hands now.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Price

Steven Appleby
Cartoonist Steven Appleby

Friday, March 13, 2020


I usually go grocery shopping on Wednesdays, but I tempted fate and went today – Friday the 13th!

I drove 5 minutes to the nearby Aldi and as I turned the last corner, I could see that the parking lot was packed! This was not normal for a weekday morning. The only times I have seen Aldi so busy on a weekday is when a snowstorm is in the forecast for the next day. No snow this winter in our neck of the woods, so it must be coronavirus panic.

I found a distant empty parking spot, parked my car, grabbed my purse and walked as quickly as I could in heels to avoid getting too wet from the rain.

I only had a few items to buy and they were all in stock. (Good thing I did not need bread because the bread shelves were bare.) All the registers were open to handle the crowd and I was able to pay for my purchases quickly.

In contrast to Aldi, CVS across the street was dead. I had to buy some vitamins and was in and out of the store in no time. I arrived back home five minutes later unscathed by the 13th.

Roundtrip was less than an hour, so some may think it was a waste of time for me to spend over an hour doing my makeup and hair and getting dressed to go out en femme for such a short time. But with everything being cancelled because of the coronavirus, the opportunities to go out en femme are getting fewer and fewer, so a girl has to take advantage of any opportunity to be girly.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Robert Reed
Robert Reed femulating on a 1975 episode of television's Medical Center

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Three Thoughts on Thursday

25,208 Days and Counting Dept.

Thank-you all for the birthday wishes!

Many of my regular correspondents and commenters sent birthday wishes and I was surprised by the “strangers,” readers who I do not know, who sent their birthday wishes, too!

Either way, I appreciated all your kind words! Thank-you!

Postponing the Inevitable Dept.

Monday, I mentioned that next week’s True Colors Conference was the conference that I would be attending that was most likely to be cancelled due to the coronavirus. I was wrong – rather than being cancelled, it was postponed to Wednesday to May 22 and 23.

Coincidentally, there was a ham radio conference on the same dates as the True Colors Conference that I would have attended if I had not committed to present at True Colors. Turns out that conference was cancelled on Wednesday!

Too Close for Comfort Dept.

“I never feel comfortable in the women’s department. I feel like I’m just a little too close to trying on a dress.”

So said Jerry in “The Red Dot” episode of Seinfeld.

On Seinfeld, Jerry did not play a trans character. In real life, I am not aware that Jerry is a trans person.

Larry David wrote “The Red Dot” episode and as far as I know, Larry is not a trans person either.

My point is that the “too close to trying on a dress” line came from a non-trans person. Admittedly, it was intended to be humorous, but I wonder if there is a grain of truth buried in that line.

Do non-trans men feel uncomfortable in women's department because they feel like they are a little too close to trying on a dress?

I don’t know because I am trans. Whenever I am in the women’s department, I always feel close to trying on a dress. In fact, I would love to try on a dress if I see one I like and I have actually done so on more than one occasion in boy mode.

But do non-trans men have thoughts about wearing dresses?

I am sure that the average guy would not admit it except in jest because he would not want to muddle up his masculine image. But, it does make me wonder how close the average guy is to joining our team.

Source: Michelle Mason
Wearing Michelle Mason

Dave Foley
Dave Foley femulating on television’s Kids in the Hall

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Going Viral

I planned to attend three events this spring, but my plans may be scuttled by the Coronavirus.

Coming up next Friday is the True Colors Conference – a conference for LGBT school-aged kids and young adults. Schools throughout the Northeast bus kids to this conference and already, one school as cancelled the trip and others may follow.

Of the three events I had planned to attend, True Colors is the one that is most likely to be cancelled because of bad timing and because school-aged kids are the main participants. The Conference website declares that “the conference will go on rain or shine, virus or no, with plenty of hand sanitizer.” We’ll see.

Next month is the Transgender Lives Conference. And in May is Hamvention. Whether those conferences go on depends on what happens with the virus. IMPOTUS claims that things will improve when the weather gets warmer, but considering the source, I am not counting on his hunch.

I am presenting at all three events and hope I have the opportunity to do so. But I am also a senior citizen – and they say that the Coronavirus appears most dangerous to seniors, so I am loathe to put my life on the line just to present at a conference.

We will just have to wait and see what happens.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Alex Mathias, Vadim Oleynik and Artem Meh
Alex Mathias, Vadim Oleynik and Artem Meh femulating on Ukranian television’s version of Your Face Sounds Familiar