Showing posts with label Trump Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Virus. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2020

It’s time to admit it

“Let’s stop beating around the bush. We don’t just have the worst President in the history of the United States. We have no President. We have a psychotic evil blob at the wheel who goes around insulting and taunting everyone as his own ship sinks and people drown.”

On Sunday, “Donald Trump bragged that perhaps only a hundred thousand Americans will die because of the actions he’s taken, instead of a couple million Americans. Wait, what action? He’s done nothing. All of the shutdowns and lockdowns have been done at the state or local level. Governors are scavenging for their own medical supplies. States are forced to compete with each other for resources because there’s no coordination at the federal level.

“Actually, this is worse than if there were no President of the United States. Imagine if the office were simply vacant. In such case any competent officials in the federal government would be doing the best they could with this crisis, of their own accord. Instead they all have to answer to the psychotic blob, who refuses to do the job but who insists on incoherently and vindictively interjecting himself into the decision making process anyway.”

The above text comes from the Palmer Report by Bill Palmer and matches my sentiments exactly.

I live in the epicenter of the Trump Virus and people are scared to death, while that narcissistic woman-hating transphobe sits in the White House giving himself a “10” for the job he has done handling this disaster. If he had been on the case from the get-go instead of claiming that the virus was a “hoax” week after week, we would not be in the predicament we find ourselves in today.

Damn you, Donald, and damn everyone who defends you.