Showing posts with label Trump's War on Transgenders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump's War on Transgenders. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021

From My Oldies Collection

Martha and the Vandellas Dept.

Sorry about the lack of posts this week, but we have been dancing in the streets around Femulate Headquarters the last few days.

The Knickerbockers Dept.

In his Inaugural Address, the new President tried something different: leveling with the American people.

Edwin Starr Dept.

Watching the Inaugural Committee's “Celebrating America” last night, I noticed a number of trans people performing during some of the musical performances. Another sign that Trump's “War on Transgenders” is over!

Toni Basil Dept.

Similarly, Mikki mentioned it and I noticed it, too: the “fashionista” (photo above) in a new Lexus commercial seems to be either “trans or a very good femulator.” (Isn't that the same thing?).

Wearing Rachel Zoe
Wearing Rachel Zoe

A femulator get-together
A femulator get-together

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Biden Picks Transwoman as Assistant Health Secretary

Biden's pick, Rachel Levine, will be the first openly transgender federal official, assuming her nomination is confirmed by the Senate.

Read all about it here.

That officially puts an end to Trump's War on Transgenders!

Monday, January 18, 2021

A Monday Mix

Femulating Film Update Dept.

A week ago, the Femulator slot featured a scene from Delitto al Blue Gay, an Italian film “jam-packed with femulators.” A day after the post, the link to view the film in its entirety on YouTube was dead, but I did find the film on Facebook and that link is still good as of today.

The film is in Italian, does not have English sub-titles and was poorly reviewed, but it is worth watching to see all the pretty femulators and to hear them sing in English (go figure), “Man or woman, man or woman, makes no difference... ”

Two of the kittens appearing in the film Delitto al Blue Gay 

Pass the Story Dept.

The passing success stories continue. Here is one from...


I have a good friend that is supportive of my femulating. A fortnight before Christmas, my friend wanted to visit a gown shop. I travelled by public transport to meet them, then we went on to the shop by bus. We had to change services, so took the opportunity to walk around the outdoor market.

My friend will not wear a mask, but has a battered visor. I wore a leopard print mask. We stopped to look at a stall with visors and glass frames. And a stall salesperson swooped on the potential customers. As the first stall salesperson tried to persuade us to buy two masks. A second stall salesperson approached and asked, “Are you sisters?” 

He tried again, “Mother and daughter?” 

I replied, “Co-workers.”

The War Dept.

If you are a life-long femulator with natural feminine chracteristics (like me), you have likely been the victim of the slings and arrows of white male toxicity at one time or another, as exemplified by our twice impeached president. This article, recommended by Velma, is an expose of white male toxicity and although it does not mention it, white male toxicity is probably an element in Trump's four-year “War on Transgenders.”

Wearing Missoni
Wearing Missoni

A senior femulating moment in the film Delitto al Blue Gay.
A senior femulating moment in the film Delitto al Blue Gay.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Trump poised to roll back transgender health protections

War on Transgenders Continues

"A proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that’s expected in the coming days would make it easier for doctors, hospitals and insurance companies to deny care or coverage to transgender patients, as well as women who have had abortions.

"The administration hinted in a recent court filing that new health regulations could be published as soon as next week. The rule is expected to weaken or eliminate an anti-discrimination provision enshrined in ObamaCare.

"The provision says patients cannot be turned away because they are transgender, nor can they be denied coverage if they need a service that’s related to their transgender status."

Read the rest of the story here on The Hill.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Despicable Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence

According to the Sunday New York Times, The Despicable/Trump Administration "is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law."

The Department of Health and Human Services, which is spearheading this effort, argued "that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined 'on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.'"

That is a laughable argument in light of the anti-scientific, anti-intellectual stance of the Despicables.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

New Rule Will Let Federal Contractors Fire Trans Employees for Religious Reasons

The Despicable/Trump Administration is working on a formal religious exemption to rules that ban federal contractors from discriminating against LGBTQ people, according to a several unnamed Labor Department sources who spoke with Buzzfeed News.

According to the sources, the Despicable/Trump Administration is working on a policy that would allow federal contractors to discriminate against workers if the contractor claims that their religion requires them to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

The sources did not know if the exception would be limited to federal contractors that are religious – like a Catholic charity – or if it applies to for-profit businesses. Conservatives favor religious exemptions for for-profit businesses like Hobby Lobby and Masterpiece Cakeshop, claiming that a religious business owner’s beliefs are violated if their business violates them.

(Source: LGBTQ Nation)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

War on Us

Nearly two years ago, Dallas Denny wrote "The Rise and Fall of the Weimar Transvestites and the Threat to Our Own Trans Community." 

In the article, Dallas wrote how the "flourishing and innovative Weimar transvestite community came to a crashing end with Adolph Hitler’s rise to power." And how "Our trans community and many other American communities face the same grave threat."

Since the publication of Dallas' article, we have seen how emboldened by our fake president's "War on Transgenders," there has been a rise in violent crime against our community and an increase by so-called Christian groups to pass legislation that will remove the rights and protections we have won under more progressive leaders.

I pray that we will be able to turn the tide in the upcoming mid-term elections, but I fear that our president will again ask his keepers in the Kremlin to fix the election results in his favor. 

Source: Metrostyle
Wearing Metrostyle (Source: Metrostyle)

BiancaXBoom also know as Daniel femulating in a Dollie Dress (Source: Deviantart)

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Trump's War on LGBTs Marches On

Trump administration invokes “religious freedom” in defense of African countries that criminalize homosexuality.

By Michael Stone

In yet another move advancing Christian bigotry and hatred, the Trump administration is signalling they will no longer punish or denounce African countries that punish LGBT citizens for their sexual orientation, punishment that often leads to imprisonment and/or death.

Speaking at the State Department’s Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom held in Washington, DC. earlier this week, Mick Mulvaney, a former Republican lawmaker and current Director of the Office of Management and Budget, announced that the Trump administration will no longer press countries to abolish their draconian anti-LGBT laws.

Mulvaney defended the practice of criminalizing homosexuality as an issue of “religious freedom,” claiming that such discrimination and abuse represented “Christian values.”

In his remarks Mulvaney attacked the Obama administration for using taxpayer dollars to promote women’s rights and LGBT rights in Africa.

Read the rest of the story at

Friday, March 23, 2018

Trump Bans Most Transgenders from Serving in Military

Trump's War on Transgenders Continues

(CNN) The White House on Friday announced a policy to ban most transgender persons from serving in the US military.

Following a long review of a policy following a tweet by President Donald Trump last year, the White House said the policy will say "transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria -- individuals who the policies state may require substantial medical treatment, including medications and surgery -- are disqualified from military service except under certain limited circumstances."