Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

E-Mail Subscriptions Not Working

A number of readers have written to me that their e-mail subscription to this blog are no longer working. My guess is that all e-mail subscriptions to Femulate are affected. 

Something is amiss and I am looking into it. In the meantime, access the blog through your web browser using

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Number 1

Feedspot has selected Femulate as the number 1 Trans Woman blog from thousands of blogs on the web (ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority and freshness)!

Femulate was also number 2 on Feedspot’s Top 60 Crossdressing blog list and number 7 on their Top 100 Transgender blog list.

The news that Femulate is number 1 was a pleasant surprise. I am very proud of this blog and I am honored by Feedspot’s selection.

And so it goes! 

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Mach & Mach

I dislike online clothing websites that display their clothing on headless models. And over the years, I have discarded many otherwise deserving photos from the “Femulate Her” queue because they were sans heads. 

To correct this problem, I will now use my Photoshop skills to add heads to the headless. And whose head better to add than mine! So whenever you see me “modeling” in the “Femulate Her” slot (as above), you will know that the fashion photo was originally a headless shot.  

Seventy-one year old Femulate reader Fernanda del Mar Moreno on her last outing before COVID19 in front of my Haigh preparatory school in Mexico.

“In all my life as Fernanda, I have never been attacked or harassed by other people because of my femininity. They always treat me sweetly, I believe that 85% of the people I meet on the street or in the restaurant or in the cinema, think that I am a woman.

“I have felt my femininity since I was 5 years old. Worse – I have always liked women. I have been married for 32 years to a wonderful woman. I am a Scientific Researcher.

Here, you can read several stories I have written about my experiences as a female and others created by my mind. You can choose the language to read. If you want in English, you must choose inglés or English.”

Saturday, August 21, 2021


Tropical storm/future hurricane Henri is heading my way and is forecast to hit my neck of the woods tonight. 

Last time a hurricane hit here (in 1985), we lost power for three days. A lot has changed in the power infrastructure since then, so we may not lose power at all or the outage will be shorter. Nevertheless, my daily posts may be interrupted if we lose power. I already have a post queued up for Monday, but beyond that is in the hands of Mother Nature and our power provider.

And so it goes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tuesday's Transvesting Thoughts

Rank in a Good Way Dept.

Feedspot has a team of over 25 experts whose goal is to discover and rank popular blogs, podcasts and youtube channels in several niche categories. With millions of blogs on the web, finding influential bloggers in a niche industry is a hard problem to address. Our experience leads us to believe that a thoughtful combination of both algorithmic and human editing offers the best means of curation.”

Among the blogs that Feedspot ranks are those related to our niche community and I am proud to mention that Femulate ranks high on their lists.

Feedspot ranked Femulate, as follows: 

#3 of the “Top 70 Crossdressing Blogs and Websites for Crossdressers in 2021” 

#4 of the “Top 50 Trans Woman Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2021.” 

#25 of the “Top 100 Transgender Blogs and Websites for the Transgender Community in 2021.”


Viagra has No Affect on Limp Wrists Dept.

When I was still counting my birthdays with single digits, I encountered a woman (a friend of my mother or an aunt – I don't recall), who affected a limp wrist. I probably had seen many limp wrists on television and films, but never in person and I was fascinated to see this female affectation in the flesh – so much so that I began affecting a limp wrist of my very own.

I don’t recall anyone reacting to it and after a few days, I forgot about affecting a limp wrist. However, on many occasions throughout my life, I found myself displaying a limp wrist... sometimes even like Marilyn (figure right). 

Like my other female mannerisms, it was natural. I did not do it intentionally. Whenever I caught myself doing it in boy mode, I stopped it immediately, but in girl mode, it is oh-so feminine especially with a designer bag hanging from the crook of a limp-wristed arm. 

For what it’s worth, here is one person’s take on the subject, “A limp wrist is a sign of submission and women tend to do this subconsciously when in a room with people they want to attract. This is very attractive to men because it makes them feel as if they can dominate.”

And so it goes.

Wearing Viktor & Rolf
Wearing Viktor & Rolf

There were some unusual people who worked in the mines. One in particular was an Italian miner named Riela, who would work all day in the mines, go home and dress up as a woman before coming back to the taverns for a night of fun. There were no details about what kind of fun she had in mind, but Roslyn (WA) was a wild mining town in the late 1800s and most likely, she found whatever fun she was looking for.
There were some unusual people who worked in the mines. One in particular was an Italian miner named Riela, who would work all day in the mines, go home and dress up as a woman before coming back to the taverns for a night of fun. There were no details about what kind of fun she had in mind, but Roslyn (WA) was a wild mining town in the late 1800s and most likely, she found whatever fun she was looking for.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


February 5, 2007, I kicked things off with “Welcome to my new blog!”

Thirteen years later, after 4,688 posts, the blog is as popular as ever. It averages about 5,000 hits per day and I receive lots of blog-related e-mails.

The blog consumes a lot of time and effort. The pay stinks and about once a week, I feel like pulling the plug. But then I receive an e-mail from someone saying that the blog motivated her to get out of the closet and experience the world as the woman she really is.

E-mails like that make it all worthwhile and motivate me to keep on blogging... at least for another week.

Source: Madeleine
Wearing Madeleine

A Femulator (February 2007)
A Femulator (February 2007)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

yadda yadda yadda

I use "yadda yadda yadda” as a placeholder for the blog’s text when I am putting the blog together, but I am still lacking the text.

When I start a new blog post, I often have images already in mind for the Femulate Her and Femulator slots before I have written the text of the blog. So I slip in a “yadda yadda yadda” for the text, insert the images and then I work out the blog’s text in my head and on my keyboard.

And oftentimes, the title of a blog post is the last thing I compose, so I insert a “yadda yadda yadda” in the title slot until I come up with something.

Big time Seinfeld fan that I am, I often recall the episode where Jerry is in a dress department of a clothing store and he remarks how he gets a little nervous being surrounded by so many dresses because he fears he might want to try one on. (Been there, done that!)

By the way, isn’t that a great image in the Femulate Her slot below? I love the composition of the photo, as well as the model’s outfit.

Regarding the Femulator image, I am still amazed at all the female impersonation that occurred in prisoner of war camps during the two World Wars.

One thing I learned after researching and reading articles and books related to the POW environment, some of the soldiers who femulated on stage to entertain their fellow POWs were not civilians, if you know what I mean. A few even femulated when they were not performing on stage, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Pinky Smith, World War II French prisoner of war, femulating to entertain his fellow POWs

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Marian posted her reaction to the announcement that I was ending this blog. In response, I commented why. Since I never went into those details here, I am repeating my comment now.
Thank you for the very kind words, Marian. 
You are correct: I spent a lot of time producing each blog post... two hours minimum, but more typically three or four hours! When I was working, I usually put the blog together in the morning before work and put the bow and ribbon on it during lunch. It provided a needed break from writing very technical manuals. 
Since I retired, I typically spent the morning putting together each blog post. The three and four hour chunks were more noticeable and it did not provide a needed break from anything... it became a job. And after nearly two years of retirement, I got tired of doing it, so I quit.
I was overwhelmed by the reaction to my quitting. All my regular correspondents had something to say, but what really surprised me were all the strangers who wrote to me saying how important the blog was to them. I had no idea!
So I decided to continue writing the blog on a limited basis. Once or twice a week at the most. And so it goes.
Best Wishes,

Someday Funnies

Source: Joie
Wearing Joie

Marcie Brown
Marcie Brown, femulator and Femulate reader

Monday, July 15, 2019

No End in Sight

I thank you for all the emails and comments regarding the end of this blog. They were eye-opening! I had no idea how much this blog meant to so many of you.

So I have decided not to end this blog. Rather, I will write posts on an occasional basis.

With that, I present a lovely poem sent to me by Susan.
Like a welcomed cup of coffee
she started my day
Power on, get on line and see
what Stana has to say
With a passion for fashion
and advice to relate,
she summed it up
with one word she invented: Femulate!
As a blog it was subtle,
no bravado, no alarms
It felt more like a family
We are sisters-in-arms
Now the run is over
All good things must end
Good luck and thank you
I hope I can call you a friend

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company.

Indiana's Tri-State College in 1911
Femulating at Indiana's Tri-State College in 1911. The girl on the left was voted most likely not to be a civilian. 

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The End

After 12-1/2 years, I have decided to put an end to this blog. I am tired of writing it, have nothing new to say and want to spend the time doing something else.

It has been an interesting trip. I grew a lot writing the blog and I believe I helped some of you readers to grow, too. And I invented a word, femulate.

My job is done. Goodbye and good luck.

Friday, May 3, 2019

15 or 18, Give or Take 3 Million

Working on the blog!
I am well into Year 12 of writing Femulate and this weekend, the Statcounter near the bottom of the left column will increment past 15,000,000 hits!

15 freaking million!

On the other hand, Blogger, which hosts this blog claims that the "Pageviews all time history" for Femulate is over 18 million! '

18 freaking million!

Either way, I am proud of those figures and want to thank you readers for your loyalty. I couldn't have done it without you!

To keep you coming back, I am constantly tweaking the blog, trying to improve the your blog experience. For example, I recently started using the video screen icon 📺 to indicate that there is an internet video associated with whatever I happen to be writing about. Just click the icon 📺 and you will be transported to that video.

Not a big deal, but I think it is "neat" to quote Annie Hall.

Over the years, some of the blog's improvements were the results of suggestions from readers, so if you have an idea to improve the blog, please e-mail me with your suggestion.

And so it goes.

UPDATE: Statcounter hit 15,000,000 on Sunday at 10:24 EDT.

Source: Unique Vintage
Wearing Unique Vintage (Source: Unique Vintage)

Dan Quagmire
📺 Dan Quagmire en femme in a 2010 episode of Family Guy.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Being Ill

The head cold began early last week and peaked on my birthday with a 100 degree body temperature Friday night. That sure put a damper on my family's plans to celebrate my birthday or as it's known in this neck of the woods, my "Stanniversary."

It also resulted in a lack of energy and motivation to post anything here.

And so it goes.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company (Source: New York & Company)

James "Gypsy" Haake
James "Gypsy" Haake femulates in the 1983 remake of the film To Be Or Not To Be.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Something is wrong

Something is wrong and I don't know why.

Normally, I get an email when someone leaves a comment on the blog informing me that I need to moderate the comment. Those emails stopped about a week ago. Now I have to go behind the curtain occasionally to check if there are any comments to moderate. So if you leave a comment, there may be a delay before it gets approved and posted.

Then I noticed that other blogs that have my blog on their blog lists are not getting updated when I publish a new post. The last post they have seen was three posts ago.

Blogger has had problems in the past that get fixed eventually. I say, "The sooner, the better!"

Source: Rent the Runway
Wearing Show Me Your Mumu (Source: Rent the Runway)

Jeremy Stockwell
Jeremy Stockwell femulates in the 1970 film Dinah East.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Thank you all who sent me words of advice, support and encouragement in response to my To Be Determined post.

I have decided to continue doing the blog, but not on a daily basis. I plan to post twice a week – probably on Tuesdays and Thursdays and if my muse moves me, also on Sundays with my weekly Someday Funnies post.

Also, thank you to all who contributed to my Coffee Break! Your contributions will help defray some of the blog's costs.

And so it keeps on going!

Source: Harper's Bazaar
(Source: Harper's Bazaar)

Gabriel Sanches
Gabriel Sanches femulates in the Brazilian television's The Big Catch.

Monday, April 9, 2018

To Be Determined

Last week, I was occupied doing taxes for my daughter, her business, my sister, my wife and myself. I filed everything electronically over the weekend and I put TurboTax away until next winter.

I was also occupied with a new radio that I acquired ten days ago, learning all its functions and options and writing a review in the process. This is still on-going.

In the midst of tax filing and radio reviewing, I decided to forgo blogging here until I filed the taxes. As a result, this is my first post since last Wednesday.

I actually considered giving up this blog forever. 

I put my heart and soul into Femulate and it is time-consuming. I think the quality of this blog is evidence of that. In return, I receive some complimentary comments and e-mails (not to mention disparaging comments and e-mails from trolls and trans-harpies). 

I recently deleted the Adsense ads because I grew tired of Adsense trying to dictate the contents of this blog. Now I am free to post whatever I want, but I had to give up the monthly check from Adsense to gain that freedom.  

My attempt to compensate the loss of Adsense income with my Coffee Break! gadget has been a bust. I won't mention the amount I received, but I do thank the two readers who did contribute.

My life would be easier if I gave up this blog forever, but I decided not to abandon my faithful readers. I also would miss the writing, but not so much on a daily basis. (During the past 4079 days, I have written 4236 posts. Do the math and that's more than one post per day over 11 years and two months!)

So I decided to forgo blogging here on a daily basis. Rather, I will blog when I feel like it.

And so it goes.

Source: ShopStyle
Stuart Weitzman sandals (Source: ShopStyle)

Andrey Nagorny
Femulator Andrey Nagorny

Friday, September 15, 2017

Number 3

Femulate was just selected as Number 3 of the Top 75 Crossdressing Blogs, as rated by Feedspot.

Previously, Femulate was rated Number 4 of the Top 50 Trans Woman Blogs and Number 20 of the Top 100 Transgender Blogs.

Wow! Again, Wow!

Source: Schutz Shoes
Wearing Schutz Shoes (Source: Schutz Shoes)

Gareth Potter
Gareth Potter femulates on the Canadian stage in Hosanna (2011).