Showing posts with label app. Show all posts
Showing posts with label app. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

You're apt to be glamorous

Readers continue to send me their results using the "Your Face on a Glamorous Magazine Cover In Seconds!" app. So without further adieu, here is the third set of yours (and mine) glamorous images.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus (Source: Venus)

Hans Anton
Professional femulator Hans Anton in Berlin circa 1930

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Got Stuff

Got App Dept.

The online app that puts "Your Face on a Glamorous Magazine Cover In Seconds!" seems to be very popular with Femulate readers (and me). More of you have sent in your results, so I am posting a second set of your glamorous images today.

Got Voice Dept.

That Hamvention video that shows me for about 2-1/2 minutes had over 300 views from all over the world not long after I mentioned it here. Since the video was not publicized elsewhere until late in the day, I assume that most of that 300 were Femulate readers. (It has over 650 views 24 hours later.)

I girded my loins for criticism and as expected, I received some comments about my voice. 

Yes, I have a New York accent and sometimes my "these," "thems" and "those" come out as "deese," "dems" and "dose." [Actually, I have a South End of Waterbury accent, which is a distant cousin (80 miles) of a New York accent.]

And yes, my voice is deep for a woman. 

Years ago, I took a femme voice course and after three weeks of practice, I had a very feminine voice, but I always felt silly when I used that voice. It seemed so fake to me. Since I found that my normal male voice was not a deal breaker as far as passing was concerned that is what I decoded to use. 

I think that when people initially encounter me, they see a woman. If and when I speak, they just assume that I am a woman with a deep voice. 

After years of using my normal voice en femme, I assure you it usually does not give me away. As I recounted in last Wednesday post, a fellow came over to me after I spoke at the Hamvention forum and asked me how I am related to Stan Horzepa?

And so it goes.

Source: Haute Look
Wearing Show Me Your Muu Muu (Source: Haute Look)

Abe Vagoda
Abe Vagoda femulates in an episode of television's Barney Miller (circa 1978).

Friday, May 25, 2018

Your Glam Transformations

Last week, I mentioned an online app that puts "Your Face on a Glamorous Magazine Cover In Seconds!"

Some of you tried it out and sent me the results and with your permission, I am posting your glamorous images here today.

I mentioned last week that some of my results were blurry. After experimenting with the app, I discovered that I got better results (see my image below) if my original photo was a headshot rather than a full-length image. Your mileage may vary, but if you are experiencing blurry results, try a headshot and see if that is an improvement.

Have Fun! And please send me your results if you would like to see them posted like the ones below.

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Moda Operandi (Source: Moda Operandi)

Tutenball 2017
Femulating at Tutenball 2017

Monday, May 21, 2018

Transform those Monday blues

I am driving home from Hamvention today; I should be home in the early afternoon.

I created today's post last Tuesday after I discovered a neat on-line app that girls like us can appreciate and enjoy. And I thought posting it today would be a good way to brighten the Monday blues.

Powered by FaceApp, this online app puts "Your Face on a Glamorous Magazine Cover In Seconds!"

But it does more than that! First, it performs a facial and removes all the lines and wrinkles you may have collected over the years. Then it gives you a glam makeover suitable for appearing on the cover of a glam magazine.

The app is simple to use. You simply point the app to a photo saved on your computer, tablet or smart phone and the app performs the transformation in about 15 seconds.

Sometimes the results are too blurry. (I performed ten transformations and discarded three as too blurry.)

One of my best transformations is the one you see at the top of this post. Yeah, "Wow!"


Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Moda Operandi (Source: Moda Operandi)