Showing posts with label Miqqi Gilbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miqqi Gilbert. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

Heroes and Friends


During Fantasia Fair, there were so many things to do that I did not have much time to write, so I posted a few words and a "photo of the day" (after all, a picture is worth a thousand words).

I will write more about what happened in Provincetown in this and in the next few posts. I took over 350 photos during Fantasia Fair, so I have a lot to show you, too!

Sunday Redux

Previously, I wrote a short post about Sunday at Fantasia Fair.

At the Welcoming Reception at Saki Restaurant, I encountered Miqqi Gilbert at the bar. Miqqi is the Executive Director of the Fair and one of my trans heroes. She is a professor in York University in Toronto, Canada, and she is out about her transness to one and all. Some days she shows up for her classes en femme and other days, en homme

I asked Miqqi to pose for a photo with me. She happily obliged, the bartender manned my camera, and the result accompanies this post.

As I sampled the various Japanese foods served by the waitstaff, my ham radio trans sister Melissa Cross showed up and as it turned out, we hung out together through most of the Fair. She was great company and often served as my photographer whenever I felt the need to pose for yet another photo. (I also did her bidding and gladly took her photo whenever she asked.)

Melissa also convinced me to try sushi. I have tried it in the past and I found that I could take it or leave it. But the sushi at Saki seemed to be more to my liking (or I was very hungry) and I sampled a variety of the sushi that the restaurant offered.

Reviewing my photos from Sunday night, I was surprised how short my skirt looked; a "scandalous hemline" as I wrote last week. But this was Provincetown where almost anything goes and my hemline got even shorter as the week progressed.