Showing posts with label cartoons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cartoons. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Smarty Panties

Over the weekend, I spent some free time populating my new Pinterest board, Women with their Gurls, with appropriate images that I collected over the years or that I found on other Pinterest boards.

Since I was on a roll, I decided to create yet another Pinterest board called Smarty Panties, my collection of “smart” humor in a femulating vain (pun intended). 

I have been collecting cartoons, comic strips and other attempts at crossdressing humor for a very long time and have amassed over 7,000 images! Some of it is nothing to write here about, but separating the wheat from the chaff, there is some very good stuff in my agglomeration, which I have posted on my Smarty Panties board.


Wearing MDWow

R is for Regis High School in New York City, where John Quinn played Portia in a 1942 production of The Merchant of Venice. According to the school’s yearbook, “In the coveted role of Portia, John Quinn, who has gained a reputation for his fine feminine portrayals, skillfully bore out his characterization of the wealthy young woman.”

Marie-Christine Bouvier
The always lovely Marie-Christine Bouvier rocks a skirt suit in the hotel Quality Hotel Plaza Dresden.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

humor in an en femme vein

If you have been reading this blog long enough, you may have noticed that I enjoy celebrating the lighter side of being en femme. For example, see my blog post from earlier today.

One of my all time favorite Web sites for humor in an en femme vein is Transgender Graphics and Fiction Archive. Problem is that the site's last update was in March 2002, so I am always on the lookout for something more current.

A few days ago, I discovered "something more current," i.e., the TG Comics (and Stories) Web site. I have been perusing the site off and on since discovering it and I have had a few laughs (the toon accompanying this post came from that site; click on the image to enlarge it).

If you enjoy the lighter side of being en femme, I recommend that you visit TG Comics (and Stories) Web site.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

bunnies in skirts

Bugs Bunny has been known to crossdress on occasion. Her femulations are usually very passable, and well they should be because she has professional artists at her beck and call.

While looking for something else on IMDb today, I came across a list of Bugs Bunny's appearances in drag and I thought I would share it with you. So, here is the list of the famous hare appearing as a her.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

cartoon boys dressed as cartoon girls

If you have seen some of the images I have posted here in the past, you know I enjoy humor in the crossdressing vein. And I am always looking for other people's work in that area.

Earlier today, I found a collection of "cartoon boys dressed as cartoon girls" on flickr by a talented artist named bathgate212. I was impressed and enjoyed what I saw, but be forewarned that depending on your personal tastes, some of the images may be considered R or X rated.

Click here to see more.

Monday, April 28, 2008

going mainstream

Is femulation going mainstream?

Sunday's Parade Magazine had this femulation-related cartoon. The print edition of the magazine also had a photo of actor Patrick Dempsey wearing a skirt, but that photo did not make it into the online edition.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

not sisters

Everyone thinks we're sisters, but we're actually mother and son.

(from a recent issue of The New Yorker)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

beyond Katy Keene

When I was a youngster, my first favorite comic book character was Katy Keene, the long legged fashion queen with jet black hair. I was fascinated by her glamorous image and I loved cutting out the Katy Keene paper dolls and outfits that appeared in the pages of her comic books.

No one ever discouraged Little Lana's interest in Katy Keene. In fact, Ma abetted it by helping me cut out the more difficult outfits. (Sometimes I think Ma wanted me to be a girl. She always encouraged me in all of my interests including those on the feminine side of the street.)

I don't recall any crossdressing in the pages of Katy Keene, but I did wish I could wear some of the outfits that Katy wore.

As I grew older, I started to worry about my image, so I stopped buying Katy Keene off the comic book racks to avoid being branded a "sissy." Superman, Batman, Dick Tracy, and Mad magazine replaced Katy and soon I encountered crossdressing in their four-colored pages.

I remember a female impersonating gangster appearing in a Batman story. I also recall a story in which Superman's pal, Jimmy Olsen, went undercover en femme. Dick Tracy had so many encounters with gangsters in drag that I still wonder about the Chester Gould's feminine side. Over the years, Mad had numerous encounters with crossdressing.

An excellent source for these crossdressing references is the TG Graphics and Fiction Archive. Last time the Web site was updated was March 2002, but the site is still live and an excellent resource for learning more about crossdressing in the comics.

Meanwhile, Japanese comic books (manga) and cartoons (anime) have lots of crossdressing. I am researching this subject now and discovered the fine work of Jana, who has a Web site, Jana’s TG Manga And Anime Pages, and a blog, Jana's TG Manga and Anime Journal dedicated to trans content in Japanese comic books and cartoons.