Showing posts with label The Femulated:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Femulated:. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013

Farewell, Patty Andrews



Professional femulator Tommy Dee (left) joins two other professional femulators on stage, circa 1950.




Wearing Moschino.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thank-you and You’re Welcome


Before Halloween, I posted photos of Femulate readers' past Halloween costumes in The Femulated spot.

After Halloween, I posted photos of readers' 2011 Halloween costumes in that spot.

On Wednesday, Femulate reader Angelina's photo appeared in The Femulated spot.

Do you detect a trend?

It is one I would like to continue, so I welcome all Femulate readers to submit your best femulation photo for a future appearance in The Femulated spot.

This is my way of thanking and recognizing the more than 3500 people who visit Femulate daily.

One rule: This is a family-oriented blog --- there is no gatekeeper preventing anyone from viewing it, so I ask that any photos you submit be family-oriented, too. I reserve the right to reject any that I deem not to be.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Wanderings


Your Halloween Photos

Thank you all who sent me your femulating Halloween photos for display in THE FEMULATED slot during the month of October. There is room for more, so send me yours if you haven't already.


I had a wrestling match with YouTube last night and I lost as you can see by the broken video in the AND HER, TOO slot. I will attempt to fix it as soon as I can.

New Cocktail Dress

Looks like I will get my new cocktail dress in time to model at the fashion show on Friday, that is, assuming it fits. Ideeli shipped it yesterday and according to the UPS tracker, it arrived at the local UPS facility this morning, so I will probably get it tomorrow.

Back to Reality

I was on vacation last week. Stayed up late most nights and slept in late most mornings.

So getting up at 5:30 AM Monday morning was difficult. To make matters worse, I now find Orion peeking through the bathroom skylight instead of rays from Mr. Sun.

Day Three of reality and I am still not acclimated to my normal schedule!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween and The Femulated

Twenty-six days until Halloween and my intention is to feature a femulator in Halloween garb in THE FEMULATED: slot of this blog through the 31st of the month.

I assure you I have an adequate number of images to complete the task, but I would love to use Femulate reader Halloween images in THE FEMULATED: slot instead of the images of strangers. So if you are so inclined, send me a femulating image of you from a Halloween past and I will use it before the month is over.

By the way, there have been no announcements at work yet concerning any Halloween doings on the job. It is probably too early; most announcements of that sort arrive in our mailboxes two weeks or so before the event, so there is still time for that. Nevertheless, I plan to work en femme on Halloween whether anything is doing or not. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

1985 = 1895

The caption of today’s “The Femulated” should be 1895, not 1985. 

I will fix it as soon as I can, but I can’t now (although I can publish this post all about it!)

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Femulated readers

Today's The Femulated image is a photo of Femulate reader, Cyrsti, who sent in two photos "for consideration."

I did not solicit the photos, but I think it is a great idea to use reader photos in The Femulated spot occasionally. Therefore, I welcome all Femulate readers to send me photos of their femulations for consideration.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

she's not a man

The Femulated: image (photo right) I posted last night was an error.

My source for the image claimed that the person in the photo was a male. Elaine Armen of Elaine's T* Art Blog fame, commented that she thought that the person looked like fashion model Agyness Deyn. Later, Elaine e-mailed me with proof that the person was indeed Agyness Deyn and not a male.

Sorry about the error and thank you Elaine for the correction.