Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Photoshop Challenge

In my Mothers and Sons post, I wished I had a photo of my mother with me en femme. Meg threw down the gauntlet, “You're pretty good at photoshop. You should be able to make that picture.”

I accepted her challenge.

I had plenty of photos of moi, but I had no idea how many photos I had of Mom. After going through the family photo albums, it turned out not many.

I chose two photos for the effort. One, which I believe was her high school graduation photo taken in a photo studio, was from around 1940. The second, taken atop the Empire State Building, was from 1949.

The challenge was trying to make my relatively current photos look like photos from the mid-20th Century.

Turned out that the 1940 photo was easier to match than the 1949 photo. It took about an hour to achieve the results that appear in the previous Femulator slot. The Empire State Building photo accompanying this post took over three times as
long and I am still not satisfied with the results, but the effort taught me some more about using Photoshop.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

L is for this Lovely Lass from Lee High School in Columbus, Mississippi. Her perfect hairdo, makeup, figure and accessories gave her away as “Not a Civilian?”

Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Thin Man

Thin Man in Orange Dress
Thin Man in White Dress
Thin Man in Orange Dress - Full Length

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Like it’s 1968


If you have been following along here for awhile, you know that I express myself with graphics as well as with words.

I can create a cartoon or fumetti relatively quickly once I come up with the words or punch-line for a joke. On the other hand, Photoshopped artwork can take hours, but I enjoy doing it, so the time flies by when I do it.

With that introduction, I present a new piece of Photoshop artwork. Titled Stanley Getting Dressed, Circa 1968, it represents the undergarments I was femulating with back in the late 1960s. (The image started out as a vintage bra and/or girdle advertisement that I found on the Internet.)

I hope you like it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Formal Portrait Via Photoshop

Denise e-mailed me some photos that she shot at Fantasia Fair. I liked one of the photos so much that I decided to convert it into a formal portrait.

Using Photoshop, I replaced the original background (a banquet hall) with a gold backdrop. I also deleted the name badge lanyard from around my neck and touched up my makeup.

I am very happy with the results.