Showing posts with label The Sopranos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sopranos. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Wednesday

My Fair Lady Dept.

Quarantined, I am watching the first season of The Sopranos on HBO. Being a late adopter, I missed the first year and a half of the series when it was originally broadcast back in 1999, so these episodes are new to me.

I also watched “NYC Subway Front Window View - The Manhattan-Bound 7 Express Line” on YouTube. Basically, this subway line travels between Flushing, Queens and Manhattan passing by the site of the 1964-65 World’s Fair.

It is very nostalgic trip for me because we took this line the first time my family visited the Fair in 1964. It is also a reminder that I wanted to revisit the site en femme for a photoshoot at the Unisphere and other remnants of the Fair. Maybe I will be able to pull that off in the fall or next spring after things return to normal.


I received an email that opened with “WHY...are you biased against the President?”

Besides being intellectually and psychologically unfit for the job, IMPOTUS has waged a nonstop onslaught against the rights of trans people since the day he took office.

There are too many battles and skirmishes in Trump’s War on Transgenders to enumerate here. The National Center for Transgender Equality keeps track of such things and you can view the complete list here.

Anyway, for the life of me, I cannot understand how any trans person can support someone who is working hard to limit and/or eliminate their human rights.

My response to “WHY...are you biased against the President?” is “WHY ...are you not biased against the President?”

Source: Karen Kane
Wearing Karen Kane

I love this photo. Looks like a classroom, so I assume it is some kind of gender switch event that middle and high schools sponsor on occasion. Typically, the boys and girls crossdress to emulate middle and high school girls and boys, but in this case, the femulators look like they are emulating adult  women, perhaps their teachers!
I love this photo. Looks like a classroom, so I assume it is a gender switch event that middle and high schools sponsor on occasion. Typically, the boys and girls crossdress to emulate middle and high school girls and boys, but in this case, the femulators look like they are emulating adult  women, perhaps their teachers!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Tony's Gang

Saturday night, I binge-watched the last six episodes of The Sopranos Season 2 on HBO.

I was not an early adopter of The Sopranos, but I could not remember when I started watching it regularly. The first three episodes I watched Saturday night were new to me, but I did recall seeing the last three episodes, so I must have started watching the series three-quarters of the way through Season 2.

HBO is rerunning the series because it is the 20th anniversary of The Sopranos' first broadcast. Unless they show Season 1 and the first half of Season 2 again, I will probably not binge-watch it again. However, I will watch my favorite episodes, especially the "Pine Barrens" episode (Season 3, Episode 11).

While I was watching The Sopranos, I ate a corn muffin that my wife had baked earlier. Tasted great, but it was very crumbly and some crumbs ended up in my lap. So I brushed them off and as I did, my wedding band went flying off my ring finger.

Having lost so much weight, I noticed that the ring was loose and I had a few close calls, but now it finally happened. I searched the area where I thought it was most likely to have landed, but I could not find it. So I decided to wait until daylight and resume the search under better lighting conditions.

After breakfast Sunday morning, I resumed the search, but it was not in the immediate area where I was sitting. So I expanded my search and finally found the ring on the other side of the room nearly 20 feet from where I was sitting!

To avoid future losses, I put the ring in my jewelry box until I get it resized or buy a ring size adjuster. I've worn that ring day and night for over 35 years and now my ring finger feels naked without it.

By the way, you might consider brushing the crumbs off my lap was slovenly and inconsiderate, but I fully intended to vacuum the crumbs before I went to bed. And since I perform most of the housewife chores in my domicile including vacuuming, I was not being inconsiderate of my wife because I am also a wife.

Wearing Solace London dress, Kenneth Jay Lane earrings and Alexandre Birman sandals (Source: Intermix)

Krystju Wapcarow
Krystju Wapcarow as Lily Ivanova on Bulgarian television's version of Your Face Sounds Familiar (Source: