Showing posts with label Tippi Hedren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tippi Hedren. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Sunday night, while I was switching back and forth between the Red Sox-Yankee game on ESPN and The Birds on Sundance, I recalled that growing up, Ted Williams was my idol. But a girl's got to know her limitations and I knew I would never grow up to be Ted Williams (who would?). But maybe I could grow up to be Tippi Hedren.

Was she gorgeous or what? The outfits she wore in her films were to die for. I wanted to dress up and be a woman just like her.

Ah, to be young and Tippi again!

Source: Intermix
Wearing Apiece Apart skirt.

A recent womanless beauty pageant contestant.
A recent womanless beauty pageant contestant.