Showing posts with label allergy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label allergy. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Weekend Wonderings

"Oh please it's 2016"

When I read a post like Joanna's yesterday, it gives me hope.

Black Friday

I seldom leave the house on Black Friday... certainly not to go shopping. Why deal with the traffic and the crowds when I can shop 'til I drop online and get comparable deals without all the hassle!


After fearing an impending head cold for the long weekend, it turned out it was only an allergy attack. Lucky me!

Weighty Issues

Despite the Thanksgiving feast, I maintained my weight. My goal now is to lose more by year's end. 

There is a downside to losing weight... I have dresses that I have never worn that will be huge on me after I drop two or three dress sizes.

And so it goes.

Source: ModCloth
Wearing ModCloth.

Femulating in the Fifties
Femulating in the Fifties

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Faith tosses the Unisphere and her cares away.

I was blown away this morning reading Faith DaBrooke's post about her first day at work as a woman. It brought tears of joy to my eyes. I was so happy for her.

It is a big step and it is one I dream of taking someday. Congratulations, Faith!

I never had allergies as a kid, but as I approached middle age, I started having allergy attacks. Nothing horrible; not worth going to a doctor to find out the cause (I think I am allergic to being a man).

The thing about allergies is that when they start, I am not sure if I am getting a head cold or is it just an allergy attack that will go away soon enough.

Tuesday evening, I felt the signs, so I popped an allergy tablet and a zinc cough drop. I felt a little better when I went to bed, but I had a lousy night's sleep and awoke feeling worse, so I guessed that I was getting a cold and not being attacked by an allergy.

Of course, the timing could not be worse for a head cold with a long holiday weekend ahead of me, followed by an outreach session on Tuesday.

Our supply of cold medicines was depleted, so I popped another allergy tablet and a zinc cough drop and drove to work. An hour in and I feel pretty good, so I am crossing my fingers that it is not the start of a head cold.

Tuesday, I will be out most of the day presenting as my true gender. Doing a little shopping and an outreach session at a Human Sexuality class at Southern Connecticut State University. I am so looking forward to a day out as a woman!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Source: Metisu
Wearing Metisu.

Allan Murray
Pretty Private Allan Murray femulates Marie of The Dumbells.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday musings

(updated below)

I am fairly certain that my ills the past ten days are allergy-related.

I popped a Claritin-D 12-hour allergy pill last night and all my ills disappeared. Eleven hours later, my eyes are starting to water and my head is getting congested again. In an hour, I will pop another Claritin-D and I suspect I will feel great again.


I plan to go to Dress Barn today to arrange an in-store party for my support group.


My eyesight has deteriorated since my last visit to my optometrist over two years ago, so I plan to visit my optometrist today, which is conveniently located next door to Dress Barn, to see if they are on my new insurance plan, and, if so, schedule an appointment.

Last time, I picked out female frames that 99% of the public would never consider female. This time, I want to pick out something more feminine than my last pick.


My favorite source for warpaint, Marlene Klein Cosmetics, seems to be no more. The Web site has a lot of broken links, missing Web pages, missing images, and my e-mails have bounced back. If anyone knows anything about the current status of Marlene Klein Cosmetics, I would appreciate hearing from you.


UPDATE: This morning, I went to Dress Barn in boy mode to make arrangements for an in-store party for my support group. The store manager was enthusiastic and very accommodating. She said we can even have a fashion show during the party (an option I was unaware of).

The party would take place for two hours after the store closes, so we will have the run of the store. Everyone gets a 15% discount.

The store will provide refreshments and we can provide additional refreshments if we wish.

The store is a Dress Barn Woman store, so they do have larger sizes as well as Misses sizes.

I just have to confirm the date with my support group and then proceed with the party.

By the way, the store has some delicious clothing on display and I can't wait to return in girl mode to do some shopping.