Showing posts with label blush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blush. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

12 Universally Flattering Styles for Women (and Men Emulating Women)

IMG_2846_cropped_web"12 things that look good on every women" is a slideshow on The Huffington Post. The 12 universally flattering styles for women should work for every man emulating a woman, too.

As a long-time femulator, here is my take on the dozen styles.

1.  White Button-Down Shirts --- I never had one in my female wardrobe, but I have a few on the other side of my closet that might work en femme.

2.  Wrap Dresses --- Yes! I never look bad in a wrap dress. Wraps and shifts (Item 6) are my go-to dress styles.

3.  Trench Coats --- I never owned a trench coat in girl or boy mode, but will now consider one next time I am coat shopping.

4.  Black Pumps --- Probably half the pumps I own are black.

5.  Sunglasses --- I own a few pairs, but don't wear them often enough. I plan to change my ways.

6.  Shift Dresses --- Ditto Item 2. I never look bad in a shift (see photo).

7.  Monochromatic Outfits --- This is a look I never considered, although I may have unintentionally worn; now it's on my to-do list.

8.  Statement Necklaces --- I have recently begun wearing statement necklaces and having a lot of fun with the look.

9.  Natural Hair Color --- Been gray so long that I don't remember my natural hair color!

10.  Blush --- I always use blush, but I have not always used it correctly. Bottom line: a little goes a long way.

11.  Red Lipstick --- Is there any other color of lipstick!

12.  Fake Eyelashes --- I am becoming a big fan of fake lashes especially after I found lashes that are not over the top that I can wear everyday.

I recommend viewing the slideshow. Some slides have useful links that expand on the topic being addressed.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Riddle of Blush

Blush is still a bit of a mystery to me.

I have two shades of blush that I use interchangeably. Both came to me when I had makeovers; the makeup artists recommended the shades for me and I took their word for it. After all, they were the experts and I went to them seeking their advice.

But how did they decide those shades suited me. I did not ask and I do not know.

Daily Makeover to the rescue! Their "How to Choose the Perfect Blush" uncovers the mystery and I recommend it to you if you are as blush clueless as I was.