Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2020

Our Boards

Awhile back, Pinterest demanded that I remove an image from one of my Pinterest boards that violated their community guidelines. Fair enough, but Pinterest did not specify which image among the hundreds I had posted on Pinterest violated their guidelines. When I asked which image was the culprit, all I heard were crickets.

I did not need the hassle, so I terminated my Pinterest account. (By the way, the exact same thing happened with Google AdSense a few years ago. That’s why you no longer see ads on this blog.)

Although I no longer have a Pinterest account, I still have a presence on Pinterest.

When my Pinterest account was active, other Pinterest users saved my photos onto their own Pinterest boards and those images still exist scattered throughout the Pinterest world. As a result, there are more than one Stana boards on Pinterest today. (There are also more than one “Femulate" and “" Pinterest boards.)

One of the most comprehensive Stana Pinterest boards was created and maintained by Tricia Anne Fox. It is so extensive that I decided to link the “view my photos” link in the blog's sidebar to Tricia’s Stana board. So thank you, Tricia, for maintaining my presence on Pinterest.

Tricia has a huge collection of Pinterest boards related to us girls, so check it out; my board is not alone.

Sourced: DressBarn
Wearing DressBarn

Paco León
Paco León (left) femulating in the Mexican Netflix series La Casa de las Flores (The House of Flowers).

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Smarty Panties

Over the weekend, I spent some free time populating my new Pinterest board, Women with their Gurls, with appropriate images that I collected over the years or that I found on other Pinterest boards.

Since I was on a roll, I decided to create yet another Pinterest board called Smarty Panties, my collection of “smart” humor in a femulating vain (pun intended). 

I have been collecting cartoons, comic strips and other attempts at crossdressing humor for a very long time and have amassed over 7,000 images! Some of it is nothing to write here about, but separating the wheat from the chaff, there is some very good stuff in my agglomeration, which I have posted on my Smarty Panties board.


Wearing MDWow

R is for Regis High School in New York City, where John Quinn played Portia in a 1942 production of The Merchant of Venice. According to the school’s yearbook, “In the coveted role of Portia, John Quinn, who has gained a reputation for his fine feminine portrayals, skillfully bore out his characterization of the wealthy young woman.”

Marie-Christine Bouvier
The always lovely Marie-Christine Bouvier rocks a skirt suit in the hotel Quality Hotel Plaza Dresden.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Women with their Gurls

I started a new board on Pinterest called “Women with their Gurls.” It is a collection of pins demonstrating that femulating is becoming so mainstream that women now freely socialize with with femulators (“their gurls”). The pins on that board show cisgender women socializing with their femulating husbands, male wives, boyfriends, sons, male daughters, etc.

The creation of this board is a follow-up to a February post (“Guilt-Free Guilty Pleasure”) where I wrote, “Never before have so many males been so open about crossdressing... especially young males. They crossdress with great abandon and don’t care who knows it. And that encourages other males who may have been on the cusp, to try it themselves.”

And what’s more encouraging than your spouse or significant other being so supportive of your femulating that she is willing to socialize and be seen in public with her gurl! Works for me.

(By the way, there may be some bad pins among the pins I collected. By “bad pin” I mean pins that are not cisgender women with their gurls. Rather, they may be two women or two gurls and not a woman and a gurl. I tried to eliminate all the bad pins, but I might have missed a few.)

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Our K gurl hails from Kingswood High in Missouri. Everything about her screams “Not a civilian” to me because I so identify with her. Like Miss Jones, I was overweight in high school, but it did not stop me from raiding my mother’s and sister’s closets, feminizing my male haircut, wearing Mom’s makeup and clip-on earrings and becoming the girl I so wanted to be. 

Mom and Me (Stana and her Mother)
Mom and Me (Stana and her Mother)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I'd Wear This

I'd Wear This (if I was 29-years-old), but I
could be persuaded to wear this Now! LOL
If you visit my Pinterest page, you will notice that among the 16 boards I have created, there are three named "I'd Wear This." The three boards differ according to age... "I'd Wear This (if I was 16-years-old)," "I'd Wear This (if I was 29-years-old)" and just plain "I'd Wear This," which is short for "I'd Wear This (Now)," that is, at my current age.

Ignore the 16-years-old board because I just started it and it only includes one pin. But if you compare the 29-years-old and Now boards, you will notice that the main difference between the two are the hemlines. The 29-year-old hemlines are thigh-high, whereas the Now hemlines are knee-centric, although there are some thigh-high numbers among the Now hemlines, too.

In reality, the hemlines in my closet are almost equally divided between knee-centric and thigh-high.

So what's with the short hemlines, Stana?

Two reasons:

1. I like shorter hemlines because I have shapely legs and like to show them off.

2. But as I have said in the past, "My skirt's not too short – my legs are too long!" and there is a lot of truth to that because at my height (six feet two), most hemlines will be short on me because they are intended for women who are six inches (or more) shorter than I am.

So I am stuck buying skirts and dresses with short hemlines. (Poor, baby!).



Source: ShopBop
Wearing Theory sweater and skirt.

Jerzy Grzechnik
Jerzy Grzechnik femulates Florence Welch on the Polish television version of Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Cures for Gender Dysphoria

By Susan King, Transitioning into Tomorrow

Five things I do when my gender dysphoria kicks in and I am locked in the closet.

1. Take some time to pamper myself like take a bubble bath, shave my body hair, watch TV while giving myself a manicure

2. Create a pretty outfit on Polyvore.

3. Build a nice board on Pinterest.

4. Read a book. I am currently reading books with transgender or woman lead characters. I love SF books, so I am trying authors of SF books with female leads. I have tried fiction books with a transgender theme. But I have not found the right author.

5. Snuggle under a nice soft blanket and watch a comedy with a female lead. I get some popcorn and a diet soda (water now) and enjoy.

These five things do not always work. But I will  try one of them when I am stuck in the closet.

How do you handle your gender dysphoria?

Source: HauteLook
Wearing Trina Turk.

Wanda Zambella
Wanda Zambella, mid-20th Century professional femulator

Friday, August 12, 2016

Too Good To Be True

There is a lot of trans stuff on the Internet that is the product of people’s imagination, wishful thinking and/or Photoshop.

Spend a few minutes viewing a few trans pages on Pinterest and you will see photos of purported transwomen who look too good to be true. In fact, there is a trans Pinterest page called “Maybe Too Good To Be True.”

Same thing on YouTube.

Recently, there have been some YouTube videos showing young men transformed into drop dead gorgeous women. I smell a rat when the whole video has a musical soundtrack that masks what is really going on; you cannot hear any conversations that might reveal the truth, nor can you hear the voices of the "girls.” Another giveaway is when the video does not permit comments (no news is bad news).

A little research can also reveal fabrications.

A video from an academy in Peru showed up earlier this year showing male students getting dressed to kill as girls to pose for the fund-raising calendar.

I was suspicious because the calendar was dated 2014, but the video did not appear until this year, not to mention that the whole video had a masking musical soundtrack and comments were disabled. So I did a little Googling and found a handful of other videos from the academy. Turned out that the boys in those videos were youngsters, whereas the “boys” in the calendar video were high school or college-aged.

This blog has been guilty of publishing trans fabrications, too.

I try to weed out the fakes, but sometimes I miss the obvious. For example, a recent post about boys wearing bras contained references that revealed its obvious fakery. When a few readers pointed out what I had missed, I removed the fake immediately.

Other times, people have written first person accounts that have elements right out of trans fiction. I took the writers at their word, but some readers wrote to me that the stories were “too good to be true.”

Without proof, I find myself between a rock and a hard place, so I let the post live on in infamy with a promise to myself be more careful in the future.

Source: Brahmin
Wearing Brahmin.

Antonio Pavon femulates Sabrina Salerno on Peruvian television's Tu Cara Me Suena.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tuesday Thoughts

You Can Look It Up

I just learned that the word I created, femulate, has been submitted for inclusion in an online dictionary "pending investigation."

Dressing Room Selfies

Dunno if you heard about the transwoman who was arrested taking photos of another woman inside a unisex dressing room in a store in Idaho, which does wonders for our cause... NOT.

When I try on clothes in a dressing room, I often take selfies of myself to see how the camera sees what I an wearing. In light of the Idaho case and the general brouhaha about transpeople using facilities intended for the gender they are presenting as, I will think twice about taking dressing room mirror selfies.

I don't want to be accused of being a voyeur if the flash of my iPhone camera goes off while I am in the dressing room. (I usually have the flash turned off for mirror selfies, but sometimes I forget.)

Pinning Womanless Beauty Pageants

Guest poster, Susan King (of  Transitioning Into Tomorrow fame), wrote, "I have been reading the Femulate blog for years. One of the subjects I love are the womanless beauty pageants. So I created a Pinterest board of males who try to femulate for a pageant."

I have my own Pinterest board called "No Girls Allowed," which is a collection of womanless pageants, fashion shows, weddings, etc. And if you use the Pinterest Search option, it will turn up even more womanless pins... lots more!

Source: Nine West
Wearing Nine West.

Dads in Drag
A recent "Dads in Drag" contestant

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Femulate: The Word

Source: The Femulate Lifestyle
Sira Siravitch Kamonworawut from "The Femulate Lifestyle"
When I started this blog, I created the word "femulate" and used it as the name of the blog. The word caught on and I often see it used by members of our community.

Christopher Morley, the professional femulator of film and television fame wrote to me once that he loved the word adding that femulate was "so much more accurate than 'female impersonator,'" which he never cared for and "drag queen," which he loathed.

"The Femulate Lifestyle," "tHe Art oF feMuLate" and "Femulate Brasil" are three websites that I am aware of that use the word in their title  there may be more.

"That lady likes to Femulate" and "femulate" are two boards on Pinterest and then there is "Pins from" that contains hundreds of images from my blog that were pinned by me and other Pinterest users. I have no idea how that board works. There is no visible owner of the board, that is, someone who is manually pinning pinned images from my blog, so I assume a Pinterest robot searches all its pins, collects the pinned images from the same source and displays them on a board like "Pins from"

Try it yourself. In the URL,, replace with your favorite website and see what happens.

Have Fun!

Source: Rent the Runway

Phil Johnson
Actor Phil Johnson on the San Diego stage in She Rantulas from Outer Space in 3D!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

in the Dress

Actor Billy Kennedy portraying The Boy in the Dress
in a BBC made-for-television movie.
The Boy in the Dress

The Boy in the Dress is a children's book written by David Walliams, a British comedian best known around here for his femulations on television's Little Britain. Published in 2008, The Boy in the Dress presents the story of a crossdressing youth in a very positive light.

I was aware of the book, but did not pay much attention to it until recently, when I came across Internet images of young boys and their teachers going to school en femme to celebrate World Book Day. On that day, students and teachers attend school dressed as characters from a book.

Evidently, Dennis, the boy in The Boy in the Dress, was a very popular costume choice this past World Book Day, at least in the UK. I did not notice any Dennis costumes in the USA, but they might have slipped under my radar.

The Gurl in the Dress

I post images on Pinterest and I just created a Pinterest board titled "Stana Does Halloween." The board contains photos of all my Halloween femulations going back to 1976! Some of the photos have never been published anywhere before, so they are quite collectible, i.e., they have been collecting a lot of dust.


Source: Brahmin
Wearing Brahmin.

She wears the pants in this relationship.
She wears the pants in this relationship.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pining for Real World Pins

Real-World-GurlsAt least once a day, I check Pinterest to see what's new on the boards I am following. Most of the boards that I follow are transgender-related; the others are fashion-related.

Some of the images on the transgender boards are too good to be true, that is, they purport to represent femulators, but the femulations are so perfect that it makes me wonder. Tiny waists and/or huge cleavage usually alerts my not-trans radar.

My favorite transgender boards are those that show femulators out and about in the real world amongst civilians. Diane Demoiselle's Real World Gurls board is my favorite in this category. Although most of the images on Diane's board show femulators posing at home or in a hotel room, there are images peppered throughout her board like the one accompanying this post showing transwomen really out of the shadow of the closet and being female in our society.

If you are Pinteresting, are you aware of any other boards that concentrate on femulators who are out and about?

And while we’re at it, what are your favorite transgender-related boards?

Please share and share alike.





Source: Light in the Box

Wearing Light in the Box.






Actor Lou Diamond Phillips in 2003 film Hollywood Homocide (see her in motion here).
(Thank you, Cheryl)