Showing posts with label bridesmaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bridesmaid. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Tale of the Male Bridesmaid

Paula e-mailed me about a male bridesmaid and her quest to get to the bottom of the story.

It all started with an article posted on the WLIF FM radio station website titled “Trend Alert: Male Bridesmaids.” The article stated, "Now, it’s not always women on the Bride’s side.  What to you think of a man on the Bridesmaids’ side?"

Accompanying the article was the following photograph.

Some readers concluded that the bridesmaid on the right was male. Admittedly, she is a big girl and her face has some masculine features, so their conclusions are not out of line especially considering the photo's juxtaposition to the article.

Paula was fascinated with the photo, posted the link on and asked if anyone knew the bridesmaid.

Turns out the male bridesmaid was probably female.

The original bridesmaids' photo appears here in a set of photos from a 2010  "celebrity" wedding in Australia. (The celebrities were an Australian fashion model and an Australian professional football player.) The names of the bridesmaids appears here. All the names are female names.

The male bridesmaid could have used a female name, but I believe that other photos of the so-called male bridesmaid (like this photo) suggest that she is female and not male.

On the other hand, males femulating in wedding parties do exist. Here is a perfect example.

Sadly, I never had the opportunity to be a bridesmaid, maid of honor, or a bride, and at my age, it ain’t gonna happen. However, mother of the bride is still a possibility.






Maxine Andrews of Andrews Sisters fame
with actor Charles Busch backstage in 1995.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In Your Dreams - Part 2

I did not recall a single minute of last night's dreams, which is typical for me.

It seems that the dreams that I do remember either include dead relatives or me en femme or both.

Monday, September 3, 2012

In Your Dreams

Last night was one of those nights! I had some unusual dreams and I actually remembered bits and pieces of some.

(I blame it all on the Chinese food I ate for dinner.)

One dream was the kind of dream that only a trans girl would dream.

Hot on the high heels of the success of the film Bridesmaids, an outfit out of Las Vegas now offers a "Vegas bridesmaids' experience" for you and your wedding entourage. Called "Bridesboys," the service is intended for the males of the wedding party and includes a complete head-to-toe male-to-female transformation before the "girls" spend the night doing Vegas.

I woke up before the transformation and bridesmaids' experience began. I hope to pick up tonight where I left off last night.

Please pass me the pork-fried rice. 


Friday, March 16, 2012


This young femulator was a bridesmaid for a womanless wedding fundraiser at his church.

Visit this page on Tumblr for more photos of the pretty young bridesmaid.

(I wish there were photos of the rest of the wedding party!)